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27 Sep 2023
@BobaMa:matrix.org@BobaMa:matrix.org joined the room.21:02:59
11 Oct 2023
@_discord_899133975094759474:t2bot.ioDigiTal CocaiNe changed their display name from cochain4#0 to ```|)161741 ¢0¢41|\|3```.08:21:54
1 Dec 2023
@victoriacecilia:matrix.org@victoriacecilia:matrix.org joined the room.17:35:55
@victoriacecilia:matrix.org@victoriacecilia:matrix.org left the room.17:36:44
8 Dec 2023
@supplementalsyrup:matrix.orgsupplementalsyrup joined the room.18:41:30
10 Dec 2023
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst Censorship joined the room.22:34:42
12 Dec 2023
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipDecember, 10 of 2023 - Now that Mr. Alex Jones changes so much for the worse since 2011 and more worst since 2021 and now don't represent a real clear danger for Biden Regime (Dictatorship) and BEHAVE LIKE A FAKE FRONT I.E A FAKE RIGHT WING CONTROLLED BY EXTREME LEFT WHO ARE MADE A POWER GRAB IN USA SINCE 2021 he can be reinstated on Twitter by Musk... Sad. “HE’S BACK”: X Erupts at Return of Alex Jones     https://www.infowars.com/posts/hes-back-x-erupts-at-return-of-alex-jones/02:41:10
26 Dec 2023
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipWorst of all and sadly what Mr. Ruschel are inform us like how Dictatorship Authoritarian and Totalitarian like of Nazi-Fascist and Communist all evil sons of Socialism that DENIES THE EXISTENCE OF GOD AND HIS MORAL I.E ARE SATANISTS, ENSLAVERS, INFANTICIDAL, TERRORIST, LIAR, MURDERER, ANTICHRISTIAN, INHUMANE ANG GENOCIDAL slowly are deployed in Brazil since 1985. Only in this detail that Ruschel sins because He omitted that all of this hell are being deployed long time ago in discretion way so slowly that Brazilian people can't perceived this... Only some more Brazilians are perceive this only after March of 2020... Leandro Ruschel: Read my recent article: Political Polarization isn't the problem that Brazil are confront, but yes the Authoritarianism https://open.substack.com/pub/leandroruschel/p/polarizacao-politica-nao-e-o-problema?r=1wqlqg&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcome=true20:17:59
1 Jan 2024
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipDecember, 31 of 2023 - That Lord God Free and Save us from this Communist-Nazi-Fascist Dictatorship in Name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!02:01:51
8 Feb 2024
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst Censorship changed their profile picture.23:39:28
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst Censorship changed their profile picture.23:41:14
21 Feb 2024
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipESTAMOS NA TERCEIRA GUERRA MUNDIAL / WE ARE IN WWIII ! 🇺🇸: 20/02/2024 - Isso é tentativa de impor mais censura...as leis que eles querem impor são todas vagas e subjetivas e não objetivas e precisão como deveriam ser escritas todas as Projeto de Leis no Brasil. É a Maldita Dialética Hegeliana (Tomada de Três Pinos) em ação novamente: PROBLEMA-REACAO-SOLUCAO. Implantar mais Censura aos poucos ou por partes é o que estes vermes oportunistas querem impor mais ainda na Internet no Brasil aproveitando a crise que foi criada pelos Comunista-Nazi-Fascistas da Esquerdalha! O lema da ORCRIM é este: "Nunca deixe passar uma crise provocada, verdadeira ou falsa  criada por eles em vão!" Se eu critico os maus feitos ou erros que as vezes o Governo/Administração de Israel por causa da tirania e medidas totalitárias Comunista-Nazi-Fascista que foi aplicada via Fraudemia Fraude-Covid significa que sou uma Antisemita? Não Ser Antisemita é não aceitar a existência do Estado de Israel e dos Israelenses no mundo. Mas estes totalitários querem aproveitar esta porcaria causada pelo Luis Inácio para CERCEAR, CRIMINALIZAR, CONTROLAR E CENSURAR MAIS AINDA O POVO E A INTERNET... Projeto que criminaliza a trivialização do Holocausto ganha requerimento de urgência https://ift.tt/JO8Ac5d por Media Deputado Junio Amaral (PL-MG) quer votação direto no plenário de uma proposta de 2020 que atualmente tramita na CCJ. t.me/aliancabrasil February, 20 of 2024 - This is a push to deploy more censorship... The Bills they wants to impose are all vague/subjectives and are not objective/precise like they should be in all Proposed Bills in Brazil. Is the damn Hegelian Dialect in action again: PROBLEMS-REACTION-SOLUTION. Deployed more Censorship gradually by parts is what these SCUM SO OPPORTUNIST WANTS TO DEPLOY EVEN MORE ON BRAZIL'S INTERNET using this "Crisis" that was created by Communist-Nazi-Fascists from Evil Left! The scheme of these SATANICAL ELITE is this: "Never let pass a "CRISIS" even if is a Fake or True created by them in vain!" If I criticized the wrong doings or mistakes made by any Administration even of Israel like of Tyranny,draconian and Communist-Nazi-Fascist Dictatorial Totalitarian measures that was deployed by Plandemic Covid-Hoax means that Am I a Antisemitic? No. Be Antisemitic is denied Holocaust exist, not accept the existence of Israel's State/Country and of Israelis in this world. But these totalitarian wants using this OPPORTUNITY this "CRISIS" created by Luis Inacio to COERCE, CENSOR, CRIMINALIZE AND CONTROL EVEN MORE BRAZILIAN PEOPLE AND INTERNET IN BRAZIL... Bill that criminalize the trivialization of Holocaust wins urgent requirement https://ift.tt/JO8Ac5d By Congressman Junio Amaral (Liberal Party the same Party of Bolsonaro from corrupt of Valdemar da Costa Neto) wants direct vote in Congress of his proposal of this bill that actually transits in Justice Council in Congress. http://t.me/aliancabrasil00:52:18
