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Building better Self Sovereign Identity World with XFSC community. GXFS code base is moving to: https://gitlab.eclipse.org/eclipse/xfsc7 Servers

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15 Nov 2023
@kaimeinke:matrix.orgKai Meinke (deltaDAO AG)Could you provide a link to your did and credentials?15:41:48
@kaimeinke:matrix.orgKai Meinke (deltaDAO AG)Without the DID everything will fail. https://www.delta-dao.com/.well-known/did.json15:59:34
@kaimeinke:matrix.orgKai Meinke (deltaDAO AG) * Without the DID Document everything will fail. https://www.delta-dao.com/.well-known/did.json 15:59:44
@jxhn_:matrix.orgJohn Hoffmann
In reply to @lenasauermann:matrix.org
Are your credentials saved on a webserver, etc.? We have our credentials currently only saved in the local holder of the Wizard
The DID document and the individual credentials are hosted. The id of every credential is the very same URL where it is reachable online.
16 Nov 2023
@lauresha:matrix.orglaureshaDear Community, A friendly reminder that the services within our infrastructure are designed for demonstration purposes only, specifically for workshops, events, and GXFS activities. They are not intended for direct use in any external activities. If you wish to make use of these services, we kindly ask you to deploy them in your own infrastructure. Nevertheless, we welcome the community to use this infrastructure temporarily. Due to the migration to Eclipse f. we are currently having certain issues within the infrastructure environment and are actively working to resolve them.07:59:54
@flavia_ostermann:matrix.orgflavia_ostermann (Dataport Project Lead Merlot)ima_e3390ec.jpeg
Download ima_e3390ec.jpeg
@flavia_ostermann:matrix.orgflavia_ostermann (Dataport Project Lead Merlot)

Hey Lauresha!
Fantastic to read you here in the community!
As a lighthouse Project Merlot is using it directly for contributing to the core of Gaia-X.
The issue is with the app itself - you can not even set itup after installing from the App Store (still GXFS in Apple Store, XFSC on Android) so way before deploying the service.
-> GXFS PCM APP broken and not usable.

If you’re Still migrating and after the new tenders , who’ currently the contact person regarding PCM App?

@fabianscheidt:matrix.orgFabian ScheidtI guess the "fix" to make the PCM app compatible with self-hosted infrastructure would be to make the mediator configurable from the PCM's UI, right? Then we could use our own mediator without the trouble of building and submitting iOS and Android apps...08:59:31
@schulzest:matrix.orgschulzestThe problem is that the agent picks up on bootstrap his mediator in the afj, have not yet found a way to workarround that09:00:32
@kaimeinke:matrix.orgKai Meinke (deltaDAO AG)Can you share the URLs for an inspection?10:02:56
@lauresha:matrix.orglaureshaRedacted or Malformed Event10:15:20
@lauresha:matrix.orglauresha Dear everyone, for those who may have missed the updates on XFSC Specification Phase 2, here's a brief summary:
Trades awarded in second GXFS Specification Phase
Overview of XFSC High-Level Specification Phase 2
Documentation for XFSC Phase 2 Specifications
@robert_jost:dataport.modular.imRobert "Robbie" Jost (Dataport ext ARCH) joined the room.10:21:27
@jxhn_:matrix.orgJohn Hoffmann
In reply to @kaimeinke:matrix.org
Can you share the URLs for an inspection?
Sorry, I thought you were talking to Lena. You can find the credential URLs from my last test in the CES cred https://ces-main.lab.gaia-x.eu/credentials-events/7cf12cec-ee6b-472d-9826-600585607f67 - we do not use an EV SSL so its not in a v1 deployment.
@kaimeinke:matrix.orgKai Meinke (deltaDAO AG)DID resolves, which is good.11:37:26
@kaimeinke:matrix.orgKai Meinke (deltaDAO AG)And you got a compliance test credential, also good.11:37:57
@kaimeinke:matrix.orgKai Meinke (deltaDAO AG) But to lenasauermann , I think are missing attributes and the example values are just not correct. That is your issue most likely. 11:39:20
@kaimeinke:matrix.orgKai Meinke (deltaDAO AG)Most likely the service credential example is not working in your case. I would need to see it though.11:39:53
@kaimeinke:matrix.orgKai Meinke (deltaDAO AG)DID you try it on DEV as well?11:40:53
In reply to @flavia_ostermann:matrix.org

Hey Lauresha!
Fantastic to read you here in the community!
As a lighthouse Project Merlot is using it directly for contributing to the core of Gaia-X.
The issue is with the app itself - you can not even set itup after installing from the App Store (still GXFS in Apple Store, XFSC on Android) so way before deploying the service.
-> GXFS PCM APP broken and not usable.

