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2 Jun 2024
@quantenzitrone:matrix.orgzitrone changed their display name from Zitrone [📞2757] to zitrone.18:25:12
3 Jun 2024
@miyaco:matrix.orgmiyaco left the room.02:57:08
10 Jun 2024
@talvdav:matrix.orgtalvdav left the room.14:00:26
14 Jun 2024
@mertbhey:matrix.orgMert left the room.16:31:20
21 Jun 2024
@auronandace:matrix.orgauronandace left the room.08:17:50
30 Jun 2024
@omniwrench:matrix.orgomniwrench joined the room.11:38:44
3 Jul 2024
@iaxat:matrix.orgx joined the room.10:40:23
@iaxat:matrix.orgxI was wondering that Gitea at one time was also community run and later on the community was shocked when the rug was pulled and it was moved under a private org, which ofcourse led to the creation of codeberg. i was wondering what steps lapse has taken so it stays a community run and owned project and do not shift to a private org later one, has the community thought about pulling it under non-profit org to be future safe.11:54:43
In reply to @iaxat:matrix.org
I was wondering that Gitea at one time was also community run and later on the community was shocked when the rug was pulled and it was moved under a private org, which ofcourse led to the creation of codeberg.
i was wondering what steps lapse has taken so it stays a community run and owned project and do not shift to a private org later one, has the community thought about pulling it under non-profit org to be future safe.
why would that matter?
In reply to @iaxat:matrix.org
I was wondering that Gitea at one time was also community run and later on the community was shocked when the rug was pulled and it was moved under a private org, which ofcourse led to the creation of codeberg.
i was wondering what steps lapse has taken so it stays a community run and owned project and do not shift to a private org later one, has the community thought about pulling it under non-profit org to be future safe.
also I would recommend to actually learn what happened, because codeberg existed before and what you meant is forgejo, gitea is still ran by the same people as before the gitea ltd. was created, there is no such thing as private org, and you probably meant for-profit company, a "private" org could be a non-profit org, in either case it doesn't change anything since gitea is still opensource
In reply to @panekj:matrix.org
why would that matter?
it does matter
@iaxat:matrix.orgxwith time a private org for profit changes the project goals18:22:40
@iaxat:matrix.orgxthen monetisation becomes the sole focus18:23:00
@iaxat:matrix.orgxdon't mean to say free software should not make money18:23:13
@iaxat:matrix.orgxbut when it concentrates in few hands thats a problem18:23:24
@panekj:matrix.orgpjwell I have bad news for you, the project is "concetrated in few hands" already18:23:58
In reply to @panekj:matrix.org
well I have bad news for you, the project is "concetrated in few hands" already
yup that is bad news
@panekj:matrix.orgpjthere's only 3 people semi-actively working on it18:24:43
@panekj:matrix.orgpjbut if it was a non/for-profit or private/public, it doesn't make any difference18:25:19
In reply to @panekj:matrix.org
also I would recommend to actually learn what happened, because codeberg existed before and what you meant is forgejo, gitea is still ran by the same people as before the gitea ltd. was created, there is no such thing as private org, and you probably meant for-profit company, a "private" org could be a non-profit org, in either case it doesn't change anything since gitea is still opensource

yup codeberg has moved to forgejo after that gitea stunt - its the same thing as google's android and degoogled android - it does make difference.
if this project already have an ownership sturcture then I don't have much to add.
But if the project does not have that - what I found in some articles/reddit online - then just thought to give my 2 cent advice.

thanks for responding though

@panekj:matrix.orgpjforgejo is a spite fork with terrible GNU mentality of "IT MUST BE FREE", there wasn't any gitea stunt18:29:53
@iaxat:matrix.orgxwe have different opinion about something we dont have to agree18:30:53
5 Jul 2024
@aleksana:mozilla.orgaleksana (force me to bed after 18:00 UTC) changed their display name from aleksana to aleksana (force me to bed after 18:00 UTC).18:58:58
6 Jul 2024
@chocolateloverraj:matrix.orgRajas ParanjpeIs Zed better than Lapce?02:33:51
@chocolateloverraj:matrix.orgRajas ParanjpeI think it is but I haven't tried Lapce in a long time so idk02:34:08
7 Jul 2024
@ric21000:matrix.orgThibaut left the room.17:58:12
9 Jul 2024
@robbie.monero:matrix.orgrobbie.monero left the room.20:14:48
10 Jul 2024
@wilker:matrix.orgWilker left the room.06:17:24
11 Jul 2024
@flux:matrix.orgflux joined the room.12:23:51

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