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipFebruary, 21 of 2024 - The two Impeachment of Collor and Dilma proofs that only serve to keeping this Totalitarian,Authoritarian, Feudalist,Enslaver,Genocide,Satanist,Inhumane,Corrupt, Infanticide,Socialist and Communist-Nazi-Fascist System preserved always make even the devil to control social pressure I.E to placate temporarily the anger of 80% of Population of Brazil... Like says with intelligence full of knowledge Olavo de Carvalho: "Impeachment of Dilma only serves to keep this Totalitarian System very well preserved." They cut the head from this Expiatory Goat of Dilma (HOAX LIKE WE SAW IN 2024) only to keep intact this Dictatorial Authoritarian and Totalitarian System very well preserved... Impeachment of Luis Inacio is the same that change 6 for half dozen of poisoned eggs because who exercise the Power is Deep State... It's this what "Social-Devilcrats" wants that Brazilian do because the illegitimate Vice-President of Brazil is a Satanist Communist-Nazi-Fascist from WEF/SOROS/BILDEBERGS...What they wants is Power. What they do again is using people like Cattle to be excluded one more time to sit in the chair of Captain to command "The Enterprise" of famous TV series Star Trek that I am using to simbolize Brazil. AWAKE AND DON'T FALL AGAIN IN THIS NEW TRAP FROM FAKE RIGHT WINGS OF BANDITS/BOLSOLIAR IN NAME OF LORD JESUS CHIST BY MERCY! Impeachment? If he (Luis Inacio) falls, who will assume Presidency is "Socialist-Devilcrats" . Brazil don't deserve this BIGGEST RETRIBUTION. Impeachment? Se ele cair, assume o PSDB. O Brasil não merece tamanho castigo. — José Marcio Opinião https://youtu.be/djggOkxqON0 8:0520:31:02
26 Feb 2024
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst Censorship changed their profile picture.05:13:43
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst Censorship changed their profile picture.05:15:33
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst Censorship changed their profile picture.05:16:42
16 Mar 2024
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipESTAMOS NA TERCEIRA GUERRA MUNDIAL / WE ARE IN WWIII ! 🇺🇸: March, 15 of 2024 - @Trouble_Man Is this what you want that happen? This kind of "spiritual" talk is the justification to hide cowardice and not fight to Stop this process of enslavement of population even of USA. STOP BE SO HYPOCRITICAL. STOP USING "SPIRITUAL" TALK TO PRETEND THAT YOU HAVE strength LIKE LORD JESUS CHRIST HAVE IN PAST TO SUPPORTS THE UNACCEPTABLE! THIS IS SPIRITUAL ARROGANCE THAT MANY CHRISTIANS HAVE. Trouble Man in Gab: They can put us in physical prisons They can put us in mental prisons But they can’t put us in spiritual prisons And the spirit is where resistance is born. https://gab.com/Trouble_Man/posts/112095943828476049 March, 15 of 2024 - @shannonprocise Is this kind of true info that the devils wants to censor too. This is their true objective even using protection of children to get what they really wants! For them adults is their "children"... Like was in old Nazi-Fascist Japan, Germany and Italy too... In Communists dictatorship the logical is the same of Nazi-Fascists using to ENSLAVE AND MURDER MORE PEOPLE TO REDUCE POPULATION...LIKE COMMUNISTS SOVIETS DO IN SOUTH OF UKRAINE IN CRIMEA WITH HOLODOMOR. Shannon Procise on Gab: MUST WATCH: Unpublished Project Veritas Recording Reveals Pfizer Scientist Confirming the Risk of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines — Claims Side Effects of These Vaccines are;Very Sneaky #GatewayPundit #Whisleblower #JustIntegrity https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/03/must-watch-unpublished-project-veritas-recording-reveals-pfizer/ March, 15 of 2024 - @Ghostlover That is why I am against even the deployment of Verification of age and Digital ID such horrible Unconstitutional Bill of Texas that obliged Pornhub block the free access of people there... Ghostlover on Gab: Lawmaker Warns ‘TikTok Ban’ Gives President Power to Ban Websites “The so-called TikTok ban is a trojan horse,” warns Rep. Thomas Massie. https://vigilantnews.com/post/lawmaker-warns-tiktok-ban-gives-president-power-to-ban-websites/ March, 15 of 2024 - @ext_14 This ban of TikTok have nothing to do with Communist China but with Total Censorship and full control of Government on Internet. Stupid. The same we can say about horrific law about DIGITAL ID / DIGITAL PASSASPORT TO ACCESS EVERYTHING ON INTERNET... FIRST THEY STARTED SAYING THAT PATRIOT ACT WAS TO PROTECT AMERICANS FROM NAZI-FASCIST ISLAMIC TERRORISM IN 2001... NOW THEY ARE START DEPLOYING ID AND AGE VERIFICATION TO PEOPLE CAN ACCESS PORNOGRAPHY ( ADULT MATERIAL/CONTENTS) USING THE JUSTIFICATION TO PROTECT CHILDREN... THEIR GOAL IS TO CONTROL AND CENSOR ALL INTERNET. THEY ARE LYING. NAZI-FASCISTS AND COMMUNIST ALWAYS USING THIS SPEECH OF PROTECTION TO DEPLOY END OF ANONYMOUS SPEECH, END OF PRIVACY AND CENSORSHIP TO ENSLAVE PEOPLE! THAT IS WHY I AM AGAINST TEXAS DIGITAL ID (VERIFICATION OF AGE) BILL THAT BLOCKS FREE ACCESS TO WEBSITES SUCH PORNHUB... WHO HAVE TO PROTECT THEIR CHILDREN IS THE PARENTS OF CHILDREN AND TEENAGERS NOT ESTATE (GOVERNMENT)! ext_14 on Gab: IF TIK TOK SUED, ADL AND CONGRESS WOULD GET SMOKED OVER DISCOVERY OF COLLUSION BETWEEN ADL AND MEMBERS OF CONGRESS THAT HAPPEN TO RECEIVE AIPAC FUNDING..... https://gab.com/ext_14/posts/11209653672156742400:25:34
