
Grupo Principal

182 Members
16 Servers

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10 Aug 2024
@galahad.gwalchavad:matrix.orggalahad.gwalchavad joined the room.01:08:34
25 Aug 2024
@jaqueline:monero.socialjaqueline joined the room.12:18:01
9 Sep 2024
@hopeful137:monero.socialEduardo joined the room.03:54:42
11 Sep 2024
@darkspiders:matrix.orgdarkspiders joined the room.03:19:19
@catholicknight:matrix.org@catholicknight:matrix.org joined the room.15:44:08
12 Sep 2024
@old-man-mariner:matrix.orgOld Man Mariner joined the room.14:14:45
15 Sep 2024
@record3771:monero.socialrecord3771 joined the room.16:03:08
16 Sep 2024
@catholicknight:matrix.org@catholicknight:matrix.org joined the room.17:25:56
@catholicknight:matrix.org@catholicknight:matrix.org left the room.17:26:01

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