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Building better Self Sovereign Identity World with XFSC community. GXFS code base is moving to: https://gitlab.eclipse.org/eclipse/xfsc6 Servers

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14 Dec 2023
In reply to @schulzest:matrix.org
Did you paste the link which you got from OCM1 in the second OCM?

Yes, I did it. If you want, below are the requests and responses I've encountered:

1- Invitation creation in the connection manager of the first OCM:

  • POST Request : {{conn_man_base_url_ocm}}/v1/invitation-url?alias=trust
  • Response:
    "statusCode": 200,
    "message": "Connection created successfully",
    "data": {
    "invitationUrl": "http://gaiax.vereign.com:443/ocm/didcomm?c_i=eyJAdHlwZSI6Imh0dHBzOi8vZGlkY29tbS5vcmcvY29ubmVjdGlvbnMvMS4wL2ludml0YXRpb24iLCJAaWQiOiIxNzA2YWUwYi01OWZhLTQ4ZDYtOWM4MS1iZGE3NjEyYjJhMzMiLCJsYWJlbCI6InNlY29uZC1zc2ktYWJzdHJhY3Rpb24tYWdlbnQiLCJyZWNpcGllbnRLZXlzIjpbIjQ0RGFQaW1qQjdGemttdjJQQ3JNTGVkUzdYcW1XNWNDeW4xU25FelR1UURXIl0sInNlcnZpY2VFbmRwb2ludCI6Imh0dHA6Ly9nYWlheC52ZXJlaWduLmNvbTo0NDMvb2NtL2RpZGNvbW0iLCJyb3V0aW5nS2V5cyI6W119",
    "invitation": {
    "@type": "https://didcomm.org/connections/1.0/invitation",
    "@id": "1706ae0b-59fa-48d6-9c81-bda7612b2a33",
    "label": "second-ssi-abstraction-agent",
    "recipientKeys": [
    "serviceEndpoint": "http://gaiax.vereign.com:443/ocm/didcomm",
    "routingKeys": []
    "connection": {
    "_tags": {},
    "metadata": {},
    "id": "6bc4b115-bcda-4f5d-85a0-29dafa757029",
    "createdAt": "2023-12-13T16:40:04.545Z",
    "did": "6c9bZNKuBdevbpbjRG2HFE",
    "didDoc": {
    "@context": "https://w3id.org/did/v1",
    "publicKey": [
    "id": "6c9bZNKuBdevbpbjRG2HFE#1",
    "controller": "6c9bZNKuBdevbpbjRG2HFE",
    "type": "Ed25519VerificationKey2018",
    "publicKeyBase58": "44DaPimjB7Fzkmv2PCrMLedS7XqmW5cCyn1SnEzTuQDW"
    "service": [
    "id": "6c9bZNKuBdevbpbjRG2HFE#IndyAgentService",
    "serviceEndpoint": "http://gaiax.vereign.com:443/ocm/didcomm",
    "type": "IndyAgent",
    "priority": 0,
    "recipientKeys": [
    "routingKeys": []
    "authentication": [
    "publicKey": "6c9bZNKuBdevbpbjRG2HFE#1",
    "type": "Ed25519SignatureAuthentication2018"
    "id": "6c9bZNKuBdevbpbjRG2HFE"
    "verkey": "44DaPimjB7Fzkmv2PCrMLedS7XqmW5cCyn1SnEzTuQDW",
    "state": "invited",
    "role": "inviter",
    "alias": "trust",
    "invitation": {
    "@type": "https://didcomm.org/connections/1.0/invitation",
    "@id": "1706ae0b-59fa-48d6-9c81-bda7612b2a33",
    "label": "second-ssi-abstraction-agent",
    "recipientKeys": [
    "serviceEndpoint": "http://gaiax.vereign.com:443/ocm/didcomm",
    "routingKeys": []
    "multiUseInvitation": false
    "invitationUrlShort": "http://connection-manager:3003/v1/url/c0497719-a2c8-410d-a2a9-fe1cfe1e6e0e"
    2- Accept connection on the other OCM :
  • POST Request: {{conn_man_base_url_provider_ocm}}/v1/accept-connection-invitation
  • Request Body :
