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17 Sep 2024
@devilish_nightmares:matrix.orgDread Pirate Roberts joined the room.13:07:02
@javamen:hackliberty.orgjavamen joined the room.14:00:57

Reclaim The Net: Hillary Clinton Advocates for Criminal Charges for Americans Spreading “Propaganda”


Reclaim The Net: Klaus Schwab Calls for “Global Collaboration” To Combat “Misinformation”


Reclaim The Net: Canadian Conservatives Propose Bill for Online Digital ID Verification and Anonymity Restrictions


Reclaim The Net: Gun Channels Embrace Rumble After YouTube Censorship

18 Sep 2024
@rederyk:matrix.orgEnrico Nonlodico joined the room.03:27:11

Reclaim The Net: Oracle Founder Larry Ellison Imagines a Dystopian Future of Constant AI-Powered Surveillance to Enforce “Best Behavior”


Reclaim The Net: Gavin Newsom Just Signed an AI-Deepfake Ban That Could Impact Free Speech. This Is the First Lawsuit Against It.


Reclaim The Net: Oracle’s Larry Ellison Proposes Comprehensive Biometric Database in the Cloud


Reclaim The Net: Unlocking the Web’s Potential: 10 Must-Have Open Source Browser Extensions

19 Sep 2024
@unintelligentse7en:matrix.orgunintelligentse7en changed their profile picture.00:12:29

Reclaim The Net: German Citizens’ Forum Proposes Criminalizing “Disinformation”


Reclaim The Net: G20 Embraces Digital ID Dream While Critics Warn of Surveillance Nightmare


Reclaim The Net: Bernie Spofforth Speaks Out After Arrest Over Britain’s New Chilling Misinformation Censorship Laws


Reclaim The Net: US Lawmakers Call Out Brazil’s Free Speech Crackdown, Propose Denying VISAs to Free Speech Antagonists


Reclaim The Net: EU Picks Pro-Censorship Lawmaker Henna Virkkunen To Take Over From Thierry Breton


Reclaim The Net: Senators Push Big Tech to Increase Content Moderation, Share More Info With Government Ahead of 2024 Election


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