
Naga Shader Translator

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3 Apr 2024
@atlv:matrix.orgverocalling for reviews on https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu/pull/5383 pls :) 20:39:28
@atlv:matrix.orgveroive fixed everything and its been quite a journey20:39:47
5 Apr 2024
@atlv:matrix.orgveroBroke out a couple small PRs for easier review: https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu/pull/5498 https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu/pull/549705:21:45
7 Apr 2024
@mehmetoguzderin:matrix.orgmehmetoguzderin changed their profile picture.10:12:06
@atlv:matrix.orgvero teoxoy is there anything i can do to make the 64 bit atomics PR easier to review? maybe split it into two PRs, one for ALL_OPS and one for MIN_MAX? 20:07:04
@atlv:matrix.orgveroshould I just leave it alone20:07:21
8 Apr 2024
@djmcnab:matrix.orgDaniel McNab What are the soundness implications of zero_initialize_workgroup_memory (and equivalents)? We're investigating this in Vello, and finding that it has a really bad impact on pipeline initialisation time (multiplication by a factor of 5 on Android, factor of 8 on DXC, factor of 15 on FXC)
The easiest solution from our perspective is to wire through disabling it, but I'm concerned that this needs documentation
@djmcnab:matrix.orgDaniel McNabExact numbers can be found in: https://xi.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/197075-gpu/topic/Android.20Startup.20Time.20Investigation/near/431913809 (I don't know if Matrix supports tables)09:55:45
9 Apr 2024
In reply to @atlv:matrix.org
teoxoy is there anything i can do to make the 64 bit atomics PR easier to review? maybe split it into two PRs, one for ALL_OPS and one for MIN_MAX?
Should be fine, I should be able to get to it in the coming days.
@djmcnab:matrix.orgDaniel McNabWow is spir-v convoluted to work with...16:23:17
@cwfitzgerald:matrix.orgcwfitzgeraldLazy CI seems to be failing after pipeline constants landed21:00:30
@cwfitzgerald:matrix.orgcwfitzgeraldThe dota2 shaders use spec constants and the spirv frontend seems to be balking21:00:57
10 Apr 2024
In reply to @cwfitzgerald:matrix.org
The dota2 shaders use spec constants and the spirv frontend seems to be balking
I'll take a look.
11 Apr 2024
@mehmetoguzderin:matrix.orgmehmetoguzderin changed their profile picture.11:09:50
12 Apr 2024
@douglasdwyer:matrix.orgDouglas Dwyer joined the room.23:43:12
@douglasdwyer:matrix.orgDouglas DwyerAre there any plans to support the shader-f16 extension in Naga in the future? If no one is working on it, what steps would be necessary to implement the feature myself for the WGSL frontend and SPIR-V backend?23:50:04
@douglasdwyer:matrix.orgDouglas DwyerAh, just found the meta-issue: https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu/issues/4384 I still would be interested in knowing more about the steps, specifically wgsl-in and spv-out23:58:21
13 Apr 2024
In reply to @douglasdwyer:matrix.org
Ah, just found the meta-issue: https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu/issues/4384
I still would be interested in knowing more about the steps, specifically wgsl-in and spv-out
should be pretty similar to what I did in https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu/pull/5154
@atlv:matrix.orgveroi recommend just searching for some existing type like f32 and going through all the usages in the codebase naively making sure each one also handles f1600:31:03
@atlv:matrix.orgverothen adding an f16 naga test and iterating until it works on all the backends you can00:31:52
@douglasdwyer:matrix.orgDouglas Dwyer
In reply to @atlv:matrix.org
should be pretty similar to what I did in https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu/pull/5154
Thanks, that looks like a great example PR to follow :)
14 Apr 2024
@atlv:matrix.orgveroi opened 3 prs that should be easy reviews and merges: https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu/pull/5532 https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu/pull/5533 https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu/pull/553419:58:44
19 Apr 2024
@multisn8:matrix.org@multisn8:matrix.org left the room.15:29:43
20 Apr 2024
@atlv:matrix.orgveroI need help with this: https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu/issues/556911:27:35

I'm getting HLSL output like:

float4 _expr2703 = float4(_expr2697.x, (float4)0.y, (float4)0.z, (float4)0.w);

which Fxc does seem to like: error X3000: syntax error: unexpected token 'y'

(float4)0 is written for an Expression::ZeroValue. Would the correct fix be to adjust the hlsl writer to parenthesize these expressions?

float4 _expr2703 = float4(_expr2697.x, ((float4)0).y, ((float4)0).z, ((float4)0).w);

This is using some SPIRV input that I haven't looked through, I tried to reproduce the issue with some simple wgsl like vec2<f32>().x but naga outputs (float)0 for that.

@imbris:matrix.orgimbris *

I'm getting HLSL output like:

float4 _expr2703 = float4(_expr2697.x, (float4)0.y, (float4)0.z, (float4)0.w);

which Fxc doesn't seem to like: error X3000: syntax error: unexpected token 'y'

(float4)0 is written for an Expression::ZeroValue. Would the correct fix be to adjust the hlsl writer to parenthesize these expressions?

float4 _expr2703 = float4(_expr2697.x, ((float4)0).y, ((float4)0).z, ((float4)0).w);

This is using some SPIRV input that I haven't looked through, I tried to reproduce the issue with some simple wgsl like vec2<f32>().x but naga outputs (float)0 for that.

21 Apr 2024
In reply to @imbris:matrix.org

I'm getting HLSL output like:

float4 _expr2703 = float4(_expr2697.x, (float4)0.y, (float4)0.z, (float4)0.w);

which Fxc doesn't seem to like: error X3000: syntax error: unexpected token 'y'

(float4)0 is written for an Expression::ZeroValue. Would the correct fix be to adjust the hlsl writer to parenthesize these expressions?

float4 _expr2703 = float4(_expr2697.x, ((float4)0).y, ((float4)0).z, ((float4)0).w);

This is using some SPIRV input that I haven't looked through, I tried to reproduce the issue with some simple wgsl like vec2<f32>().x but naga outputs (float)0 for that.

Yeah that looks like what needs to happen, though the construction is a bit comical
@imbris:matrix.orgimbrisyeah 😂20:38:58
23 Apr 2024
@atlv:matrix.orgverofix for https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu/issues/5569 : https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu/pull/559017:33:27
25 Apr 2024
@imbris:matrix.orgimbris I'm trying to figure out the approach for fixing https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu/issues/4514.
The linked spirv-cross issue seems to have been resolved by replacing the switch with a do {} while(false). However, I'm wondering if there could be issues with the original switch containing a continue statement for an outer loop. Is this possible?

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