
MassMesh General

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1 Mar 2022
@dulanw:matrix.orgDulanwok thanks23:25:14
3 Mar 2022
@chile09:matrix.org@chile09:matrix.org changed their display name from rolodondo34934 to rolodondo34.05:58:30
@felixcmd:matrix.orgFe1ix joined the room.10:42:06
4 Mar 2022
@hmoghani:matrix.orghmoghaniHi, who should I contact to add my ipv6 to the access list?22:05:45
@hmoghani:matrix.orghmoghaniI think everything is all set in my setup except registration part23:01:56
@hmoghani:matrix.orghmoghaniScreen Shot 2022-03-04 at 6.01.36 PM.png
Download Screen Shot 2022-03-04 at 6.01.36 PM.png
@hmoghani:matrix.orghmoghani * I think everything is all set in my setup except for the registration part23:02:31
5 Mar 2022
@jokeefe:matrix.orgjokeefeWhat is your up address in the Yggdrasil node status page?00:08:50
@jokeefe:matrix.orgjokeefe IP address 00:09:01
20 Mar 2022
@user567:matrix.org@user567:matrix.org joined the room.16:11:57
24 Mar 2022
@mpv0f:darc.deKai (DO3KN) changed their display name from Kai DO3KN to Kai (DO3KN, Y08).15:22:28
@8bk74:darc.deDetlef DH3DM joined the room.21:15:31
26 Mar 2022
@peturbg:bgzashtita.espeturbg joined the room.07:46:28
@jokeefe:matrix.orgjokeefe hi peturbg 16:11:23
27 Mar 2022
@peturbg:bgzashtita.espeturbgIm new on mesh. I have sercomm h500 s openwrt is there way install libremesh. I read if it support opentwrp then it can be installed. But how.01:15:41
@jokeefe:matrix.orgjokeefeConveniently, OpenWRT has a page for that device: https://openwrt.org/toh/sercomm/h500-s. The installation instructions are there. Hope that helps.13:03:00
In reply to @jokeefe:matrix.org
Conveniently, OpenWRT has a page for that device: https://openwrt.org/toh/sercomm/h500-s. The installation instructions are there. Hope that helps.
I install it from there. But i need libremesh. From they website comment, if openwrt is avaibl then mesh will be working. They dont comment how to be installed.
@jokeefe:matrix.orgjokeefeThe OEM easy install section doesn't do what you need?13:25:21
In reply to @jokeefe:matrix.org
The OEM easy install section doesn't do what you need?
You mean oem operation system ?
@jokeefe:matrix.orgjokeefeI expect you would need to use a variation of these instructions to get the firmware on the device: https://massmesh.org/wiki/index.php?title=Node_Setup#Install_the_Mass_Mesh_Firmware13:52:13
In reply to @jokeefe:matrix.org
I expect you would need to use a variation of these instructions to get the firmware on the device: https://massmesh.org/wiki/index.php?title=Node_Setup#Install_the_Mass_Mesh_Firmware
Aja you mean to install firmware. That is easy. I mean is the massmesh firmware generall for all devices or like opentwrp eveey device has his proper image
@jokeefe:matrix.orgjokeefe Stephen304: / cure - Would you be able to help peturbg with his setup? 15:58:57
@Stephen304:matrix.orgStephen304For a new device we would need to add a profile for our firmware. If you want to use libremesh installed it just depends on if they have a build for it. I can give it a shot to see if I can build a massmesh firmware for that model.17:55:29
@Stephen304:matrix.orgStephen304It would also be good to check whether the Broadcom radio in it supports mesh mode if you want to use it to mesh wirelessly. 17:56:30
@Stephen304:matrix.orgStephen304Using the openwrt firmware on the openwrt wiki to check if you can set the radio to 802.11s would be a good step ( https://openwrt.org/toh/sercomm/h500-s#installation )17:59:07
In reply to @Stephen304:matrix.org
For a new device we would need to add a profile for our firmware. If you want to use libremesh installed it just depends on if they have a build for it. I can give it a shot to see if I can build a massmesh firmware for that model.
Hi guys. You are super. I like made it myself. I imagine it cant be easy. So from where begin to build massmesh.
@peturbg:bgzashtita.espeturbgIs there manual who prepare building and compile. As for if something bad happend, i read for serial cable. But didnt understand it. Do you sell cable, i can make myself, but my solder is too fat and about small places how you do it ? What solder model is good ?21:01:48
@Stephen304:matrix.orgStephen304To make a profile for that device you would need to copy the rpi-4 folder here and change the folder name and settings.sh file to reflect the target and profile values listed on the openwrt info page for the device https://github.com/MassMesh/meta-imagebuilder/tree/main/communities/massmesh/meshnode/rpi-4 (it should be bcm63xx/smp and sercomm_h500-s-lowi or vfes, there's a command to get the full list of profile names)21:35:52

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