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24 Mar 2024
@mtrnord:midnightthoughts.spaceMTRNord (they/them)
In reply to @gnu_ponut:matrix.org
seems quite far away
to be fair 0.5s is quite short at their speed but not far away in length :D
@mtrnord:midnightthoughts.spaceMTRNord (they/them)it looked weird either way what alonso did there22:13:05
@gnu_ponut:matrix.orgGnuxie 💜🐝 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XivjDss_vlE 22:13:06
@mtrnord:midnightthoughts.spaceMTRNord (they/them)probably was kinda like a jumpscare for russel as you never break in that area usually22:13:43
@mtrnord:midnightthoughts.spaceMTRNord (they/them)so he might have expected that there was a reason for it?22:13:52
@mtrnord:midnightthoughts.spaceMTRNord (they/them)or just missed his breakingpoint therefor22:14:57
@gnu_ponut:matrix.orgGnuxie 💜🐝
In reply to @simonmic:matrix.org
thanks looks good
In reply to @simonmic:matrix.org
Hmm is it considered as brake-test ?
Better with telemetry and compare with other Alonso laps
@flo:matrix.hafx.techFlo* Hmm is it considered as brake-test ? Better with telemetry and compare with others Alonso laps22:17:16
@gnu_ponut:matrix.orgGnuxie 💜🐝basically he cut his speed a lot more aggresively, and over 100m earlier than his normal break point, so it's really indefensible22:24:30
@gnu_ponut:matrix.orgGnuxie 💜🐝that's not to say he didn't make a mistake22:25:18
@gnu_ponut:matrix.orgGnuxie 💜🐝but he predetermined that he was going to risk it so yeah, he's out of luck22:26:29
@mtrnord:midnightthoughts.spaceMTRNord (they/them)
In reply to @gnu_ponut:matrix.org
that's not to say he didn't make a mistake
with his experience its questionable that he would make such a mistake without prior issues to the car imho
@mtrnord:midnightthoughts.spaceMTRNord (they/them)he is not lets say bearman or tsunoda22:28:27
@simonmic:matrix.orgsmha bearman wouldn't have been caught by russell22:29:08
@simonmic:matrix.orgsmrandom aside: in my fantasy world, drivers are required to rotate to a new team every year22:31:12
@simonmic:matrix.orgsm * { random aside: in my fantasy world, drivers are required to rotate to a new team every year }22:32:05
@mtrnord:midnightthoughts.spaceMTRNord (they/them)oh fun just learned russel also repeatedly asked for a red flag since he is in the middle of the track. I wonder if that VSC decision will have any consequences (yeah its the last lap but still I guess its kinda fair that this still probably is more of a red than VSC. If he was off to the side I guess VSC yeah but uhhh I can see why russel didnt like that)23:09:08
@simonmic:matrix.orgsmfor sure23:13:10
@simonmic:matrix.orgsmscary moment23:13:15
25 Mar 2024
@gnu_ponut:matrix.orgGnuxie 💜🐝
In reply to @mtrnord:midnightthoughts.space
oh fun just learned russel also repeatedly asked for a red flag since he is in the middle of the track. I wonder if that VSC decision will have any consequences (yeah its the last lap but still I guess its kinda fair that this still probably is more of a red than VSC. If he was off to the side I guess VSC yeah but uhhh I can see why russel didnt like that)
I guess they were worried about the 2 lap rollback rule, which is silly
@lanolinoil:matrix.orgReticulatedWell then if any other team gets too competitive and I'm RB I'll just have perez wreck out last lap if leclerc is coming for my verstappen13:47:09
@gnu_ponut:matrix.orgGnuxie 💜🐝we've been there done that, no one would do it because all the sponsors would move away not just from your time, but everyone else's team would find it harder now that the sport is in disrepute13:53:23
@gnu_ponut:matrix.orgGnuxie 💜🐝and organising something secret like that today is a lot harder than 15 years ago13:53:54
@lanolinoil:matrix.orgReticulatedyeah didn't Proust do that and get penalized?13:55:00
@lanolinoil:matrix.orgReticulatedmaybe with AI we can clone Murray Walker and have him commentate again 13:56:07
@mtrnord:midnightthoughts.spaceMTRNord (they/them)in the end there just needs to flow a certain amount of money to the stewards... Oh wait we dont say that out loud 👀14:24:17
@simonmic:matrix.orgsmhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxlvicS-4M0 first car arriving at russell's crash19:20:35

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