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4 Mar 2024
@sebl:matrix.orgsebldang, I missed it... also looking forward to a recording 17:49:40
@Aion:matrix.orgNatan Sinigaglia phlegma: you can leave the little extra demo in the recording if you want ;) 21:22:48
@ravel_of:matrix.orgravel_ofI missed it. How was it? 21:27:43
7 Mar 2024
In reply to @ravazquez:matrix.org
ahhh, too early I see!
Did it happen?
@phlegma:matrix.orgphlegmaYeah some Infos will follow16:34:59
@phlegma:matrix.orgphlegma* Yeah some Infos will follow, I'm bussy this week.16:35:43
@ravazquez:matrix.orgravazquezit was good, we briefly looked at Chataigne's timeline UI for reference, and then Natan took us in a more in depth tour of VL.Touchy17:01:01
18 Mar 2024

VL Touchy and Simple Timeline Research

Hello everyone, apologies for being a bit late! Here's a quick roundup of our last meeting. We covered two main topics. @ravagez took us through the Chataigne timeline, and @natan introduced us to VL.Touchy, including its structure and basic concepts. Since we hadn't decided on a solution for uploading our Zoom meetings, I've temporarily stored them on my private storage. You can find the latest video here:

Unfortunately, we forgot to record the first part about the Chataignetimeline. We're really sorry about that. However, for those of you who stick around till the end of the video, there's a sneak preview from Natan of his preset manager based on the Kairos Launcher 1D.

@phlegma:matrix.orgphlegma *

VL Touchy and Simple Timeline Research

Hello everyone, apologies for being a bit late! Here's a quick roundup of our last meeting. We covered two main topics. ravazquez took us through the Chataigne timeline, and @natan introduced us to VL.Touchy, including its structure and basic concepts. Since we hadn't decided on a solution for uploading our Zoom meetings, I've temporarily stored them on my private storage. You can find the latest video here:

Unfortunately, we forgot to record the first part about the Chataignetimeline. We're really sorry about that. However, for those of you who stick around till the end of the video, there's a sneak preview from Natan of his preset manager based on the Kairos Launcher 1D.


Chataigne timeline

We had a look at the Chataigne and its timeline to see what is possible in this software and how it handles different type of tracks and keyframes. Based of the research from ravazquez we figured out that following parts are interesting from th ui/ux perspective of a timeline

  • Context Menu
  • Tracks Types
  • Track Interaction
  • Track Representation
  • Keyframe Interaction
  • Keyframe Editor
  • Inspector
  • Shortcuts
  • Transitions
    If anyone wants, they can compare timelines from other software based on these aspects. Possible timlines are:
  • Unity
  • Adobe After effects
  • Adobe Premiere
  • ~~Chataigne~~
  • Tool3

We're really keen to see more comparisons! Ideally, we'd love for the results to be shared on the Kairos Miro board.


Next Meeting

And here's the next survey for our upcoming meeting! Due to the Easter holidays, we're aiming for mid-April for our next gathering. Hereโ€™s the link to cast your vote for the best date: https://nuudel.digitalcourage.de/2e2X4WAQreTKrRJE

We plan to dive into how VL.Touchy integrates with Kairos, explore the possibility of developing a context menu using VL.Touchy, and maybe compare more timelines. Looking forward to seeing all of you there!

@Aion:matrix.orgNatan Sinigaglia thomas_helzle: I just pushed a new kairos nuget version adjusting the threshold in the interaction: now you should be able to select keyframes with your wacom without moving them around. let me know if it helps. cheers 20:17:21
@thomas_helzle:matrix.org@thomas_helzle:matrix.org cool! Thanks a lot Natan. Will try it tomorrow. 22:40:52
@thomas_helzle:matrix.org@thomas_helzle:matrix.org That sounds awesome! 22:43:05
@thomas_helzle:matrix.org@thomas_helzle:matrix.org Thank you all! 22:43:19
@thomas_helzle:matrix.org@thomas_helzle:matrix.org If that helps, I can show the Tooll3 timeline. It's not as advanced as Kairos regarding complex transitions, but does what it does very well and is fast to work with. 22:44:42
@thomas_helzle:matrix.org@thomas_helzle:matrix.org It has both a keyframe- and a spline-view and is fully integrated in Tooll 22:46:32
@thomas_helzle:matrix.org@thomas_helzle:matrix.org A bit similar to AfterEffects. 22:47:00
@thomas_helzle:matrix.org@thomas_helzle:matrix.org This could also be interesting: https://discourse.vvvv.org/t/toms-gallery/22340/7 22:50:29
19 Mar 2024
@thomas_helzle:matrix.org@thomas_helzle:matrix.org I just tried it and my last project I did with the previous version comes up with an empty Kairos Editor. The three windows are there, but no tracks or keyframes or anything.
We were using the last version before your update for that.
@thomas_helzle:matrix.org@thomas_helzle:matrix.org I'll try other versions of the file now. 15:04:36
@thomas_helzle:matrix.org@thomas_helzle:matrix.org Overall we had very unstable experiences with Kairos and do not feel confident when using it. 15:05:19
@thomas_helzle:matrix.org@thomas_helzle:matrix.org The animation still seems to work and the output pins etc. are there, but I can't access the keyframes - can I somehow re-sync the Editor without losing my data? This is a rather important project for us... 15:09:40
@thomas_helzle:matrix.org@thomas_helzle:matrix.org Hm - weird: Restarting VVVV fixed it. Phew ๐Ÿค” 15:11:39
@thomas_helzle:matrix.org@thomas_helzle:matrix.org Another project I tried showed the Kairos Editor extremely small (like scaling the window to it's absolute minimum) on start. 15:13:40
@thomas_helzle:matrix.org@thomas_helzle:matrix.org Ok, now things seem to work again and indeed, selecting keyframes with the Wacom pen is way better now!
Thank you very much! ๐Ÿ™‚
20 Mar 2024
@Aion:matrix.orgNatan Sinigaglia
In reply to @thomas_helzle:matrix.org
Hm - weird: Restarting VVVV fixed it. Phew ๐Ÿค”
when you update packages there are still cached files around i guess. that's why is always better to restart vvvv. correct azeno ?
@Aion:matrix.orgNatan Sinigaglia
In reply to @thomas_helzle:matrix.org
If that helps, I can show the Tooll3 timeline. It's not as advanced as Kairos regarding complex transitions, but does what it does very well and is fast to work with.
It would be amazing if you can show that tool to us, as reference, during the next call ;)
@azeno:matrix.orgazenoindeed we should probably show a banner or something to tell the user to restart after an update.11:20:06
@thomas_helzle:matrix.org@thomas_helzle:matrix.org Ah, interesting, yeah, a banner would be good, all explanations so far I've seen just install on the fly.
But I seem to need to restart VVVV every now and then anyway, it often get's "confused"...

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