16 Jan 2023 |
本间心铃 | 不过他们是装的 | 09:41:07 |
🤗 |  Download image.jpeg | 09:40:31 |
🤗 |  Download image.jpeg | 09:40:31 |
🤗 |  Download image.jpeg | 09:40:30 |
| 习近平 庆丰大帝 set a profile picture. | 09:41:24 |
🤗 | 讽刺包子的😂 | 09:40:30 |
| FOR EVER joined the room. | 09:44:01 |
una | 赛博朋克2023 | 09:44:56 |
una |  Download image.jpeg | 09:44:46 |
| 张 献忠 joined the room. | 09:46:05 |
| fwefqweddwdw joined the room. | 09:47:40 |
NPC coding | In reply to 本间心铃 目前来看确实有点作死,但也只能这样 玩游戏玩的挺多 | 09:48:24 |
王哈伊明 | In reply to una sent an image 包子特色输出革命(大嘘) | 09:49:11 |
王哈伊明 | 这下有福同享了 | 09:49:23 |
| madao madao joined the room. | 09:49:28 |
madao madao | 赛博宗教 | 09:49:27 |
太阳🌞 | Download unnamed_file.mp4 | 09:52:47 |
太阳🌞 | 习近平同志来视察群聊 | 09:52:58 |
🤗 |  Download image.jpeg | 09:53:42 |
🤗 | 类人的资产阶级专家😅 | 09:53:42 |
🤗 | In reply to una sent an image 感觉特色现在像上世纪的美帝,专门和那些反动透顶的独裁政权勾结,比如镇压哈萨克斯坦人民、勾结塔利班和卡塔尔 | 09:54:56 |
shabi woshi | our son of bitch警告😋 | 09:55:26 |
| shabi woshi changed their display name from shabi woshi to 傻逼 我是. | 09:55:27 |
🤗 | 连美帝都没那么蠢了 | 09:55:42 |
| liuxing joined the room. | 09:55:57 |
shabi woshi | 这叫走投无路 | 09:56:03 |
| shabi woshi changed their display name from 傻逼 我是 to shabi woshi. | 09:56:03 |
shabi woshi | 反正最后特色必败 | 09:56:13 |
shabi woshi | 如果左派什么都不做那么最后最好的结果也就是苏联解体之类的。 | 09:56:31 |
🤗 | In reply to 🤗 连美帝都没那么蠢了 美帝支持的蒋光头、南越、古巴还有各伪政权都失败了,特色也没吸取点教训😁😅 | 09:58:45 |