

168 Members
Building better Self Sovereign Identity World with XFSC community. GXFS code base is moving to: https://gitlab.eclipse.org/eclipse/xfsc7 Servers

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17 May 2024
@garloff:matrix.orgKurt Garloff changed their display name from Kurt Garloff (SCS) to Kurt Garloff (SCS) - back on May 22.23:03:13
19 May 2024
@usmansajid:matrix.orgUsman SajidHi Thanks, can zou give me an idea what do you mean by hyperledger indy technology and cloud native technology00:13:57
@usmansajid:matrix.orgUsman Sajid * Hi Thanks, can you give me an idea what do you mean by hyperledger indy technology and cloud native technology 00:14:09
21 May 2024
@garloff:matrix.orgKurt Garloff changed their display name from Kurt Garloff (SCS) - back on May 22 to Kurt Garloff (SCS).18:19:19
24 May 2024
@schulzest:matrix.orgschulzestNormal OCM is bound to https://www.hyperledger.org/projects/hyperledger-indy and Aries Framework. Means somehow ledger coupled and bound to a set of concepts/protocols which cant be avoided (aries RFCs). OCM W-Stack is a set of micro services constructed by normal micro services, which allows it to replace mostly everything what is not required. Its build out of postgres, hashicorp vault, key cloak, redis, cassandra, common crypto libraries/standards and other cloud things which are much more common than special aries frameworks like credo, aca py etc. 08:50:16
11 Jun 2024
@lauresha:matrix.orglaureshaDear all, I hope you are doing well. I look forward to seeing those of you attending the workshop tomorrow. Please note that we will use a separate chat for workshop communications. Please find bellow the link of the chat room for participants on site; I recommend joining it in advance. Link: https://matrix.to/#/#XFSCTW7:matrix.org Additionally, our final session will be held online. This provides an opportunity for anyone interested and was unable to attend in person to join the session online: Notarization API Extension 1 – Online, Time: 15:45-16:45 Link to the Session: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MGU2MWRhOWItMDkzMS00ZGQ0LTlhMWQtNTVhMzQ2MDhkMjJh%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22442d55f0-10e0-4a5d-9894-57c58a5de2c0%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2280a53533-c0cf-4701-a0a2-a37ec1bb4296%22%7d Best regards, Lauresha 07:32:10
12 Jun 2024
@christian.weiers:matrix.orgChristian Weiers joined the room.07:15:35
@jmlorca:matrix.org@jmlorca:matrix.org joined the room.07:25:13
@jmlorca:matrix.org@jmlorca:matrix.org left the room.07:25:38
14 Jun 2024
@lauresha:matrix.orglaureshaXFSC Tech Community.jpg
Download XFSC Tech Community.jpg

Dear XFSC Tech Workshop Participants and our Tech Community,

Thank you all for joining the Workshop in Hürth on June 12, 2024. We deeply appreciate your contributions and engagement.

  • The report of the workshop will be available soon, and you will find it on our website.

  • We look forward to your feedback on regarding the QA of the developed components and any additional feedback you may have.

We are excited to see you at the next Tech Workshop, where we will collaborate on integrating the toolbox components and “setting up” Federations. We will keep you updated once we have the date and details for the next Tech Workshop.

Best regards and see you soon,

@lauresha:matrix.orglaureshaP.S. The photographer accidentally cropped a few participants out of the picture. For those who needed to leave early, we'll ensure to take the group photo during the lunch break next time :)08:13:10
19 Jun 2024
@elkaza:matrix.orgelkezza joined the room.14:29:34
11 Jul 2024
@mlziegelmeir:matrix.orgMichael Ziegelmeir changed their display name from mlziegelmeir to Michael Ziegelmeir.14:25:40
23 Jul 2024
@rosen.georgiev:vereign.com@rosen.georgiev:vereign.com changed their profile picture.08:01:08
18 Jul 2024
@buntfuss:dataport.modular.im@buntfuss:dataport.modular.im 12:50:36
@buntfuss:dataport.modular.im@buntfuss:dataport.modular.im removed their display name Nancy Buntfuß (Univention GmbH).12:50:40
@buntfuss:dataport.modular.im@buntfuss:dataport.modular.im left the room.12:50:46
22 Jul 2024
@tsen.kwong:dataport.modular.imTsen Kwong (Dataport ext) changed their display name from Tsen Kwong (Dataport ext) to Tsen Kwong (Dataport ext) abwesend bis 12.8.11:15:31
26 Jul 2024
@garloff:matrix.orgKurt Garloff changed their display name from Kurt Garloff (SCS) to Kurt Garloff (back Aug 13).15:08:14
31 Jul 2024
@rosen.georgiev:vereign.com@rosen.georgiev:vereign.com left the room.11:16:15
2 Aug 2024
@jeromee1:matrix.orgJerome Estienne (POSSIBLE Project) changed their display name from Jerome Estienne (MERLOT Project) to Jerome Estienne (POSSIBLE Project).11:46:57
7 Aug 2024
@marcelruland:matrix.orgMarcel Ruland (Cofinity-X) changed their display name from Marcel Ruland (LMIS AG) to Marcel Ruland (Cofinity-X).06:30:42
12 Aug 2024
@tsen.kwong:dataport.modular.imTsen Kwong (Dataport ext) changed their display name from Tsen Kwong (Dataport ext) abwesend bis 12.8 to Tsen Kwong (Dataport ext).07:03:30
13 Aug 2024
@garloff:matrix.orgKurt Garloff changed their display name from Kurt Garloff (back Aug 13) to Kurt Garloff.08:17:04
@mlouwers:matrix.orgMarcel Louwers (Marispace-X) changed their display name from mlouwers to Marcel Louwers.09:21:17
@mlouwers:matrix.orgMarcel Louwers (Marispace-X) changed their display name from Marcel Louwers to Marcel Louwers (Marispace-X).09:21:49
15 Aug 2024
@hpreiss:mtx.isp.uni-luebeck.de@hpreiss:mtx.isp.uni-luebeck.de changed their display name from hpreiss to Hannes H..10:20:06
16 Aug 2024
@hpreiss:mtx.isp.uni-luebeck.de@hpreiss:mtx.isp.uni-luebeck.de left the room.08:56:48
3 Sep 2024
@anja.strunk:matrix.org@anja.strunk:matrix.org left the room.08:08:48

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