19 Mar 2024
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipESTAMOS NA TERCEIRA GUERRA MUNDIAL / WE ARE IN WWIII ! 🇺🇸: March, 15 of 2024 - @Trouble_Man Is this what you want that happen? This kind of "spiritual" talk is the justification to hide cowardice and not fight to Stop this process of enslavement of population even of USA. STOP BE SO HYPOCRITICAL. STOP USING "SPIRITUAL" TALK TO PRETEND THAT YOU HAVE strength LIKE LORD JESUS CHRIST HAVE IN PAST TO SUPPORTS THE UNACCEPTABLE! THIS IS SPIRITUAL ARROGANCE THAT MANY CHRISTIANS HAVE. Trouble Man in Gab: They can put us in physical prisons They can put us in mental prisons But they can’t put us in spiritual prisons And the spirit is where resistance is born. https://gab.com/Trouble_Man/posts/112095943828476049 March, 15 of 2024 - @shannonprocise Is this kind of true info that the devils wants to censor too. This is their true objective even using protection of children to get what they really wants! For them adults is their "children"... Like was in old Nazi-Fascist Japan, Germany and Italy too... In Communists dictatorship the logical is the same of Nazi-Fascists using to ENSLAVE AND MURDER MORE PEOPLE TO REDUCE POPULATION...LIKE COMMUNISTS SOVIETS DO IN SOUTH OF UKRAINE IN CRIMEA WITH HOLODOMOR. Shannon Procise on Gab: MUST WATCH: Unpublished Project Veritas Recording Reveals Pfizer Scientist Confirming the Risk of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines — Claims Side Effects of These Vaccines are;Very Sneaky #GatewayPundit #Whisleblower #JustIntegrity https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/03/must-watch-unpublished-project-veritas-recording-reveals-pfizer/ March, 15 of 2024 - @Ghostlover That is why I am against even the deployment of Verification of age and Digital ID such horrible Unconstitutional Bill of Texas that obliged all sites like Pornhub block the free access of Texas people there... Ghostlover on Gab: Lawmaker Warns ‘TikTok Ban’ Gives President Power to Ban Websites “The so-called TikTok ban is a trojan horse,” warns Rep. Thomas Massie. https://vigilantnews.com/post/lawmaker-warns-tiktok-ban-gives-president-power-to-ban-websites/ March, 15 of 2024 - @ext_14 This ban of TikTok have nothing to do with Communist China but with Total Censorship and full control of Government on Internet. Stupid. The same we can say about horrific law about DIGITAL ID / DIGITAL PASSASPORT TO ACCESS EVERYTHING ON INTERNET... FIRST THEY STARTED SAYING THAT PATRIOT ACT WAS TO PROTECT AMERICANS FROM NAZI-FASCIST ISLAMIC TERRORISM IN 2001... NOW THEY ARE START DEPLOYING ID AND AGE VERIFICATION TO PEOPLE CAN ACCESS PORNOGRAPHY (ADULT CONTENT) USING THE JUSTIFICATION TO PROTECT CHILDREN... THEIR GOAL IS TO CONTROL AND CENSOR ALL INTERNET. THEY ARE LYING. NAZI-FASCISTS AND COMMUNIST ALWAYS USING THIS SPEECH OF PROTECTION TO DEPLOY END OF ANONYMOUS SPEECH, END OF PRIVACY AND CENSORSHIP TO ENSLAVE PEOPLE! THAT IS WHY I AM AGAINST TEXAS DIGITAL ID (VERIFICATION OF AGE) BILL THAT BLOCKS FREE ACCESS TO WEBSITES SUCH PORNHUB... WHO HAVE TO PROTECT THEIR CHILDREN IS THE PARENTS OF CHILDREN AND TEENAGERS NOT ESTATE (GOVERNMENT)! ext_14 on Gab: IF TIK TOK SUED, ADL AND CONGRESS WOULD GET SMOKED OVER DISCOVERY OF COLLUSION BETWEEN ADL AND MEMBERS OF CONGRESS THAT HAPPEN TO RECEIVE AIPAC FUNDING..... https://gab.com/ext_14/posts/112096536721567424 March, 15 of 2024 - It's when started post the truth translated to Portuguese about Absurdity of Unconstitutional TikTok Bill that US Congress approved that Telegram instantaneous Telegram BLOCK MY ACCOUNT/MOBILE TELEPHONE NUMBER... Because of Lies from many Brazilian people that live in USA (INCLUDING THE COWARD OF LEANDRO RUSCHEL THAT SMILING SAYS THAT HE IS IN FAVOR OF THIS HORRIBLE FULL CENSORSHIP OF INTERNET BILL IN USA!) about this Bill to Ban TikTok that is TOTALLY unconstitutional approved by Republicans that was corrupted from US Congress that become a Diabolical, Criminal, Censors, Tyrannical, Totalitarian, Genocide, Enslavers and Terrorist Fake Right Wing that is like majority of corrupted "Politicians" from Brazil's National Congress I translated these true information of BIGGEST DANGER that exist behind TikTok Ban Bill that the Foreigners including Brazilians that are COWARDS THAT LIVING IN USA don't tell to not lose their Green Card (Permanent Visa)... Message that I received now March,15 of 2024 from Telegram: I am so sorry that you must to enter in contact with this Telegram's Bot.  