    "invitationUrl": http://gaiax.vereign.com:443/ocm/didcomm?d_m=eyJAdHlwZSI6Imh0dHBzOi8vZGlkY29tbS5vcmcvY29ubmVjdGlvbnMvMS4wL2ludml0YXRpb24iLCJAaWQiOiIxNzA2YWUwYi01OWZhLTQ4ZDYtOWM4MS1iZGE3NjEyYjJhMzMiLCJsYWJlbCI6InNlY29uZC1zc2ktYWJzdHJhY3Rpb24tYWdlbnQiLCJyZWNpcGllbnRLZXlzIjpbIjQ0RGFQaW1qQjdGemttdjJQQ3JNTGVkUzdYcW1XNWNDeW4xU25FelR1UURXIl0sInNlcnZpY2VFbmRwb2ludCI6Imh0dHA6Ly9nYWlheC52ZXJlaWduLmNvbTo0NDMvb2NtL2RpZGNvbW0iLCJyb3V0aW5nS2V5cyI6W119,
    "autoAcceptConnection": true
  • Response :
    "statusCode": 202,
    "message": "Accepted Connection Request",
    "data": {
    "_tags": {
    "state": "invited",
    "role": "invitee",
    "verkey": "4a77NFFJGS8P4beTvXeUzEcz7kFTjEghKW7Y2ruSAbDx",
    "invitationKey": "44DaPimjB7Fzkmv2PCrMLedS7XqmW5cCyn1SnEzTuQDW"
    "metadata": {},
    "id": "98863334-ff14-4da5-a4d7-ed5aff616920",
    "createdAt": "2023-12-14T09:59:12.984Z",
    "did": "7YzCFDEExgnav47bREhUbb",
    "didDoc": {
    "@context": https://w3id.org/did/v1,
    "publicKey": [
    "id": "7YzCFDEExgnav47bREhUbb#1",
    "controller": "7YzCFDEExgnav47bREhUbb",
    "type": "Ed25519VerificationKey2018",
    "publicKeyBase58": "4a77NFFJGS8P4beTvXeUzEcz7kFTjEghKW7Y2ruSAbDx"
    "service": [
    "id": "7YzCFDEExgnav47bREhUbb#IndyAgentService",
    "serviceEndpoint": http://gaiax.vereign.com:443/ocm/didcomm,
    "type": "IndyAgent",
    "priority": 0,
    "recipientKeys": [
    "routingKeys": []
    "authentication": [
    "publicKey": "7YzCFDEExgnav47bREhUbb#1",
    "type": "Ed25519SignatureAuthentication2018"
    "id": "7YzCFDEExgnav47bREhUbb"
    "verkey": "4a77NFFJGS8P4beTvXeUzEcz7kFTjEghKW7Y2ruSAbDx",
    "theirLabel": "second-ssi-abstraction-agent",
    "state": "requested",
    "role": "invitee",
    "alias": "connection-received",
    "autoAcceptConnection": true,
    "invitation": {
    "@type": https://didcomm.org/connections/1.0/invitation,
    "@id": "1706ae0b-59fa-48d6-9c81-bda7612b2a33",
    "label": "second-ssi-abstraction-agent",
    "recipientKeys": [
    "serviceEndpoint": http://gaiax.vereign.com:443/ocm/didcomm,
    "routingKeys": []
    "multiUseInvitation": false
15 Dec 2023
@timpdata:matrix.orgTimit does not look like you're using your own OCM, did you set it up on your own server? 09:28:49
@timpdata:matrix.orgTim * it does not look like you're using your own OCM, did you set it up on your own server? bnachit 09:29:30
@bnachit:matrix.orgbnachit Tim:
Yes, I set up my own OCM by deploying the Helm Charts of the services on my server.
@timpdata:matrix.orgTimdo you mind sharing the config, because looks like you're using default values 10:47:15
@schulzest:matrix.orgschulzestah yes, indeed. you are using default values, therefore the connections can be established successfully12:20:33
@schulzest:matrix.orgschulzestthe conenction urls containing vereign endpoints, but they mus tpoint on your server12:20:54
@mitranglad:matrix.orgMitrang Lad joined the room.12:52:15
18 Dec 2023
@neha.puraswani:matrix.orgNeha Puraswani joined the room.04:11:20
@schulzest:matrix.orgschulzest * ah yes, indeed. you are using default values, therefore the connections cant be established successfully 08:09:46
