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4 Dec 2021
@freenode_ShenZhiwen_:matrix.org@freenode_ShenZhiwen_:matrix.org joined the room.06:04:06
@freenode_ShenZhiwen:matrix.org@freenode_ShenZhiwen:matrix.org left the room.06:06:59
@freenode_ShenZhiwen__:matrix.org@freenode_ShenZhiwen__:matrix.org joined the room.06:54:18
@freenode_ShenZhiwen_:matrix.org@freenode_ShenZhiwen_:matrix.org left the room.06:56:29
@freenode_ShenZhiwen:matrix.org@freenode_ShenZhiwen:matrix.org joined the room.08:52:18
@freenode_ShenZhiwen__:matrix.org@freenode_ShenZhiwen__:matrix.org left the room.08:52:19
@freenode_ShenZhiwen_:matrix.org@freenode_ShenZhiwen_:matrix.org joined the room.09:46:05
@freenode_ShenZhiwen:matrix.org@freenode_ShenZhiwen:matrix.org left the room.09:48:01
@freenode_ShenZhiwen:matrix.org@freenode_ShenZhiwen:matrix.org joined the room.17:42:37
@freenode_ShenZhiwen_:matrix.org@freenode_ShenZhiwen_:matrix.org left the room.17:44:59
@freenode_ShenZhiwen:matrix.org@freenode_ShenZhiwen:matrix.org left the room.21:50:51
5 Dec 2021
@bossbigbigboss002:matrix.org@bossbigbigboss002:matrix.org left the room.09:00:39
@freenode_aeb:matrix.orgaeb joined the room.11:17:49
@freenode_etcv:matrix.orgetcv joined the room.11:22:56
@freenode_enqr:matrix.orgenqr joined the room.15:24:46
@freenode_skevan2:matrix.org@freenode_skevan2:matrix.org joined the room.19:16:21
@freenode_fossapup64_22494:matrix.orgfossapup64_22494 joined the room.21:25:32
@freenode_skevan2:matrix.org@freenode_skevan2:matrix.org left the room.21:31:13
@freenode_skevan2:matrix.org@freenode_skevan2:matrix.org joined the room.21:31:24
@freenode_skevan2:matrix.org@freenode_skevan2:matrix.org left the room.21:31:29
@_discord_234804852859994113:t2bot.iozagamun#0 changed their profile picture.22:18:33
6 Dec 2021
@freenode_miiiiklp:matrix.orgmiiiiklp joined the room.07:57:21
@freenode_nekba:matrix.orgnekba joined the room.09:20:16
@freenode_nekba:matrix.orgnekba D i d u s a t r a i n & s u p pl y i s i s wi th w e a p o n s l i k e i t d i d w i t h a l q a e d a to j u st i f y c r e a t i n g w a r s > > C R E A T I V E C H AO S 09:26:58
@freenode_nekba:matrix.orgnekbad i d c i a d i d 9 /11 or i t j u s t l e t it h a p p en09:27:02
@freenode_nekba:matrix.orgnekbacertainly ,the american administarin needed something like 9/11 to justify invading iraq which has been already planned as a part of creative chaos plan for middle east09:27:04
@freenode_nekba:matrix.orgnekbaif a l q a e d a di d it w h y t o k i l l 9 m i l l i on i r a q i s 09:27:13
@freenode_nekba:matrix.orgnekbaab o u t 9 m il i o n i r a q i l o s t th e i r li ves e i th e r be ca uz o f dir e ct american viol ence and becauz of si ege u sa ma de ag a in s t i r a q t h at pr eve nt ed i raqi f or m es se nt ial l i v i n g ma te rial s , food , m e d i c i n e and even p e n c i l s09:27:20
@freenode_nekba:matrix.orgnekbai s i s a n d a l q a e da o n l y a p p e a r e d i n i r a q a f t e r u s a i n v a si on , D i d u s a p a v e th e w ay f or i s i s to i r a q ?09:27:33

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