Sadly, some numbers of telephone can be sensible and can cause some hard and strong answer by our anti spam system. If you think that your account was limited by a mistake, you can send a reclamation to our moderators. Meanwhile your account is limited, you can't send messages to people that don't have your number saved in their list of contacts, and you can't add their number to groups and channels. Of course, when the people enter in contact with you first, you always can answer. March, 15 of 2024 - Bolsonaro and his diabolical cohorts from infamous Fake Right Wing are making the devil and because of that they are making many Satanical Rituals to obtain more people with their minds ENSLAVED and HYPNOTIZED by devil... After that delegation of Diabolical Fake Right Wing goes to USA the TYRANNY and CENSORSHIP ADVANCE SCARY WAY IN USA since March, 13 of 2024. They are so evil that are capable to make ANYTHING SUCH BRIBERY, BLACKMAILS AND BROUGHT "POLITICIANS" OF USA TO APPROVE UNCONSTITUTIONAL BILL LIKE OF TROJAN HORSE DISGUISED INTO "TIKTOK BAN" TO SHUT UP ALL OF THEIR CRITICS, WHO GIVE TRUE NEWS WITHOUT BIAS AND WHO ARE STILL DENOUNCING THEIR CRIMES AND TREASONS THAT THEY HATE INCLUDING FROM FOREIGERS I.E making the devil to have majority of Brazilian people that they treat like CATTLE in their side again using all dirty tricks that exists in this world. Former President of Brazil Fernando Collor that appeared in political scenery from 90's says that he was Conservative Right Wing made many hidden Satanical Rituals too...To stay in power. In the case of Bolsonaro and his evil cohorts that is Traitors from Fake Right Wing is to Bolsonaro comes back to power. It's only in these kind of things these Satanical Right Wing think: In Power, Money, Greed,Fame,Success,Luxury, Enslavement of the minds and DEATH of majority of People not only from Brasil but of all world... March, 16 of 2024 - I am not in favor of vote in nobody like Mr. Salles seems to be. I have a uncle that with very knowledge DON'T PARTICIPATE AND DON'T VOTE IN "POLITICIANS" OR "CANDIDATE" since 1985... He don't participated even in elections of 2018, 2020 and 2022. He was right in not participated and not voted in all of these three elections! I am in favor that people let to be Cattle and WAKEUP OPEN THEIR SPIRITUAL EYES in Name of Lord Jesus Christ and BOYCOTT THESE "ELECTION" IN 2024 SIGNED THEIR PROTESTS AGAINST EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENING IN ELECTION OF 2022! In Venezuela the People from this dictatorship that is controlled, oppressed and enslaved don't participate in "elections" made by that Bloody Communist Dictatorship... The thesis of Worst Vs Bad, "So let's go vote on Bad", made Ricardo Salle's lost his patience. "IT'S ENOUGH AND STOP VOTING IN THE LESS EVIL OR BAD OR WORST, BECAUSE THEY ARE ALL THE SAME: BAD, EVIL AND WORST." - Ricardo Salles A tese do Péssimo X Ruim, "então vamos votar no ruim", encheu o saco do Ricardo Salles. — JoseMarcioCastroAlves1953 https://youtu.be/7LW3XxZhNPw 2:07 March, 18 of 2024 - I am start not to believe in coincidences since 2016... Make a reflection I remembered that in even Old West in USA always have the saint things and the profane things coexisting in the same USA. I stay scandalized with TV Series of Miami Vice in 80's because I saw even striptease clubs and red district exist even in USA... In all G7 countries Pornography is already so much regulated and even in these countries exist Red Districts... Hypocrisy and Ignorance is what killing Freedom too. I am know that Freedom is not Libertinism. WHAT TOTALITARIANS IN GENERAL DO TO ENSLAVE SOCIETY IS CENSOR AND CRIMINALIZE WHAT IS SAINT SUCH CHRISTIANITY TOGETHER WITH PROFANE THINGS SUCH PORNOGRAPHY USING INCLUDING CHRISTIAN MORALITY, HYPOCRISY AND FAKE MORALITY. Satanists NORMALIZE the substitution of heterosexuality with homosexuality...They subvert everything to get what they really wants. Satanists putting,mixed and criminalize Adult Heterosexuality Pornography that they consuming with serious crimes such rape and pedophile to Censor all that they like treating adults like children put themselves in place of GOD... March, 18 of 2024 - Taking about Trump the last ugly scare last thing he said about banning Facebook and that he is in favor of "TikTok Ban" Bill make me suspect that Trump is becoming senile like Biden and probably aren't sleep well with a clean conscience and are taking tranquillizers pills because of that Trump giving this kind of scary opinions and supports even Trojans Horses like Unconstitutional TikTok Bill... Maybe Trump wants to have the Ditatorial powers of Bloody Dictators like Putin or Xi Jiping...To Dictates what is True or Fake/Right or Wrong putting himself in place of God... Trump is not like HUMBLE Statesman Former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher from Great Britain that renounced her powerful post because she starts suffering the mind diseases that comes from senility... Very important to prevent this from passing. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2024/03/12/hr7521-the-tiktok-ban-law-as-written-is-not-about-banning-tiktok-its-about-information-control-pdf-included/02:22:38
25 Apr 2024
@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net removed their profile picture.22:06:53
@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net left the room.22:48:13
12 May 2024
@BobaMa:matrix.org@BobaMa:matrix.org left the room.19:15:03
17 May 2024
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst Censorship changed their profile picture.03:00:09
25 May 2024