@yahla:matrix.orgYassir AHLA joined the room.16:18:36
19 Dec 2023
@pcabrita:matrix.orgPaulo Cabrita changed their display name from pcabrita to Paulo Cabrita.14:58:27
22 Dec 2023
@kaimeinke:matrix.orgKai Meinke (deltaDAO AG)It was great to hear that Talao/Altme, Sphereon and T-Systems will work with the Gaia-X Lab Devs on the OIDC4VP/OIDC4VCI interop profile as the credential exchange and issuance for Gaia-X will now be done initially this way! After two years this removal of fragmentation and towards interoperability will truly be a gamechanger imho. Once the first wallets are able to receive credentials from the wizard I expect a lot of acceleration in 2024.12:22:12
@kaimeinke:matrix.orgKai Meinke (deltaDAO AG)I wish all of the community members and builders fantastic and refreshing days of digital detox and a great start into the new year!12:23:24
3 Jan 2024
@lauresha:matrix.orglaureshaWishing the entire community a joyous New Year and hoping for a year filled with success and prosperity ahead! 🍻🎉🚀 With warm regards, GXFS Team 08:58:05
@kaimeinke:matrix.orgKai Meinke (deltaDAO AG)Have a wonderful, healthy, and productive 2024! Lets build.10:31:55
@garloff:matrix.orgKurt Garloff (back Oct 22)🎆15:08:25
11 Jan 2024
@lauresha:matrix.orglaureshaDear all, looking forward seeing many of you in our upcoming workshop , In Frankfurt :) For the ones that are not updated: all information, program and registration available here: https://lnkd.in/efP8uBgf 10:09:53
@robert_jost:dataport.modular.imRobert "Robbie" Jost (Dataport ext ARCH) changed their display name from Robert Jost (Dataport) to Robert "Robbie" Jost (Dataport).14:10:38
15 Jan 2024
@yannickbidois:matrix.orgYannick Bidois (Cofinity-X) joined the room.08:54:49
@yannickbidois:matrix.orgYannick Bidois (Cofinity-X) changed their display name from yannickbidois to Yannick Bidois.08:55:42
@yannickbidois:matrix.orgYannick Bidois (Cofinity-X) changed their display name from Yannick Bidois to Yannick Bidois (Cofinity-X).08:56:48
@yannickbidois:matrix.orgYannick Bidois (Cofinity-X)
In reply to @lauresha:matrix.org
Dear all, looking forward seeing many of you in our upcoming workshop , In Frankfurt :) For the ones that are not updated: all information, program and registration available here: https://lnkd.in/efP8uBgf
lauresha: Looking forward to this workshop folks!
@yannickbidois:matrix.orgYannick Bidois (Cofinity-X)Anything we could read or learn about beforehand to get the most out of it?09:00:04
In reply to @yannickbidois:matrix.org
lauresha: Looking forward to this workshop folks!
Please download the agenda here :https://www.gxfs.eu/gxfs-tech-workshop-6/, The workshop focus in on TRAIN component- Train repo is here: https://gitlab.eclipse.org/eclipse/xfsc/train , and specification also general overview of TRAIN can be found here: https://gitlab.eclipse.org/eclipse/xfsc/xfsc-spec-2/-/blob/main/Spec2Overview.md?ref_type=heads :)
@yannickbidois:matrix.orgYannick Bidois (Cofinity-X) Thanks lauresha 16:15:02
19 Jan 2024
@moosmannp:matrix.orgPaul Moosmann

