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28 May 2021
@awesomesheep48:matrix.orgAwesomeSheep48Couldn't you just use Let's Encrypt for the certificate?17:25:44
@kuhlmann.markus:matrix.kusys.deherrkpunkt.cryptoHey everyone, let's consider the following: I have generated a key to publish an IPNS name with in js-ipfs. Is there a way to derive the IPNS name, without using the key in publish()? I can't find a method that does this.. Thanks in advance!17:28:43
@discordian:matrix.thedisco.zoneDiscordian I haven't played much with IPNS in js-ipfs, I know in go-ipfs you can just do ipfs key list -l 🤔 17:37:55
@discordian:matrix.thedisco.zoneDiscordian herrkpunkt.crypto: what about ipfs.key.list();? https://github.com/ipfs/js-ipfs/blob/master/docs/core-api/KEY.md#ipfskeylistoptions 17:38:52
@kuhlmann.markus:matrix.kusys.deherrkpunkt.crypto Discordian: Hey, thanks! I believe ipfs key list just prints out the "names" of the keys. You can give them names during creation. What I need is the resulting IPNS hash. 17:40:40
@discordian:matrix.thedisco.zoneDiscordian You need the -l 17:40:50
@faynealdan:matrix.orgFayne Aldan
In reply to @_slack_filecoinproject_US7UEQUAU:ipfs.io
Buy a HTTPS certificate and install ncgix?
What is ncgix?
In reply to @kuhlmann.markus:matrix.kusys.de
Discordian: Hey, thanks! I believe ipfs key list just prints out the "names" of the keys. You can give them names during creation. What I need is the resulting IPNS hash.
For the js-ipfs function, it says it also gives the derived CID, but I didn't try it out.
@discordian:matrix.thedisco.zoneDiscordianOr derived IPNS hash (more clear)17:42:06
@discordian:matrix.thedisco.zoneDiscordianYeah I just tried it out, seems to work well17:42:54
@kuhlmann.markus:matrix.kusys.deherrkpunkt.cryptoAh, OK. I didn't try that one yet, since I falsely believed it just lists the names.🤪 Thanks so much 👍17:43:04
@discordian:matrix.thedisco.zoneDiscordianHaha no problem! 👍️17:43:28
In reply to @faynealdan:matrix.org
What is ncgix?
nginx, it is server software
@faynealdan:matrix.orgFayne AldanOkay, but where do I actually get the IPFS gateway from?17:48:34
In reply to @faynealdan:matrix.org
Okay, but where do I actually get the IPFS gateway from?
You can spin up a VPS for like $5/mo with NGINX and LetsEncrypt and run the IPfS gateway
In reply to @faynealdan:matrix.org
Okay, but where do I actually get the IPFS gateway from?
Your node hosts a local gateway by default, you can reverse proxy it.
@faynealdan:matrix.orgFayne Aldanohhh17:49:13
@faynealdan:matrix.orgFayne Aldanyeah I know nothing about IPFS lol17:49:28
@faynealdan:matrix.orgFayne AldanThat’s kinda cool ngl17:49:38
@discordian:matrix.thedisco.zoneDiscordianHaha it's cool, gotta start somewhere17:49:42
In reply to @faynealdan:matrix.org
That’s kinda cool ngl
Yes! If you use ipfs-companion, you can set it up to automatically redirect IPFS related things to your local node in your browser.
@discordian:matrix.thedisco.zoneDiscordianI use it every day, one of my favourite features.17:50:17
@faynealdan:matrix.orgFayne Aldan Yeah I figured that out. I just didn’t realize the local gateway was good for production / public use-cases. 17:50:43
@discordian:matrix.thedisco.zoneDiscordianOh yeah of course, a gateway is just a node you can access. As that link will point out, public gateways don't usually have write access, so you just restrict that, and local gateways can.17:51:48
@faynealdan:matrix.orgFayne Aldan Altho I wish the companion would automatically pull the port of your local gateway. I’ve had my IPFS Desktop be unable to bind the port, so it picked a different port and broke companion. 17:52:15
@discordian:matrix.thedisco.zoneDiscordianYeah, not sure how it'd detect it, but it'd definitely be nicer to have a better solution eventually17:52:41
@faynealdan:matrix.orgFayne AldanIsn’t there an API?17:52:49
@discordian:matrix.thedisco.zoneDiscordianI've had Brave explode in many creative ways interacting with IPFS things17:52:54
@faynealdan:matrix.orgFayne Aldan* Isn’t there an API on a different port?17:52:58

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