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipESTAMOS NA TERCEIRA GUERRA MUNDIAL / WE ARE IN WWIII ! 🇺🇸: 21/05/2024 - Ha tempo para tudo...até o tempo de calar a boca e ficar em silêncio pois os maus estão no poder querendo a gente aceitar esse triste fato ou não. Parem de ficar reclamando e de postar informações que não sabemos serem reais ou não na web. CHEGOU UMA HORA QUE ATE O SENHOR JESUS CRISTO CALOU-SE E ATE APANHOU POR CAUSA DISTO DOS PRINCIPAIS DA SINAGOGA ANTES DE TER SIDO MORTO BRUTALMENTE NA CRUZ PARA PAGAR OS NOSSOS PECADOS E NOS OFERECER UMA CHANCE DE TERMOS A NOSSA ALMA SALVA DA CONDENAÇÃO E DA MALDICAO ETERNA! Como eu ALERTEI NA SEMANA PASSADA que estamos sendo vigiados pelo Big Brother, Ministério da Verdade e sendo testados como COBAIAS outra vez e pela milhonesima vez. Calem a boca, parem de desabafar com o PC ou Celular na Web como se eles fossem PSICOLOGOS E PSIQUIATRAS ,parem de ficar postando, parem de perder tempo, parem de se deixar ser controlados pelos Satanistas pois eles estão controlando o tempo da população desde 2020, vao SERVIR A DEUS DE VERDADE, SE ESFORCAR PARA SE TORNAREM CRISTÃOS DE VERDADE ENQUANTO EXISTE TEMPO POIS OS SINAIS DA VOLTA DE CRISTO ESTAO MUITO CLAROS E VAI ACONTECER (PODE SER DAQUI UM SEGUNDO!) E SERA COMO UM RAIO E UM PISCAR DE OLHOS, vão orar, jejuar E SUPLICAR PELA MISERICORDIA E PELA PROVIDENCIA DIVINA pois se não A CENSURA TOTAL DA INTERNET que esta PL aqui abaixo vai acabar sendo implantado no Brasil: Caroline de Toni: Lá vamos nós novamente. O PL da Globo ou PL da Censura 2.0 está na pauta de hoje. Como já falamos, esse projeto é ruim pra todo mundo, menos pra Globo e pro Governo.Cobre seu deputado e fique atento à votação.#PLdaGloboNão via Twitter https://twitter.com/CarolDeToni/status/1793015369398976738 May 21, 2024 at 05:25PM May, 21 of 2024 - There is a time for everything.. Even to SHUT UP OUR MOUTHS AND STAY IN SILENCE because evil man are in the power wants us accept this SAD FACT or not. Stoping to complaining and posting information that you don't know if are real or fake in web. EVEN TO LORD JESUS CHRIST COMES A TIME THAT HE STAY IN SILENCE AND EVEN APANHOU BECAUSE OF THAT FROM SYNAGOGUE'S PRINCIPALS BEFORE TO BE BRUTALLY MURDERED IN THAT CROSS OF HEAVY PAIN TO PAY THE HEAVY PRICE THAT NO NORMAL MAN HAD STRENGTH TO SUPPORTED WHAT JESUS CHRIST SUPPORTED PAYING OUR SINS AND OFFERED TO HUMANITY THE ONLY CHANCE TO SAVE OUR SOULS FROM ETERNAL CONVICTION AND ETERNAL CURSE! Like I warning in last week that we are being watched by Big Brother,Ministry of Truth and se are being tested again like Guinea Pigs by thousand time. SHUT UP, STOP TO GIVE VENTING, MAKING COMPLAINTS WITHOUT END AND EVEN STAYING CURSING EVIL POWERFUL PEOPLE THAT TAKING POWER AND ARE IN POWER AND HAVE POWER IN SOCIAL MEDIA/WEB/APPS OF MESSAGES like they are Psychologists or Psychiatrists, stop stay posting, stop losing your time, stop permitting be controlled by Satanists because they are controlling time of population since 2020, GO SERVE GOD IN SPIRIT AND TRUTH, GO MAKE EFFORTS TO BECOMING REAL SOLDIERS OF CHRIST MEANWHILE WE HAVE TIME BECAUSE THE SIGNS OF RETURN OF CHRIST ARE VERY CLEAR AND WILL GONNA HAPPENING (CAN HAPPENING IN NEXT SECOND!) AND WILL BE LIKE A THUNDER. GO HAVE A REAL REPENTANCE, PRAY HARD, FASTING AND BEGGING BY GOD'S MERCY AND DIVINE PROVIDENCE BECAUSE TOTAL CENSORSHIP OF INTERNET/SOCIAL MEDIA/MESSAGE APPS that this Bill 8889/2017 (BILL 8889 FROM 2017 WORSE THAN 2630 FROM 2020) are here below will gonna end be deployed in Brazil: May, 21 of 2024 - Carol de Toni: Here we go again. UNCONSTITUTIONAL/ILLEGAL BILL OF "GLOBO NETWORK" OR BILL OF CENSORSHIP 2.0 WITH STEROIDS ARE IN AGENDA TODAY IN CONGRESS TODAY. Like we told, this is BAD TO EVERYONE, LESS FOR GLOBO NETWORK THAT IS PART OF MSM AND TO TYRANNICAL, CORRUPT, GENOCIDE, INFANTICIDE, ENSLAVER, SATANIST,EVIL,TOTALITARIAN,AUTHORITARIAN AND DICTATORIAL "GOVERNMENT" NUMBER 3 OF LUIZ INACIO DA SILVA & COMMUNIST-NAZI-FASCIST THAT TAKE POWER OF THREE BRANCHS OF GOVERNMENT INCLUDING THE BIG PART FROM BRAZIL'S JUDICIARY AND SUPREME COURT. Stay tune in the vote.Press your Congressman/Deputy and not let this Bill be approved by majority of "Politician" from Chamber of Deputies #PLDAGLOBONAO #NOTOBILLOFGLOBO By Twitter: https://twitter.com/CarolDeToni/status/1793015369398976738 May, 21 of 2024 at 05:25 PM00:23:13
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipESTAMOS NA TERCEIRA GUERRA MUNDIAL / WE ARE IN WWIII ! 