
Naga Shader Translator

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On the way to producing SPIR-V!10 Servers

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27 Mar 2024
@eddyb:matrix.orgeddybthere have to be a dozen slightly different takes on that idea by now, but if I had to do an ecosystem survey to figure out exactly what's out there, I would either give up or publish the 13th take anyway :P08:42:12
@eddyb:matrix.orgeddybalso "unique" stuff is usually called "interner" tho I wouldn't be surprised if there's a few more names for that idea08:43:27
@eddyb:matrix.orgeddyb(SPIR-T annoyingly has similar data structures to any of these "entity" map things that are flat arrays, but with an extra hierarchical complication I haven't seen elsewhere, so it's all homebrew for now. it combines globally unique IDs like SPIR-V, with being able to contiguously allocate IDs independently for each function. basically there's a "chunk" size under which a function is on the fast path with only contiguous storage/access and larger functions have to use multiple chinks with an extra level of B-tree map or whatever. still, globally unique IDs + per-function ownership is a nice combo for my needs, and the numbers can be tweaked to benefit the common case)08:52:29

I would either give up or publish the 13th take anyway :P

good take actually, heh. that's usually how it goes with these more basic utilitites

28 Mar 2024
@mohitjaix:matrix.orgMohitJaix joined the room.09:44:54
@djmcnab:matrix.orgDaniel McNab In Vello, we've run into a case of the uniformity analysis being non-spec compliant - this is at vello#535
Is it helpful to track this down, or should we expect this to be fixed by Naga implementing a spec-compliant algorithm?
30 Mar 2024
@vladexa:matrix.orgVladislav Grechannik Hi guys, I've run into a problem running cargo test --all-features --workspace on the repo. Is it currently broken on the trunk branch, or is it just my machine acting up? 12:47:24
@vladexa:matrix.orgVladislav GrechannikAfter fixing unclosed bracket here (the class scope isn't properly closed, so you cant start defining const and function), it gave me this error:
`ext:cts_runner/bootstrap.js not present in the module map`
Download After fixing unclosed bracket here (the class scope isn't properly closed, so you cant start defining const and function), it gave me this error: `ext:cts_runner/bootstrap.js not present in the module map`
@vladexa:matrix.orgVladislav Grechannik After fixing unclosed bracket here (the class scope isn't properly closed, so you cant start defining const and function), it gave me this error:
`ext:cts_runner/bootstrap.js not present in the module map
@vladexa:matrix.orgVladislav Grechannik After fixing unclosed bracket here (the class scope isn't properly closed, so you cant start defining const and function), it gave me this error:
ext:cts_runner/bootstrap.js not present in the module map

We're planning on completely re-implementing the uniformity analysis; the current one simply doesn't do what the spec. asks. Do y'all need the diagnostic opt-out (i.e., diagnostic(off,derivative_uniformity)) for now? I've asked a similar question just now in wgpu#3135.

CC jimb, teoxoy.

@erichdongubler-mozilla:mozilla.orgErichDonGubler *

We're planning on completely re-implementing the uniformity analysis; the current one simply doesn't do what the spec. asks. Would the standard diagnostic trigger filtering for WGSL do what y'all need (i.e., diagnostic(off,derivative_uniformity))? I've asked a similar question just now in wgpu#3135. We're considering implementing it soon, but we're also considering "just" implementing the correct uniformity analysis soon.

CC jimb, teoxoy.

@djmcnab:matrix.orgDaniel McNabThe direction of the implementation being wrong was "in our favour", i.e. it accepted something by-spec invalid (which was, incidentally, actually uniform :D) That is, we're happy to work within the constraints of uniformity analysis, but in this case we had to make changes to work with tint17:47:50
@djmcnab:matrix.orgDaniel McNab * The direction of the implementation being wrong was "in our favour", i.e. it accepted something by-spec invalid (which was, incidentally, actually uniform once doing control flow :D)
That is, we're happy to work within the constraints of uniformity analysis, but in this case we had to make changes to work with tint
@djmcnab:matrix.orgDaniel McNab * The direction of the implementation being wrong was "in our favour", i.e. it accepted something by-spec invalid (which was, incidentally, maintained uniform control flow :D)
That is, we're happy to work within the constraints of uniformity analysis, but in this case we had to make changes to work with tint
@djmcnab:matrix.orgDaniel McNab * The direction of the implementation being wrong was "in our favour", i.e. it accepted something by-spec invalid (which was, incidentally, maintained uniform control flow :D)
That is, we're happy to work within the constraints of uniformity analysis, but in this case we had to make changes to work with tint (for Chrome compatibility)
@djmcnab:matrix.orgDaniel McNabIf the specific issue we ran into doesn't need tracking down, that's mostly great for us, as it saves the time doing that17:49:27
@djmcnab:matrix.orgDaniel McNabFor me personally, I'd be happy just sticking with the only definitely valid set, but Raph might be able to answer about scoped disabling of the check17:52:45
@djmcnab:matrix.orgDaniel McNabWe're not using derivatives (afaik)17:53:56
@erichdongubler-mozilla:mozilla.orgErichDonGubler Asked in #wgpu:matrix.org for you: https://matrix.to/#/!FZyQrssSlHEZqrYcOb:matrix.org/$MIEZ-14TnHuQ8F18asRMMmfEdBVwkzyCt9Vu4ACKzPQ?via=matrix.org&via=mozilla.org&via=envs.net 17:54:18
@erichdongubler-mozilla:mozilla.orgErichDonGubler I think you'll want to chat with @crowlKats there, if this is Deno-related (which IIRC cts_runner is). 17:54:35
@crowlkats:matrix.orgcrowlkats joined the room.17:55:41
@crowlkats:matrix.orgcrowlkatsi really need to update deno in the wgpu repo. will do that in the next few hours17:57:14
@crowlkats:matrix.orgcrowlkatsand that error makes no sense17:58:20
@crowlkats:matrix.orgcrowlkatsill look into it asap17:58:45
In reply to @lylythechosenone:matrix.org
would anybody be willing to move Arena/UniqueArena outside of naga, so that they can be used in other crates?
Another crate in the wgpu namespace? Sure.
@jimb:mozilla.orgjimb The thing that worries me is that such a move implicitly suggests that Arena is "general purpose", and we may be pushed to add features that we don't need. 22:08:43
@jimb:mozilla.orgjimbA few extra methods here and there are no problem.22:08:51
@jimb:mozilla.orgjimb But, for example, there's one shortcoming that Arena has now, as used in Naga: we have an Arena<Expression> in each Function, and then a global Arena<Expression> in the module, for constant expressions and overrides. If I have a Handle<Expression>, there's no way to distinguish which one it's referring to. 22:10:11
@jimb:mozilla.orgjimbIn the specific case of Naga, this isn't a big deal, and we just manage.22:10:20

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