

602 Members
Discord-IRC Bridge for all the Developers and those who want to contact them.4 Servers

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19 Jun 2023
@_discord_201086823198490625:t2bot.ioaro8448#0 changed their display name from 8aro8#0 to aro8448#0.00:32:08
27 Jun 2023
@_discord_455364766312169474:t2bot.iowanderer3658#0 changed their display name from Wanderer#3658 to wanderer3658#0.08:15:02
@_discord_406662535585202177:t2bot.iothunderforge8#0 changed their display name from Thunderforge#2930 to thunderforge8#0.23:10:19
2 Jul 2023
@_discord_159454827573673984:t2bot.iowrenchintheplan#0 changed their display name from Wrench In The Plan#3289 to wrenchintheplan#0.04:59:43
11 Jul 2023
@_discord_223974284534480903:t2bot.iocorak_the_avatar#0 changed their display name from Corak to corak_the_avatar#0.21:38:41
@_discord_223974284534480903:t2bot.iocorak_the_avatar#0 changed their profile picture.21:38:41
31 Jul 2023
@consultant1248:matrix.orgconsultant1248 joined the room.08:43:40
1 Aug 2023
@daley_:matrix.org@daley_:matrix.org joined the room.14:05:49
@_discord_277149910774710274:t2bot.ioTobunar#6184 changed their display name from Tobunar to Tobunar#6184.22:21:28
@_discord_277149910774710274:t2bot.ioTobunar#6184 changed their profile picture.22:21:29
2 Aug 2023
@daley_:matrix.org@daley_:matrix.orgDo you know that you can earn $5,000 or more weekly from crypto Trading? With Just $500… 100% Inbox Admin on Telegram for more details 👇👇👇👇👇👇 https://t.me/PROFITSWITHSTEVE00:53:20
21 Aug 2023
@_discord_234804852859994113:t2bot.iozagamun#0 changed their display name from Zagamun#3581 to zagamun#0.10:56:00
@_discord_234804852859994113:t2bot.iozagamun#0 changed their profile picture.10:56:03
24 Aug 2023
@_discord_377871715163701258:t2bot.iosunnydays7777#0 changed their display name from ETERNAL#4107 to sunnydays7777#0.16:50:28
@_discord_377871715163701258:t2bot.iosunnydays7777#0 changed their profile picture.16:50:31
26 Aug 2023
@_discord_712377899851710464:t2bot.ioyaeri#9278 changed their display name from yaeri to yaeri#9278.05:38:54
29 Aug 2023
@daley_:matrix.org@daley_:matrix.org left the room.23:31:50
31 Aug 2023
@_discord_126387142136954880:t2bot.iopersica#0 changed their display name from Persica#3852 to persica#0.23:39:20
@_discord_126387142136954880:t2bot.iopersica#0 changed their profile picture.23:39:22
15 Sep 2023
@_discord_522554950610452492:t2bot.iodrnukelear#0 changed their display name from DrNukeLear to drnukelear#0.12:31:35
@_discord_522554950610452492:t2bot.iodrnukelear#0 set a profile picture.12:31:36
29 Sep 2023
@_discord_234804852859994113:t2bot.iozagamun#0 changed their profile picture.00:01:32
11 Oct 2023
@_discord_282708214976479232:t2bot.ioMann from the Abysia changed their display name from glowinthedarkmannhandler#0 to Mann from the Abysia.08:07:46
13 Oct 2023
@_discord_627521272255086601:t2bot.ioalexfrst#0 changed their display name from Alex-Frst to alexfrst#0.15:13:11
@_discord_627521272255086601:t2bot.ioalexfrst#0 changed their profile picture.15:13:15
@_discord_229411024208527360:t2bot.ioKatieVM (she/her or sie/hir) changed their display name from macksting#0 to KatieVM (she/her or sie/hir).17:01:04
21 Dec 2023
@datingwolf1:matrix.orgdatingwolf1 joined the room.02:09:24
1 Jan 2024
@matrix638:matrix.orgmatrix638 joined the room.13:04:58
2 Jan 2024
@ytrio:matrix.orgYtrio joined the room.19:59:56
10 Jan 2024
@ytrio:matrix.orgYtrio changed their display name from Fra to Ytrio.06:17:38

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