🇺🇸: May, 23 of 2024 - How I've Iearned to be suspicious and detests "Politicians" including from Fake Right Wing of Bandits (Controlled Opposition) that is so LUKEWARM BEFORE GOD AND LORD JESUS CHRIST like the son from Communists that is Gustavo Gayer that is simply a English Teacher that don't understand nothing about what is REAL POLITIC and because they don't know making TRUE POLITIC and this is the same case of Alexandre "Porn Actor" Frota, Luis "USA" Miranda, Kim Kataguri, Joice Hasselmann, Arthur "Mother I told you" do Val,Carla Zambelli and many OPPORTUNISTS, NARCISSISTS,MERCENARIES, SOCIAL ALPINISTS THAT ARE THIRST BY POWER TOO. They are the old damn Ants and Termites that only wants become "Politicians" to be part of Satanist Elite I.E Earls, Dukes and Feudal Lords like was in old dark times of Feudalism in Europe that was deployed in Brazil since 1500 by Tyrannical Totalitarian Feudalist Portugal Empire. These "Politicians" using everything and exploring even the suffering , anxiety and fears of Population in relation of many Propose of Bills with many versions and different levels of Censorship: with steroids, partial and Total taken by Bill 2630 that is known BILL OF CENSORSHIP to living in Spotlight keeping people always plug in what they are saying like they becomes GOD AND LORD JESUS CHRIST. They using even the threatening of Total Censorship that represents these illegal and unconstitutional Bills to keeping monopolizing all MSM including all INTERNET everyday 25hrs since 2018. Gayer have a bad background that shows his bad past that he probably was indoctrinated in Satanist Ideology that is Socialism and Communism by their parents that is Communists that educated Gayer in wrong way and Olavo de Carvalho calls him of IDIOT... We can't trust I these people that have the only objective to GRAB MORE AND MORE POWER WITHOUT RESTRAINS AND LIMITS that living controlling people of population that are completely TERRIFIED,CORNERED,DEMORALIZED, AFRAID, PARANOID AND INSANE MANY PREFER STAYS IN PURE ALIENATION BECAUSE OF THAT... Is these people really different from Totalitarians from extreme left (Communist-Nazi-Fascist)? This people are so COWARD! THIS SCUM OF FAKE RIGHT WING SO CORRUPTED BY EVIL ONLY STARTS SAYS THE TRUTH WHEN THEY ARE BELOW IMMINENT THREAT! Gustavo Gayer warning: "Government" pushing and tries to APPROVE BILL OF CENSORSHIP SLICED IN MANY PIECES IN LIGHTS OUT (IN DAWN) Font: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IS4voz_SRBY By AuriVerde Brazil The Deputy Gustavo Gayer from same party of Former President Bolsonaro (PL-GO) record a video to alert Brazilian People that the Satanists Totalitarians from Left are making everything to give more stolen money from people to MSM: "They give up of Bill of Globo Network (Censorship 2.0 with Steroids) and enter/proposed now with another Bill 1357 to put more public money that Government are stolen from Brazilians in MSM and let to Tyrannical Government of Totalitarians Censors Satanists Communist-Nazi-Fascists to decide what is Journalistic contents." Font Morning News from Jovem Pan Radio of Bauru: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_AuiRhOUN3k✅ May, 23 of 2024 - I can not believe in this terror attack in Slovakia that is still heavily influenced by Communist from Russia/Putin because Slovenia was part of Soviet Union like Ukraine. See why I affirmed that: Bolsonaro probably forgers the terrorist attack to deceive Brazilian people manipulated their emotions and sensibility like a GOOD ACTOR to only get what he wants becoming PRESIDENT OF BRAZIL ONLY THINKS IN HIS EGO, NARCISSISM AND MORE ULTRA HIGH MILLIONAIRE PRESIDENTIAL PENSION THAT HE OBTAINED WHEN HE BECOMES PRESIDENT OF BRAZIL in 2017 UNTIL 2022 OBEY LIKE A NAZI-FASCIST AND YESMAN ALL UNCONSTITUTIONAL AND ILLEGAL ORDERS FROM ONU/WHO THAT DEPLOYED TYRANNY, SOCIAL CONTROL, TOTALITARIANISM, Experimentation, AUTHORITARISM, ALL PLAGUES THAT COMES FROM DICTATORSHIP, HEAVY CENSORSHIP, GENOCIDE, EUGENICS, ENSLAVEMENT, INFANTICIDE, POISONING OF MAJORITY POPULATION BY PLANDEMIC OF HOAX-COVID IN MARCH OF 2020 WHEH BOLSONARO SIGNS THE BILL 13.979... IN 2017 BOLSONARO VISITS CFR THAT WEF/BILDEBERGS TAKEN MADE TWO REUNIONS ONE OPENLY WHEN HE LIES TO BRAZILIAN PEOPLE AND ANOTHER BEHIND CLOSE DOORS IN SECRET WHEN MADE HIGH TREASON SELLS BRAZIL AND ITS POPULATION TO SATANIST DO WHAT THEY WANTS... 🚨 BREAKING: Slovakia’s Populist Prime Minister Robert Fico Has Been Shot, Rushed to Hospital Fico sided with Russia in Ukraine, rejected the WHO pandemic treaty, and ordered an investigation into the COVID-19 response and vaccines. https://vigilantnews.com/post/slovakias-populist-prime-minister-robert-fico-has-been-shot/ Follow @Vigilant_News 23/05/2024 - BolsoPetism is Fake Right Wing + Communist-Nazi-Fascists. Amy good student of Middle School notice. BolsoPetismo é a junção da Direita Canhota com os Comunistas. Qualquer bom aluno de ginásio percebe. — José Marcio Opinião https://youtu.be/CcmCJ0zbwRM 0:4500:28:59
21 Jun 2024
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipESTAMOS NA TERCEIRA GUERRA MUNDIAL / WE ARE IN WWIII ! 🇺🇸: The Dangerous speech of "Climate Change" - Scientist and Climatologist Ricardo Felicio O Perigoso Discurso das “Mudanças Climáticas” — O Farol do Brasil https://youtu.be/dLea1ux8jUs 48:36 June, 06 of 2024 - Traitor Bolsonaro done exactly what Nazi-Fascists done to exterminate more than 6 million of Innocents in Concentration Camps when Bolsonaro signs Bill 13.979 that was the deployment of social control, experimentation in humans and all that is evil that all Tyrannies, Dictatorships that are Despotic,Authoritarian,Censors,Feudalist Communist-Nazi-Fascist, Totalitarian, Enslaver, Infanticidal and Genocidal do that are Crimes Against Humanity, Satanist Antichristian Cruelty against population Hypocrites! If Bolsonaro that acts like a Nazi-Fascist of Tojo or Hitler he is killed long time ago if Bolsonaro was judged by Nuremberg Tribunal or Tokio Tribunal. Bolsonaro acts like Nazi-Fascista that obeys all illegal and