
Aurora Store (Community)

232 Members
Welcome to the unofficial community room of Aurora Store, an open source client for the Google Play Store with privacy at the center. Learn More at: https://auroraoss.com/ Join the Space at: #auroraosscommunity:matrix.org (This room was created in response to the official one becoming abandoned by its moderators and consumed by spam)18 Servers

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1 Sep 2024
In reply to @neko_teko:tchncs.de
Is the Owner of the room active?
I am alive, yes.
In reply to @okydooky:matrix.org
I am alive, yes.
10 Sep 2024
@rogueren:matrix.orgRen@Nobara changed their display name from Ren to Ren@Nobara.06:41:18
6 Sep 2024
@yy:nope.chatYe changed their profile picture.19:07:31
13 Sep 2024
@diy_fuego:matrix.orgeb changed their profile picture.16:07:57

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