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26 Jul 2024
@mooshuxs:matrix.orgHAL9000 I’ve heard a problem with google AI is correcting language so as to be sensitive to minorities, well colored as opposed to white, has become intrusive to the point of limiting its functionality.
I believe this was google’s good faith attempt at complaints about machine learning facial recognition (FR) seeing blacks as all the same and police departments relying on that to then arrest blacks. The complaint kept coming in terms of AI development in general, and rightly so. This is google’s failed attempt to correct that sort of thing in its various manifestations and into the future.
I would hope tech savvy people would recognize this problem, a failed solution, for what it is and not as an excuse for blaming colors of people and google as anti white people.
Again, off the top of my head, I could have this wrong. I’m not saying any one here is doing this. Hopefully I’m not the only one seeing hatred from whites to blacks, not all the time from all whites and probably not here. I can imagine some whites seeing this and thinking now’s a great time to start a race war cause look at what these non whites are doing to us.
That’s the first thing that came to mind. I haven’t gone through the links so hopefully that’s not the kind of thing or attitude there.
I don’t have time at the moment so if I’m off base please tell me.
@mooshuxs:matrix.orgHAL9000 The term woke seems to be designed to embody anger. I know it’s part of language now a days. I’ve explained how and why, in part the syntax is purposely misaligned with the rest of the sentence which implies stupidity 20:23:15
@mooshuxs:matrix.orgHAL9000 Many right of center folks seem to be struggling to find fault with EDI, which is somewhat difficult so they stoop to these tactics rather that topics of substance 20:25:50
@dmanhaku:matrix.orgTheGoldenDragon (Mick)
In reply to @andersjorg:matrix.org
because people say they don't know what woke means in the negative sense. what do you imply with that icon?

Its a shit show. This topic pushes out the regulars

As a mod, I'll go ahead and ask - mind changing the topic?

Before the assumptions arise - I'm just trying to keep peace


Agreed. If you guys have time to debate abstract ideas with a stranger on the Internet, you have time to go listen to more JB, learn about Nix, or find the energy to talk about something else.

We're not solving the worlds problems in a general chat room, which is supposed to be at least topic adjacent to the Podcast network that hosts it.

@bombok:matrixapp.chat@bombok:matrixapp.chat left the room.20:29:55
@dmanhaku:matrix.orgTheGoldenDragon (Mick)Speaking of, for the first time in 3 years im 3 weeks behind20:30:50
In reply to @dmanhaku:matrix.org
Speaking of, for the first time in 3 years im 3 weeks behind
Ut oh, time for a road trip!
@dmanhaku:matrix.orgTheGoldenDragon (Mick)
In reply to @chrislas:jupiterbroadcasting.com
Ut oh, time for a road trip!
Its been rough since I've taken on more at work and designing new products

Yeah. I understand.

Well if you go for a walk this weekend, take us with!

In reply to @chrislas:jupiterbroadcasting.com

Yeah. I understand.

Well if you go for a walk this weekend, take us with!

I know you’re not fishing for compliments but l love all the JB shows and all the topics including DEs and nixos and everything else, no wonder it’s the most popular Linux podcast network and attracts all kinds including fringe people such as myself 😂
@bingy222:matrix.org@bingy222:matrix.org joined the room.21:35:15
@dmanhaku:matrix.orgTheGoldenDragon (Mick)
In reply to @chrislas:jupiterbroadcasting.com

Yeah. I understand.

Well if you go for a walk this weekend, take us with!

Definitely going to while at the gym
@chris218:matrix.org@chris218:matrix.org left the room.22:03:04
@genkin_desu:matrix.orgCash changed their profile picture.22:22:25
@bingy222:matrix.org@bingy222:matrix.org left the room.23:46:31
@laurius:matrix.orglaurius joined the room.23:51:35
27 Jul 2024
@domacikolaci:thecum.zonedomacikolaci joined the room.02:27:28
@vidalok1:matrix.org@vidalok1:matrix.org joined the room.02:29:27
@vidalok1:matrix.org@vidalok1:matrix.org left the room.02:29:44
@thompson_1:matrix.orgthompson joined the room.02:57:41
@thothloki:matrix.orgThothLoki are there just no good 2D CAD programs for Linux?
LibreCad is shit. qcad is marginally better but still sub par. I am a bit spoiled using AutoCAD at work. Bricscad seems to the only real option but I don't have an extra $1,200 for a license
In reply to @thothloki:matrix.org
are there just no good 2D CAD programs for Linux?
LibreCad is shit. qcad is marginally better but still sub par. I am a bit spoiled using AutoCAD at work. Bricscad seems to the only real option but I don't have an extra $1,200 for a license


I haven't tried this, but I have heard great things

In reply to @ldewey:matrix.org


I haven't tried this, but I have heard great things

thanks. taking a look now
In reply to @ldewey:matrix.org


I haven't tried this, but I have heard great things

I have tried this before. it works pretty smooth. some of the issues i had was the trim and extend functions are so hit and miss how they work
In reply to @thothloki:matrix.org
I have tried this before. it works pretty smooth. some of the issues i had was the trim and extend functions are so hit and miss how they work
Good to know!
@p4p4j0hn:gnulinux.clubp4p4j0hn changed their profile picture.03:44:54
@thothloki:matrix.orgThothLokilooks like if you have a line/polyline, you can trim those but you cant trim something like a rectangle or circle03:45:13
@whathow:matrix.org@whathow:matrix.org joined the room.07:56:42
@whathow:matrix.org@whathow:matrix.org left the room.07:57:49

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