

30 Members
Unvanquished: Free FPS/RTS game in development | https://www.unvanquished.net | Discord: https://discord.gg/6C5VPXz | Our (currently more active) development IRC channel is #unvanquished-dev8 Servers

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9 May 2024
@dretch:matrix.orgBridge 🔹️ Unvanquished: 1 person (1+4 A, 0+5 H, 0 S) playing freeway on Map&Bot Testing EU | 389 maps | 0.54.1 https://play.unvanquished.net/ 21:15:53
@dretch:matrix.orgBridge 🔹️ Unvanquished: 1 person (0+4 A, 1+3 H, 0 S) playing sharp on Map&Bot Testing EU | 389 maps | 0.54.1 https://play.unvanquished.net/ 23:41:12
10 May 2024
@dretch:matrix.orgBridge 🔹️ Unvanquished: 1 person (0+5 A, 1+4 H, 0 S) playing ifz on Map&Bot Testing EU | 389 maps | 0.54.1 https://play.unvanquished.net/ 02:03:13
@dretch:matrix.orgBridge 🔹️ Unvanquished: 1 person (0+5 A, 1+4 H, 0 S) playing spacetracks on Map&Bot Testing EU | 389 maps | 0.54.1 https://play.unvanquished.net/ 03:19:33
@dretch:matrix.orgBridge 🔹️ Unvanquished: 1 person (0+5 A, 1+4 H, 0 S) playing plat23 on [US] unvanquished.net 0.54.1 https://play.unvanquished.net/ 05:45:02
@dretch:matrix.orgBridge 🔹️ Unvanquished: 1 person (0+5 A, 1+4 H, 0 S) playing fortification on Map&Bot Testing EU | 389 maps | 0.54.1 https://play.unvanquished.net/ 06:45:03
@dretch:matrix.orgBridge 🔹️ Unvanquished: 2 people (0+7 A, 2+2 H, 0 S) playing atcs-x-retake on Map&Bot Testing EU | 389 maps | 0.54.1 https://play.unvanquished.net/ 07:11:42
@dretch:matrix.orgBridge 🔹️ Unvanquished: 1 person (0+10 A, 1+4 H, 0 S) playing operation-vent on Map&Bot Testing EU | 389 maps | 0.54.1 https://play.unvanquished.net/ 09:05:22
@dretch:matrix.orgBridge 🔹️ Unvanquished: 1 person (0+2 A, 1+1 H, 0 S) playing forlorn on FSFans 社区游戏服务 | Unvanquished 0.54.1 https://play.unvanquished.net/ 10:13:42
@dretch:matrix.orgBridge 🔹️ Unvanquished: 2 people (1+3 A, 1+4 H, 0 S) playing 1984 on Map&Bot Testing EU | 389 maps | 0.54.1 https://play.unvanquished.net/ 10:53:02
@dretch:matrix.orgBridge 🔹️ Unvanquished: 1 person (1+4 A, 0+5 H, 0 S) playing assault on Map&Bot Testing EU | 389 maps | 0.54.1 https://play.unvanquished.net/ 12:12:12
@dretch:matrix.orgBridge 🔹️ Unvanquished: 2 people (0+4 A, 2+2 H, 0 S) playing ptcs7 on Map&Bot Testing EU | 389 maps | 0.54.1 https://play.unvanquished.net/ 12:42:22
@dretch:matrix.orgBridge 🔹️ Unvanquished: 3 people (3+1 A, 0+8 H, 1 S) playing new-hope on Map&Bot Testing EU | 389 maps | 0.54.1 https://play.unvanquished.net/ 12:55:52
@dretch:matrix.orgBridge 🔹️ Unvanquished: 1 person (0+4 A, 1+3 H, 0 S) playing tds on Map&Bot Testing EU | 389 maps | 0.54.1 https://play.unvanquished.net/ 14:15:42
@dretch:matrix.orgBridge 🔹️ Sweet: https://p.mort.coffee/juD.jpg 14:41:37
@dretch:matrix.orgBridge 🔹️ Sweet: navcons 14:41:40
@dretch:matrix.orgBridge 🔹️ Sweet: these are vertical paths the bots can use 14:42:55
@dretch:matrix.orgBridge 🔹️ Unvanquished: 2 people (0+5 A, 2+3 H, 0 S) playing drift on Map&Bot Testing EU | many maps | 0.54.1 https://play.unvanquished.net/ 15:04:52
@dretch:matrix.orgBridge 🔹️ Unvanquished: 3 people (0+8 A, 3+3 H, 0 S) playing voxelhill0 on Map&Bot Testing EU | many maps | 0.54.1 https://play.unvanquished.net/ 15:15:52
@dretch:matrix.orgBridge 🔹️ Unvanquished: 2 people (2+2 A, 0+6 H, 0 S) playing toot on Map&Bot Testing EU | many maps | 0.54.1 https://play.unvanquished.net/ 16:30:52
@dretch:matrix.orgBridge 🔹️ Unvanquished: 3 people (3+1 A, 0+6 H, 0 S) playing toot on Map&Bot Testing EU | many maps | 0.54.1 https://play.unvanquished.net/ 16:39:41
@dretch:matrix.orgBridge 🔹️ Unvanquished: 2 people (0+5 A, 2+3 H, 1 S) playing cerberus on Map&Bot Testing EU | many maps | 0.54.1 https://play.unvanquished.net/ 17:47:52
@dretch:matrix.orgBridge 🔹️ Unvanquished: 3 people (0+5 A, 3+2 H, 0 S) playing cerberus on Map&Bot Testing EU | many maps | 0.54.1 https://play.unvanquished.net/ 17:48:02
@dretch:matrix.orgBridge 🔹️ Unvanquished: 3 people (1+3 A, 2+2 H, 0 S) playing atcszalpha on Map&Bot Testing EU | many maps | 0.54.1 https://play.unvanquished.net/ 18:50:12
@dretch:matrix.orgBridge 🔹️ Unvanquished: 4 people (1+3 A, 3+1 H, 0 S) playing atcszalpha on Map&Bot Testing EU | many maps | 0.54.1 https://play.unvanquished.net/ 19:02:33
@dretch:matrix.orgBridge 🔹️ Unvanquished: 1 person (0+10 A, 1+3 H, 0 S) playing dretchstorm on Map&Bot Testing EU | many maps | 0.54.1 https://play.unvanquished.net/ 20:58:12
@dretch:matrix.orgBridge 🔹️ Unvanquished: 2 people (0+5 A, 2+3 H, 0 S) playing tremor on Map&Bot Testing EU | many maps | 0.54.1 https://play.unvanquished.net/ 21:19:13
@dretch:matrix.orgBridge 🔹️ Unvanquished: 3 people (0+5 A, 3+2 H, 1 S) playing tremor on Map&Bot Testing EU | many maps | 0.54.1 https://play.unvanquished.net/ 21:25:12
@dretch:matrix.orgBridge 🔹️ Sweet: !list 21:39:43
@dretch:matrix.orgBridge 🔹️ Unvanquished: 3 people (0+5 A, 3+2 H, 1 S) playing test-navcons on Map&Bot Testing EU | many maps | 0.54.1 https://play.unvanquished.net/ 21:39:43

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