
Fedora Workstation

306 Members
Fedora Workstation (GNOME) developer room | Please use #fedora:fedoraproject.org for general help | Meeting: Every Tue 10:00 US Eastern, Meeting link: https://meet.google.com/jod-dkmw-ibd | Issue tracker: https://pagure.io/fedora-workstation/27 Servers

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25 Jul 2024
@jsbillings:fedora.imjsbillingsI think someone in Fedora got one for testing15:10:36
* @nirik:matrix.scrye.comnirik 's yoga 7x shows up monday now. :)15:18:05
@juhp:matrix.orgJens Petersenptyxis alpha seems to work okay with vte291 0.77 btw - though I wanted to test new toolbox tabs, but of course toolbox isn't working currently in rawhide... :sadface:16:20:55
@juhp:matrix.orgJens Petersen * ptyxis 47 alpha seems to work okay with vte291 0.77 btw - though I wanted to test new toolbox tabs, but of course toolbox isn't working currently in rawhide... :sadface:16:21:56
@juhp:matrix.orgJens PetersenMaybe I could try if it works in F40...16:23:33
@juhp:matrix.orgJens Petersen * Maybe I could try if it works in F40... hm16:23:38
@mcatanzaro:gnome.orgMichael Catanzaro
In reply to @juhp:matrix.org
Maybe I could try if it works in F40...
It works in F40. Just tested it.
@juhp:matrix.orgJens Petersenhttps://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/petersen/vte-test/16:30:27
@naraiank:fedora.imThe Exorcist changed their profile picture.19:05:23
@naraiank:fedora.imThe Exorcist removed their profile picture.19:05:49
@naraiank:fedora.imThe Exorcist set a profile picture.19:06:15
@jrelvas:fedora.imJosé Relvas
In reply to @acerspyro:matrix.org
does this monstrosity even still fit on your lap?
Yes - until it melts
@levi:envs.netᥫ᭡ 𐑖ミꪜᴵ𝔦 ᥫ᭡ changed their profile picture.22:09:40
26 Jul 2024
@mattscreative19099:matrix.orgmattscreative19099has anyone figured out why 6.10.1 failed to build? 08:18:33
@juhp:matrix.orgJens Petersen mattscreative19099: ? 08:22:21
@naraiank:fedora.imThe Exorcist changed their profile picture.14:37:03
@porcelainmouse:matrix.orgporcelainmouseNow, this is what I call a Workstation20:18:57
Download computer-engery-use.jpg
In reply to @porcelainmouse:matrix.org
sent an image.
lmao imma need a full device pic
@acerspyro:matrix.orgVeryLoudthis looks like some wild machinery20:22:03
Download computer-side.jpg
@porcelainmouse:matrix.orgporcelainmouseNaw, just my daily driver.20:30:46
In reply to @porcelainmouse:matrix.org
sent an image.
I thought it was a laptop?
@porcelainmouse:matrix.orgporcelainmouseoh sorry20:32:47
@porcelainmouse:matrix.orgporcelainmouseI was just reacting to the "melting" comment. I like the idea of a dual Threadripper system, though. Laptop or not.20:33:45
@porcelainmouse:matrix.orgporcelainmouse set a profile picture.20:38:00
@porcelainmouse:matrix.orgporcelainmouse changed their profile picture.20:43:13
@mcatanzaro:gnome.orgMichael CatanzaroAny computer can be a laptop if you simply put it on your lap21:02:23
@mcatanzaro:gnome.orgMichael CatanzaroHowever at 974W you might find the 1 minute battery life disappointing21:03:17
@farchord:matrix.orgFarchord (Steve Cossette)
In reply to @mcatanzaro:gnome.org
Any computer can be a laptop if you simply put it on your lap
My computer is a r9 7900x. The fans would probably propel me through the wall

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