
Alternative Frontends

302 Members
A space for alternative FOSS frontends for the proprietary internet: Invidious, Nitter, Bibliogram, Teddit, Piped... As well as their instance hosts! (Not endorsed by them)74 Servers

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20 Sep 2021
@lomanic:matrix.orgLomanic joined the room.15:35:45
@austin:tchncs.deAustin Huang changed the room topic to "A space for alternative FOSS frontends for the proprietary internet: Invidious, Nitter, Bibliogram, Teddit, Piped... As well as their instance hosts!" from "A space for alternative frontends: Invidious, Nitter, Bibliogram, Teddit, Piped... As well as their instance hosts!".15:43:18
@austin:tchncs.deAustin Huang changed the room topic to "A space for alternative FOSS frontends for the proprietary internet: Invidious, Nitter, Bibliogram, Teddit, Piped... As well as their instance hosts! (Not endorsed by them)" from "A space for alternative FOSS frontends for the proprietary internet: Invidious, Nitter, Bibliogram, Teddit, Piped... As well as their instance hosts!".16:06:44
@kavin1337:matrix.orgkavin joined the room.16:48:36
@gh0st:matrix.org joined the room.16:54:31
@cmdshift:matrix.orgcmdshift joined the room.19:12:02
@ernynycunorg:nerdsin.spacesoonzoo joined the room.21:29:23
24 Sep 2021
@youngchiefbtw:matrix.orgyoungchief btw ツ joined the room.03:36:03
25 Sep 2021
@bopol_:matrix.orgBopol joined the room.07:26:55
@imabritishcow:bcow.xyzimabritishcow joined the room.14:26:42
28 Sep 2021
@surfari:matrix.org@surfari:matrix.org joined the room.07:36:04
2 Oct 2021
@metalune:sigmaa.ems.hostmetalune joined the room.20:48:54
3 Oct 2021
@paradise2go:matrix.orgparadise2go joined the room.09:06:06
@cubegame:matrix.orgHypedCube joined the room.10:23:03
@allen_dema:matrix.orgAllen joined the room.17:04:40
5 Oct 2021
@w5j8:matrix.orgw5j8 joined the room.19:02:06
6 Oct 2021
@surfari:matrix.org@surfari:matrix.org left the room.10:11:48
8 Oct 2021
@pa_blo:matrix.orgpa_blo joined the room.19:03:06
10 Oct 2021
@youngchiefbtw:matrix.orgyoungchief btw ツ changed their profile picture.22:42:09
16 Oct 2021
@paradise2go:matrix.orgparadise2go left the room.06:42:05
17 Oct 2021
@matrisebruker:matrix.org@matrisebruker:matrix.org joined the room.23:12:57
@matrisebruker:matrix.org@matrisebruker:matrix.org left the room.23:13:45
20 Oct 2021
@numero6:codelutin.comnuméro6 joined the room.14:10:46
@numero6:codelutin.comnuméro6 invited @beardog:amorgan.xyzbear.14:13:50
@beardog:amorgan.xyzbear joined the room.16:34:05
24 Oct 2021
@b3t4f4c3:matrix.orgseck joined the room.10:15:22
@smryanva:matrix.org@smryanva:matrix.org joined the room.13:38:21
@smryanva:matrix.org@smryanva:matrix.org left the room.13:38:42
26 Oct 2021
@cami:matrix.sp-codes.decami joined the room.09:45:44
28 Oct 2021
@edwardloveall:matrix.orgedwardloveall joined the room.01:36:55

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