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13 Jul 2019
@dmute:junta.pl@dmute:junta.pl set a profile picture.22:15:33
14 Jul 2019
@xkolib:junta.pl@xkolib:junta.plHosting peertube by us should a nice idea09:27:44
@pawlo:junta.pl@pawlo:junta.pl joined the room.10:25:01
@kyych:junta.pl@kyych:junta.pl joined the room.23:07:54
15 Jul 2019
@xkolib:junta.pl@xkolib:junta.plxkolib: zobacz #CyberSec:matrix.org i społeczność +cybersec:matrix.org17:48:06
@xkolib:junta.pl@xkolib:junta.plThis channel mentioned above, might be interesting about security I will try to post there too17:48:35
16 Jul 2019
@rob:junta.pl@rob:junta.pl invited @lk6:junta.pl@lk6:junta.pl.13:15:18
@lk6:junta.pl@lk6:junta.pl joined the room.13:15:23
@da2ce7:junta.pl@da2ce7:junta.plSome nice quotes:20:32:57
@da2ce7:junta.pl@da2ce7:junta.pl In 1850, Bastiat wrote:
Socialism, like the ancient ideas from which it springs, confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all.
We disapprove of state education. Then the socialists say that we are opposed to any education. We object to a state religion. Then the socialists say that we want no religion at all. We object to a state-enforced equality. Then they say that we are against equality. And so on, and so on. It is as if the socialists were to accuse us of not wanting persons to eat because we do not want the state to raise grain.
Here's another relevant passage:
The claims of these organizers of humanity raise another question which I have often asked them and which, so far as I know, they have never answered: If the natural tendencies of mankind are so bad that it is not safe to permit people to be free, how is it that the tendencies of these organizers are always good? Do not the legislators and their appointed agents also belong to the human race? Or do they believe that they themselves are made of a finer clay than the rest of mankind? The organizers maintain that society, when left undirected, rushes headlong to its inevitable destruction because the instincts of the people are so perverse. The legislators claim to stop this suicidal course and to give it a saner direction. Apparently, then, the legislators and the organizers have received from Heaven an intelligence and virtue that place them beyond and above mankind; if so, let them show their titles to this superiority.
They would be the shepherds over us, their sheep. Certainly such an arrangement presupposes that they are naturally superior to the rest of us. And certainly we are fully justified in demanding from the legislators and organizers proof of this natural superiority.
17 Jul 2019
@blacksmith:junta.pl@blacksmith:junta.pl GPG bug seems to be spreading, another computer also hangs on gpg operations .... TX 14:51:28
@blacksmith:junta.pl@blacksmith:junta.plit might be the attack described in https://dev.gnupg.org/T397214:59:39
Open gpg.conf in a text editor. Ensure there is no line starting with keyserver. If there is, remove it.
Open dirmngr.conf in a text editor. Add the line keyserver hkps://keys.openpgp.org to the end of it.
@blacksmith:junta.pl@blacksmith:junta.pl^ https://gist.github.com/rjhansen/67ab921ffb4084c865b3618d6955275f - Mitigations15:02:34
@blacksmith:junta.pl@blacksmith:junta.pl TX: also disable the use of keyservers , or your's GPG will break too. same to everyone 15:02:52
@tx:midov.plTX (midov.pl) left the room.18:30:25
@tx-debug:matrix.org@tx-debug:matrix.org left the room.18:32:41
@tx2:junta.pl@tx2:junta.pl changed their display name from TX (Win) to TX2.18:35:51
@tx2:junta.pl@tx2:junta.pl left the room.18:45:43
25 Jul 2019
@blacksmith:junta.pl@blacksmith:junta.pl changed their display name from blacksmith to midov.16:48:09
@blacksmith:junta.pl@blacksmith:junta.pl set a profile picture.16:51:25
@blacksmith:junta.pl@blacksmith:junta.pl changed their display name from midov to blacksmith.17:51:14
@blacksmith:junta.pl@blacksmith:junta.pl changed their profile picture.17:52:41
1 Aug 2019
@blacksmith:junta.pl@blacksmith:junta.pl changed their profile picture.09:56:14
25 Aug 2019
@henteliti6:matrix.org@henteliti6:matrix.org joined the room.06:34:14
@henteliti6:matrix.org@henteliti6:matrix.org left the room.06:34:24
@infinite_possibility:matrix.linux.pizzainfinite_possibility joined the room.17:45:30
@infinite_possibility:matrix.linux.pizzainfinite_possibility left the room.17:48:18
14 Sep 2019
@tx:junta.pl@tx:junta.pl changed their profile picture.10:27:51
@tx:junta.pl@tx:junta.pl changed their profile picture.10:29:10

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