unconstitutional orders from UN/WHO BY PLANDEMIC AND HOAX-COVID! If Nuremberg Tribunal or Tokio was active again they will condemned Nazi-Fascist Bolsonaro to be hanged and killed in front of all world! Who are you Hypocrites and Liars like from Evil Satanic Left to says anything about Nuremberg Tribunal or Tokio Tribunal that was installed in the end of WWII? Brazil don't participated of these sad events of mankind like these TWO WORLD WARS. Eduardo Bolsonaro: The phrase more listened from Nazi-Fascist of High position in Nazi-Fascist Army and in Third Reich in Nuremberg Tribunal was: "I only obeyed the legal orders from Hitler." By Twitter https://twitter.com/BolsonaroSP/status/1799568138968727715 June, 08 of 2024 June, 06 of 2024 - What kind of Right Wing / Conservative exist in Europe since 2016? A damn Satanist fake Right Wing / Controlled Opposition by Satanic Elite and Terrorist Left? What kind of Right Wing that wins in 2024 European Elections in a European Parliament that each politician like Mr. Nigel Farage expose to us in 2015 can't even propose a Bill and all Bills that are proposed comes from Deep State that becomes giant Leviathan of Bruxelas? Bia Kicis: Europe tired of left. The leftist agenda destroyed West and even young people are understand and choose a better future to themselves. https://t.co/73wCsjhW6q By Twitter: https://twitter.com/Biakicis/status/1800277089779667415 June, 10 of 2024 June, 14 of 2024 - The Right Wing (Conservative) have the obligation to have CLEAN hands and a CLEAN HEART because they affirms that they are Christians and Lord Jesus Christ says to all Christians to obtain Eternal Life and Real Soul's Salvation: "BE SAINT AND CLEAN OF HANDS AND SINCERE HEART LIKE I AM."18:09:45
29 Jun 2024
@dsilverz:matrix.org@dsilverz:matrix.org left the room.17:59:46
30 Jun 2024
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipO SENHOR JESUS CRISTO É A MINHA SALVAÇÃO E FORÇA 🇧🇷🇮🇱🇺🇸️👍🤝👊❗️: ESTAMOS NA TERCEIRA GUERRA MUNDIAL / WE ARE IN WWIII ! 🇺🇸: June, 28 of 2024 - "It's only ME and nobody else. Is prohibited the support to any new political leadership in Brazil that is not ME BOLSONARO." "É só Eu e mais ninguém. Está proibido o apoio a qualquer nova liderança política que não seja EU" — José Marcio Opinião https://youtu.be/ZujH27-dHxY 2:23 June, 28 of 2024 - Bolsonaro and Luis Inacio (Distorted and Totalitarian Dictatorial System) don't permits that new political leadership can surge in Brazil Bolsonaro e Lula (Sistema) não permitem que novas lideranças políticas possam surgir no Brasil. — José Marcio Opinião https://youtu.be/RuOo9z4MyYI 4:14 June, 28 of 2024 - The Theater of Two Scissors (Bolsonaro Nazi-Fascist , Fake Right Wing, Fake Conservative, Controlled Opposition, Liar and Traitor Vs Communist Luis Inacio) don't let that new political leadership can surge in Brazil O teatro das tesouras (Bolsonaro e Lula) não permitem que novas lideranças políticas possam surgir. — JoseMarcioCastroAlves1953 https://youtu.be/X7Uel_4Yu4A 4:14 ESTAMOS NA TERCEIRA GUERRA MUNDIAL / WE ARE IN WWIII ! 🇺🇸: June, 28 of 2024 - Who is the Liar, the Scammer? Quem é o mentiroso, o pilantra? — José Marcio Opinião https://youtu.be/KNUrRmeWkPY 3:13 June,28 of 2024 - Bolsonaro lied to Brazilian People and committed TREASON against Brazilian people and the true Conservative/TRUE RIGHT WING that elected him to be President in 2018 Bolsonaro mentiu ao povo brasileiro e traiu a direita que o elegeu em 2018. — JoseMarcioCastroAlves1953 https://youtu.be/uXYTxBypVOY 3:14 June,28 of 2024 - The hypocrisy of Fake Conservatives / Controlled Opposition and the blind of electors, the lack of memory. A hipocrisia da Direita Canhota e a cegueira dos eleitores, a falta de memória. — José Marcio Opinião https://youtu.be/mq3tjzsHFbg 1:00 June,28 of 2024 - Pacheco and Lira was elected with support of Bolsonaro & CIA Pacheco e Lira foram eleitos com o apoio de Bolsonaro & Cia. — José Marcio Opinião https://youtu.be/BSZhEwgMl-0 1:12 June, 28 of 2024 - FAKE WAR BETWEEN EVIL TERRORISTS (THEATER OF TWO SCISSORS) Pacheco and Lira was elected with support of Bolsonaro to be President of Congress and Senate. TEATRO DAS TESOURAS - Pacheco e Lira foram eleitos com o apoio de Bolsonaro & Cia — JoseMarcioCastroAlves1953 https://youtu.be/fcTbUtLypu4 1:12 O que fazer quando todos estão contra você? | Olavo de Carvalho — Olavo de Carvalho https://youtu.be/zJ6-dxhbCnE 13:4118:05:02
16 Jul 2024
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipESTAMOS NA TERCEIRA GUERRA MUNDIAL / WE ARE IN WWIII ! 