Good afternoon XFSC Community,

At the beginning of this week Pierre Gronlier shared a set of questions in order to collect some requirements for the Credential Event Service from its potential users. Since I know that some members of this chat are currently involved in discussions regarding the CES (e.g. Fabian Scheidt lenasauermann robertschubert Maharshi Suchaklangec ) I wanted to share the questions here with you:

I would like to get your requirements, as potential users of that service, on the following points:

#1 Should the service stay publicly open (no onboarding required) and freely accessible for publication (pull/GET)?
Yes/maybe/no and why

#2 Should the service stay publicly open (no onboarding required) and freely accessible for consumption (push/POST)?
Yes/maybe/no and why

#3 Should the service ensuring consistency of the published information ? (At a given time, should 2 users, independently of their location on Earth and network connection pull the same information from the service.)
Yes/maybe/no and why

#4 Should the service always be available (excluding downtime for maintenance), or is it ok for the service to be unavailable for a period of time to synchronise its content ?
Yes/maybe/no and why

#5 Should the service be limited to push/pull Gaia-X Compliance credential only or should it support any valid credential ?
Yes/maybe/no and why

#6 Insert here additional functional requirements.

This work will be tracked here https://gaia-x.atlassian.net/browse/GXTCR-9

A future thread will be triggered for Catalogue functional requirements.

Please note: the CES does not transmit actual data in credentials, but only the IDs of credentials.

So if anyone has any input regarding current or future requirements for the CES please comment them here, I will then collect all feedback. Thanks!

@moosmannp:matrix.orgPaul Moosmann *

Good afternoon XFSC Community,

At the beginning of this week Pierre Gronlier shared a set of questions in order to collect some requirements for the Credential Event Service from its potential users. Since I know that some members of this chat are currently involved in discussions regarding the CES (e.g. Fabian Scheidt lenasauermann robertschubert Maharshi Suchaklangec ) I wanted to share the questions here with you:

I would like to get your requirements, as potential users of that service, on the following points:

#1 Should the service stay publicly open (no onboarding required) and freely accessible for publication (pull/GET)?
Yes/maybe/no and why

#2 Should the service stay publicly open (no onboarding required) and freely accessible for consumption (push/POST)?
Yes/maybe/no and why

#3 Should the service ensuring consistency of the published information ? (At a given time, should 2 users, independently of their location on Earth and network connection pull the same information from the service.)
Yes/maybe/no and why

#4 Should the service always be available (excluding downtime for maintenance), or is it ok for the service to be unavailable for a period of time to synchronise its content ?
Yes/maybe/no and why

#5 Should the service be limited to push/pull Gaia-X Compliance credential only or should it support any valid credential ?
Yes/maybe/no and why

#6 Insert here additional functional requirements.

Please note: the CES does not transmit actual data in credentials, but only the IDs of credentials.

So if anyone has any input regarding current or future requirements for the CES please comment them here, I will then collect all feedback. Thanks!

@kaimeinke:matrix.orgKai Meinke (deltaDAO AG)#1 YES, important to grow traction and allow the networking of services. #2 YES, important to grow traction and allow the onboarding of services #3 YES, consensus and integrity is crucial to receive accurate information. #4 YES, availability is important to support adoption. #5 Only Gaia-X compliance credentials, this is not a full catalogue replacement, but a compliance index and register.15:31:22
@fabianscheidt:matrix.orgFabian Scheidt

#1 MAYBE. If we decide that CES should not only distribute compliance credentials, I think it's reasonable to add some sort of onboarding to avoid spam. This could be as simple as allowing submission from every issuer who has previously submitted a valid compliance credential.

#2 YES, to make it easy to consume contents.

#3 MAYBE. Eventual consistency is sufficient. In addition, the order of credential submissions does not matter.

#4 YES, with eventual consistency without order, synchonization can happen in the background.

#5 NO, it should support other credentials. Following the discussion in Issue 58 of the compliance service, compliance credentials will no longer be able to contain domain-specific additions. However, we do need domain-specific additions in our catalogues and don't want to introduce a secondary distribution mechanims, duplicating the CES functionality (or even replacing it).


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