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25 Apr 2023
@rampage4959:m.wfr.moe@rampage4959:m.wfr.moeI dont fucking know bro 02:19:10
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777yeah i see what you're saying02:19:25
@rampage4959:m.wfr.moe@rampage4959:m.wfr.moeyeah but we should be cool were not doing nothing bad but if u still value your privacy u made the right choice by coming here 02:20:17
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777no doubt02:20:36
@rampage4959:m.wfr.moe@rampage4959:m.wfr.moeyeah bro plus idk bruh I feel like this is better depending on the room you're in 02:29:51
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777oh, matrix isn't for every one..... i came from discord originally, but it kept getting worse and more restrictive, and at a certain point they eventually said you would have to have bots approved by discord devs to be allowed to have the bot in more than 100 servers, and also they changed the bot API radically to where my bot wouldn't even run any more with out having to refactor most of it from absolute scratch...... and that's when i decided to just jump ship completely to matrix...02:31:45
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777but matrix has a lot less people on it than discord does, so that is why i say it isn't for every one.. you kind of have to not care about the huge lack of people on it..02:32:08
@rampage4959:m.wfr.moe@rampage4959:m.wfr.moeoh ok 02:32:12
@rampage4959:m.wfr.moe@rampage4959:m.wfr.moeyeah its gonna grow but most kids are on discord 02:32:35
@rampage4959:m.wfr.moe@rampage4959:m.wfr.moesay for example cocomelon 02:32:47
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777i think on discord we had a server with about 700 people on it at one point (most of them not active, but still)...... that's what we left when we came here..02:32:51
@rampage4959:m.wfr.moe@rampage4959:m.wfr.moehas more that adult swim 02:32:54
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777i tried to get some of the people to come here, and some did, but most didn't... but oh well..02:33:39
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777i'm a person that is okay with just talking to a few close friends... i don't need lots of interaction from lots of random people on the internet all the time..02:34:02
@rampage4959:m.wfr.moe@rampage4959:m.wfr.moeyeah 02:34:20
@rampage4959:m.wfr.moe@rampage4959:m.wfr.moeim trrusting that this site will be more privacy than discord so they cant "see our messages" if thats a thing around here 02:35:03
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777are you running your own homeserver or what02:36:07
@rampage4959:m.wfr.moe@rampage4959:m.wfr.moenah 02:36:16
@rampage4959:m.wfr.moe@rampage4959:m.wfr.moeare you02:36:23
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777no, i don't own nerdsin.space.. but you are on an uncommon homeserver so i figured maybe you are running your own homeserver..02:37:03
@rampage4959:m.wfr.moe@rampage4959:m.wfr.moeoh ok 02:37:23
@rampage4959:m.wfr.moe@rampage4959:m.wfr.moeyeah no I just found it on a list of good servers 02:37:38
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777oh okay neat02:37:44
@rampage4959:m.wfr.moe@rampage4959:m.wfr.moe]ill try to run my own though02:37:48
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777but yeah.... well.... matrix CAN be better privacy..... you don't have one centralized thing looking at your messages... but the messages are not encrypted usually unless you are in an encrypted channel/DM02:38:18
@rampage4959:m.wfr.moe@rampage4959:m.wfr.moeright 02:39:04
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777the disadvantage is that it isn't implemented in the most intuitive way possible..... not sure if it will improve later but... it is still easy enough for DMs and small rooms.. (side note: a DM is still just a room as far as matrix is concerned, just with 2 people in it)02:40:24
@ff777:nerdsin.spaceFF777and then i think recently discord had that privacy policy change where like...... it sounds like they can spy on your video streams now or some thing like that..02:41:44
In reply to @ff777:nerdsin.space
and then i think recently discord had that privacy policy change where like...... it sounds like they can spy on your video streams now or some thing like that..
dawg they have everything u've eveer done on there
@rampage4959:m.wfr.moe@rampage4959:m.wfr.moethey see all ur messages 02:42:51

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