

189 Members
open source card game - https://arcmage.org/ 38 Servers

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10 May 2024
@elouin:haumbaus.euElouinIf you just want to play some games, using the preconstructed ones is propably the best to get a feel for the game.06:50:04
@ham:envs.nethamThank you15:00:51
@_bifrost_marsironpi=40ba.ln.ea.cx:aria-net.orgMarsIronPI joined the room.15:18:34
11 May 2024
@fsvieira:matrix.orgFilipe Vieira joined the room.20:44:11
12 May 2024
@ngoeminne:matrix.orgngoeminneYeah, go ahead and have a look at our card database.15:14:41
@_bifrost_marsironpi=40ba.ln.ea.cx:aria-net.orgMarsIronPI left the room.21:38:44
@_bifrost_marsironpi=40ba.ln.ea.cx:aria-net.orgMarsIronPI joined the room.22:08:29
13 May 2024
@_bifrost_marsironpi=40ba.ln.ea.cx:aria-net.orgMarsIronPI left the room.00:47:37
@david:web3.foundationDavid | W3F changed their display name from David | W3F - OOO May 13 to David | W3F.06:34:03
@_bifrost_marsironpi=40ba.ln.ea.cx:aria-net.orgMarsIronPI joined the room.11:47:48
@_bifrost_marsironpi=40ba.ln.ea.cx:aria-net.orgMarsIronPI left the room.21:27:36
@_bifrost_marsironpi=40ba.ln.ea.cx:aria-net.orgMarsIronPI joined the room.21:27:40
27 May 2024
@jesusalva:matrix.orgJesusalvaGuy in Discord needing help23:54:15
@jesusalva:matrix.orgJesusalvaPlease send help23:54:20
28 May 2024
@ngoeminne:matrix.orgngoeminneWill do!06:30:10
@arcbot:matrix.orgarcbot Hey, I'm arcbot, here to help you find arcmage players and set up arcmage games.

!help => show this help
!add => mark yourself as willing to play and add you to the match notification list
!remove => remove yourself from the match notification list
!list => show all arcmage players on the notification list
!match [hh:mm] => let all arcmage players on the notification list know your up for a game [at your local time]. Example usage: !match 18:00
!play => create and set up the arcmage game battlefield, the game link shared, and two players can join the game
!lic => show the lic information
!timezone [offset] => shows or change your timezone setting. Example usage: !timezone UTC+03:00 or !timezone UTC-11:00
!card [isoLanguageCode] [card name search] => Displays the first card matching the fussy name search. Use the two digit iso language code to filter on language.
!c => Shorthand for !card.
!full [isoLanguageCode] [card name search] => Displays the full information of first card matching the fussy name search. Use the two digit iso language code to filter on language.
!f => Shorthand for !full.
!text [isoLanguageCode] [card name search] => Displays basic information of first card matching the fussy name search. Use the two digit iso language code to filter on language.
!t => Shorthand for !text.
!cardlink [isoLanguageCode] [card name search] => Displays the aminduna link to the first card matching the fussy name search. Use the two digit iso language code to filter on language.
!cl => Shorthand for !cardlink.
!deck [isoLanguageCode] [deck name search] => Displays the card list of the first deck matching the fussy name search. Use the two digit iso language code to filter on language.
!d => Shorthand for !deck.
!textdeck [isoLanguageCode] [deck name search] => Displays the card list of the first deck matching the fussy name search in plain text. Use the two digit iso language code to filter on language.
!td => Shorthand for !textdeck.
!decllink [isoLanguageCode] [card deck search] => Displays the aminduna link to the first deck matching the fussy name search. Use the two digit iso language code to filter on language.
!dl => Shorthand for !decklink.
3 Jun 2024
@david:web3.foundationDavid | W3F changed their display name from David | W3F to David | W3F - Slow responses until June 7.13:08:26
7 Jun 2024
@david:web3.foundationDavid | W3F changed their display name from David | W3F - Slow responses until June 7 to David | W3F.09:31:33
22 Jun 2024
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥Did arcmage attend Libreplanet this year ?21:22:48
26 Jun 2024
28 Jun 2024
@david:web3.foundationDavid | W3F changed their display name from David | W3F to David | W3F - OOO (sick).06:23:02
1 Jul 2024
@david:web3.foundationDavid | W3F changed their display name from David | W3F - OOO (sick) to David | W3F.06:36:57
3 Jul 2024
@david:web3.foundationDavid | W3F changed their display name from David | W3F to David | W3F - OOO July 8.11:02:46
8 Jul 2024
@david:web3.foundationDavid | W3F changed their display name from David | W3F - OOO July 8 to David | W3F.06:51:17
16 Jul 2024
In reply to @eaterjolly:matrix.org
Did arcmage attend Libreplanet this year ?
No we did not.
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgCur_固嚛訥It might be a good idea next year ! ^.^ If you can't make it then I'd be happy to represent , if I can make it .17:15:38
18 Jul 2024
@echedeylr:masfloss.netEchedelle ⚧ (she/her) changed their profile picture.09:49:45
@echedeylr:masfloss.netEchedelle ⚧ (she/her) changed their profile picture.09:50:10

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