If you’re Still migrating and after the new tenders , who’ currently the contact person regarding PCM App?

Good to see you in our GXFS community, Flavia.
This is an OSS project and regarding all issues you have please address them into the respectiv repositoris https://gitlab.eclipse.org/eclipse/xfsc and there is no direct individual which you can ask all your questions.
Regarding the PCM app, the issues with the new IOS updates also Android OS are addressed in the spec 2 phase to be fixed..
Please be aware that we do not offer production-ready components, including the PCM app. It is expected that you take the code from the repositories, recompile it, and customize the app according to your project's branding and requirements. We offer the app in our storages for the same reasons I mentioned in my previous comment.
Regarding all GXFS upcoming activities you have transparent communication where you can read and follow the updates yourself: https://www.gxfs.eu/trades-awarded-in-second-gxfs-specification-phase/
Addressing the concerns within the repositories, any additional development you've undertaken concerning these components is considered a contribution. Therefore, please integrate your work as a direct contribution to the core of Gaia-X, allowing all community members to view and benefit from it.
17 Nov 2023

Dear XFSC Community,

We want to provide you with a comprehensive summary of the discussions surrounding the identified issues. Presently, there are challenges within the XFSC PCM Environment that require attention.

  1. The PCM app is not deployable on the most recent iOS Version 17.x (iPhone with 16.x should still be functional)
  2. The PCM mediator (hosted on GXFS.dev Integration server) is not active, due to major SCS cluster issues.

Both issues are addressed but we need to ask for your patience.

Issue 1 should be resolved by End of November, and we will keep you updated. We might need to use TestFlight first before we schedule the update for the official app store version.

For Issue 2 we are going to assign support resources to get the Cluster back to functional mode.
Beside this we plan to build a new cluster environment for the XFSC.dev domain. To make use of this, we must recompile the PCM to link with the new Mediator URL.

As we are targeting additional issues of expired certs of SCS services, we are working on a backup strategy to deploy such relevant services like PCM Mediator, OCM, Federated Catalogue, Notarisation API and Trust Service API on additional standard hyperscale cluster environments soon.
Our primary objective is to ensure that both environments are operational, with comprehensive managed services support in place, by the time of our upcoming GXFS Workshop in Cologne on December 12th and 13th.

Upon completing the second phase of specifications, we aim to provide detailed instructions on deploying the components on your infrastructure. This will empower you to independently deploy components in your own environment, reducing reliance on our staging environments.

One of our key goals by end of this year is to provide a set of deployment scripts and prebuild container environment with a sufficient level of documentation on the layer of infrastructure provisioning, app deployment and app integration.

With kind regards,
XFSC team

19 Nov 2023
@garloff:matrix.orgKurt Garloff joined the room.21:20:53
20 Nov 2023
@batistein:matrix.orgSven Batista SteinbachRedacted or Malformed Event09:04:18
@batistein:matrix.orgSven Batista Steinbach The issues on the SCS cluster have been resolved, however, it is important to note that there may still be residual challenges at the application layer that need to be addressed09:04:36
@lenasauermann:matrix.orglenasauermannWe don't have our credentials persistent on our web server yet... So probably this is the problem, right?09:26:21
@kaimeinke:matrix.orgKai Meinke (deltaDAO AG)Potentially11:48:38
@kaimeinke:matrix.orgKai Meinke (deltaDAO AG)Yes, Credentials are not accepted yet. Still buggy.13:41:23
@kaimeinke:matrix.orgKai Meinke (deltaDAO AG)Mediator issue I guess.13:41:36
@steffi.schreiner:matrix.orgsteffi.schreinerHi, can someone help with this pipeline: https://gitlab.eclipse.org/eclipse/xfsc/self-description-tooling/sd-creation-wizard-api/-/pipelines/26587/15:52:56
@fabianscheidt:matrix.orgFabian Scheidt Hm, someone needs to set up a container registry first. CI_REGISTRY usually points to the internal registry of GitLab, but it seems that Eclipse has configured it to point to DockerHub. So the first question is, where will XFSC images be stored? 16:17:07

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