

599 Members
Discord-IRC Bridge for all the Developers and those who want to contact them.4 Servers

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21 Jun 2021
@jackson21:matrix.org@jackson21:matrix.org joined the room.15:45:02
@jackson21:matrix.org@jackson21:matrix.org left the room.20:07:23
22 Jun 2021
@harrison1:matrix.org@harrison1:matrix.org left the room.14:59:34
@_discord_117410650367459335:t2bot.ioCoriander Lee#7618 changed their display name from Coriander Lee to Coriander Lee#7618.19:22:51
23 Jun 2021
@saeed0018:matrix.org@saeed0018:matrix.org left the room.16:04:03
30 Jun 2021
@_discord_298548472162942976:t2bot.ioUʅɾιƈ ɱσɾɳιɳɠʂƚαɾG#4950 changed their display name from Uʅɾιƈ ɱσɾɳιɳɠʂƚαɾG to Uʅɾιƈ ɱσɾɳιɳɠʂƚαɾG#4950.16:18:31
9 Jul 2021
@_discord_254155060739702784:t2bot.ioColombo#9393 changed their display name from Colombo to Colombo#9393.09:42:46
10 Jul 2021
@_discord_159454827573673984:t2bot.iowrenchintheplan#0 changed their display name from Wrench In The Plan to Wrench In The Plan#3289.19:29:50
20 Jul 2021
@_discord_159454827573673984:t2bot.iowrenchintheplan#0 changed their profile picture.22:07:03
3 Aug 2021
@_discord_455364766312169474:t2bot.iowanderer3658#0 changed their profile picture.09:11:19
8 Aug 2021
@_discord_336932113469145090:t2bot.ioTimboF5#4914 changed their display name from TimboF5 to TimboF5#4914.19:35:30
10 Aug 2021
@_discord_186659496087650313:t2bot.ioDiaz#5058 changed their display name from Diaz to Diaz#5058.04:21:21
11 Aug 2021
@_discord_377871715163701258:t2bot.iosunnydays7777#0 changed their display name from SkyBreach to ETERNAL#4107.14:59:41
@_discord_377871715163701258:t2bot.iosunnydays7777#0 changed their profile picture.15:00:26
23 Aug 2021
@dubaisdc:matrix.orgdubaisdc joined the room.10:06:49
@dubaisdc:matrix.orgdubaisdcGuys, I am looking to Find Developers Who can Developer and integrate Unlimited 1-to-1 and Group Chats, Voice and Video Calls as well as develop short Video Apps similar to Tiktok....... Thank you very much ..... Anyone with great experience should email me directly. 10:06:59
8 Sep 2021
@boxkiller123:matrix.org@boxkiller123:matrix.org joined the room.00:58:35
@boxkiller123:matrix.org@boxkiller123:matrix.org https://skidson.online/ Best AQW Private server AQW Is a free to play browser mmorpg you can play with your friends join us now! Join our discord below: https://discord.gg/ZAebPzpsbR 00:58:40
@boxkiller123:matrix.org@boxkiller123:matrix.org left the room.01:08:55
@babaca:matrix.org@babaca:matrix.org joined the room.01:22:17
@babaca:matrix.org@babaca:matrix.org left the room.01:31:54
17 Sep 2021
@_discord_502928035721248768:t2bot.ioFlacko#1667 changed their display name from Flacko to Flacko#1667.17:04:52
20 Sep 2021
@moustafa5:matrix.org@moustafa5:matrix.org joined the room.19:02:16
27 Sep 2021
@_discord_278311368061353985:t2bot.ioNamangar#2780 changed their display name from Ragnaman to Namangar#2780.20:09:06
@_discord_278311368061353985:t2bot.ioNamangar#2780 changed their profile picture.20:09:07
8 Oct 2021
@_discord_370246555799912460:t2bot.ioHolygosh#7463 changed their display name from Holygosh to Holygosh#7463.03:47:25
21 Oct 2021
@_discord_234804852859994113:t2bot.iozagamun#0 changed their profile picture.22:23:08
10 Nov 2021
@_discord_377871715163701258:t2bot.iosunnydays7777#0 changed their profile picture.15:36:34
13 Nov 2021
@hogspeed:matrix.org@hogspeed:matrix.org joined the room.12:12:53
@hogspeed:matrix.org@hogspeed:matrix.org left the room.13:17:00

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