🇺🇸: July, 11 of 2024 - Bolsonaro: "I always made part of " Big Center" (Satanist Left in reality) in politics, I always be cordial and I always agree with them". I always made part of "Progressist Party".Rarely I was out from this political party from ("Big Center"), declared Former President Bolsonaro . Ricardo Salles is the few people in CPAC that was made in Brazil in Santa Catarina State that denounced a sad truth to the members of CPAC from USA that "political parties that says that is from "Center" in Brazil aren't Real Conservative Right Wing but is PURE ROBBERY AND NAKED CORRUPTION". Ricardo Salles said what I told before here about what is to be Real Conservative Right Wing in West: Real Christians & Honest. Ricardo Salles detona Bolsonaro na CPAC - "O Centrão não é de direita, é fisiologismo nu e cru." — JoseMarcioCastroAlves1953 https://youtu.be/o16Aj64Yjss 1:30 Ricardo Salles detona Bolsonaro na CPAC. — José Marcio Opinião https://youtu.be/_eFU28zoGFw 1:30 Ricardo Salles detona Bolsonaro na CPAC. — José Marcio Opinião https://youtu.be/_eFU28zoGFw 1:30 O Centrão do Bolsonaro & Valdemar quer que o Brasil se lasque. A Reforma Tributária deles é a prova. — JoseMarcioCastroAlves1953 https://youtu.be/jztErY5deb4 2:29 "Big Center" from Politics of Corrupts, Thieves and Tyrannical Totalitarians like Communist-Nazi-Fascists are, "Big Center" in Brazil is a bunch of cowards Enslavers and Genocides from Bolsonaro and Valdemar wants that Brazil becomes Totalitarian Dictatorship like Communist China/Cuba and Brazilian People goes to slavery and death. Their "Tributary Reform" is the proof what all evil that we are denouncing about EVIL, TRAITOR AND DISHONEST Bolsonaro his first lie that he told to People in Brazil that Foro De Sao Paulo/Grupo de Puebla doesn't exist since 2019. O Centrão do Bolsonaro & Valdemar quer que o Brasil se lasque. A Reforma Tributária deles é a prova. — JoseMarcioCastroAlves1953 https://youtu.be/jztErY5deb4 2:2920:55:43
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipJuly, 14 of 2024 - WAKE UP AMERICANS IN NAME OF LORD JESUS CHRIST BECAUSE WHEN JFK WAS TRULY MURDERED WARREN COMMISSION INVENTED AND PUSH THE HOAX OF "WALK BULLET" AND AMERICANS SWALLOW THIS FRAUD BECAUSE OF SHOCK AND TRAUMA THEY FEELS WITH ASSASSINATION OF JFK, RFK AND MLK. If this terrorist attack was made against RFK Jr. I will not have suspect that RFK Jr suffered a Terrorist Attack but is of this corrupted Trump that we are talking about. This Trump 2020 until 2024 is not the same Trump of 2015. Again Deep State are using shock, terrorism and trauma like they used in 2001/09/11 with Terrorist Attack against WTC, massive economic crisis of 2008 and Plandemic Hoax Covid to deploy Totalitarianism more fast by SHOCKS WITHOUT END ONE AFTER ANOTHER. BOLSONARO AND BRAZIL'S DEEP STATE USED THIS SAME KIND OF HOAX WITH HIGH SENSIBILITY when Bolsonaro supposedly suffered a Terrorist Attack that until today Totalitarian Dictatorial System of Brazil NEVER INVESTIGATES, NEVER GIVE A SATISFACTORY EXPLANATION / SHOWS THE TRUTH OF WHO OR WHAT ORGANIZATION WAS BEHIND OF ADELIO BISPO THAT TRIES TO KILL BOLSONARO THAT WAS BRAZIL'S PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE IN 2017 and see for what direction Brazilian People and Brazil was played again in 2022. July, 14 of 2024 - This Terrorist Attack of Trump should be a HOAX of own Trump with Deep State to take off attention of Americans to all wrongdoings Trump are doing since 2020. Trump was one of responsible for all crimes against mankind including the MURDER ( THAT IS STILL HAPPENING) a giant poisoning, genocide and Infanticide never saw in the history of mankind of billions of children, adults, teenagers and elders with Covid-Hoax Protocol and "Trump Shots" AKA COVID-HOAX VAXX already that massive majority of Elders are against Totalitarianism and because of that they vote in Trump in 2016 and Brexit in U.K in 2016. Trump is one of biggest responsible to push GOP to Extreme Left and don't defends the Christian Values such defend and make part of Pro Life Movement (Anti Abort). The proof of what I am saying are here below: https://news.gab.com/2024/07/the-erosion-of-christian-values-in-the-gop-a-crisis-of-faith-and-politics The Erosion of Christian Values in the GOP: A Crisis of Faith and Politics21:00:37
25 Jul 2024
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipESTAMOS NA TERCEIRA GUERRA MUNDIAL / WE ARE IN WWIII ! 🇺🇸: July, 23 of 2024 - @DavidKnightShow This is what Totalitarians always do: tell lies without end to people like this that "USA needs a Dictator Thugs as a Savior". David Knight: Op-Ed Says USA Needs a Dictator Thug as a Savior From "Dark Brandon" to a "cutthroat shark" casino order.  Both parties crave a tough guy.   And, Will Trump Do Gun Control — AGAIN? Reagan did the Brady Bill, Trump has already done gun control by exec order and "red flag".  It should all be a red flag for his supporters — but it isn't. https://rumble.com/v573k1e-op-ed-says-usa-needs-a-dictator-thug-as-a-savior.html https://gab.com/DavidKnightShow/posts/112792757008570641 July, 23 of 2024 - @DavidKnightShow That is why I can't support Trump to be President again of USA. That is why I support RFK Jr. to be next President of USA in 2024. David Knight: Thr 18Jul24 David Knight Show UNABRIDGED AUDIO https://www.spreaker.com/episode/thr-18jul24-david-knight-show-unabridged-trump-assassination-insider-trading-dei-stand-down-what-s-real-what-s-red-herrings--60731649 All topics by time code in description, including... Trump Assassination - What's Real, What's Red Herrings? What do "Stop the Steal", Dzerzhinsky's "The Trust", and "The Cato Street Conspiracy" have in common? Trump's RFK Jr Phone Call Shows What Trump Knew All Along About Vaccines & How He Manipulates Influencers & Politicians Steve Bannon's Epstein Connection: Bannon's Billionaire Friends & Frauds ...and more https://gab.com/DavidKnightShow/posts/11280985720510561020:11:57

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