

183 Members
Talk about the Lapce editor. https://lapce.dev/29 Servers

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15 Jul 2023
@tengkuizdihar:matrix.orgFPS DEV GUY (izdihar)yo04:24:18
@paulo:envs.netPaulo changed their profile picture.06:25:20
@bram:vdb.network@bram:vdb.network changed their profile picture.19:32:44
16 Jul 2023
@miles:matrix.hotdog.expertMiles joined the room.17:55:07
18 Jul 2023
@ersaul:matrix.orgSaul Espinoza Ruiz joined the room.16:24:36
19 Jul 2023
@bitwolf:fedora.imbitwolf joined the room.06:24:54
20 Jul 2023
@11k:matrix.orgKabelo M'sobomvu Moiloa joined the room.09:05:28
23 Jul 2023
@zexu:matrix.orgzexu changed their profile picture.12:02:40
25 Jul 2023
@manta:blackline.xyz@manta:blackline.xyz left the room.17:37:21
27 Jul 2023
@moke:matrix.creeper-it.de@moke:matrix.creeper-it.de left the room.13:55:46
28 Jul 2023
@mar:kescher.at@mar:kescher.at joined the room.08:12:48
31 Jul 2023
@titaniumtown:matrix.org@titaniumtown:matrix.org joined the room.14:18:16
2 Aug 2023
@titaniumtown:matrix.org@titaniumtown:matrix.org left the room.03:22:47
@zarathir:matrix.org@zarathir:matrix.org left the room.10:35:06
8 Aug 2023
@calisti:tchncs.de@calisti:tchncs.de joined the room.19:34:59
9 Aug 2023
@aleksana:mozilla.orgaleksana (force me to bed after 18:00 UTC) changed their profile picture.14:42:40
10 Aug 2023
@starryuwu:converser.eu@starryuwu:converser.eu left the room.22:48:07
13 Aug 2023
@rails:mozilla.orgrails joined the room.16:13:51
14 Aug 2023
@srid:matrix.orgsrid (=> nixos.zulipchat.com) joined the room.14:29:10
19 Aug 2023
@anulo2:olimpololaschi.com_Zaizen_ joined the room.11:12:33
21 Aug 2023
@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net joined the room.02:24:14
@marcioreyes:matrix.orgMárcio Reyes joined the room.23:40:03
22 Aug 2023
@deathstar312:matrix.orgdeathstar312 joined the room.00:39:39
@wiiznokes:matrix.org@wiiznokes:matrix.org joined the room.00:59:43
@dector:matrix.org@dector:matrix.org left the room.12:11:26
31 Aug 2023
@eken:matrix.org🇹🇰 Eken 🇹🇰 joined the room.06:04:40
2 Sep 2023
@myki:matrix.orgmyki set a profile picture.08:10:49
@myki:matrix.orgmyki changed their profile picture.08:11:59
@myki:matrix.orgmyki removed their profile picture.08:31:56

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