
مـقـتـ ـطفات الخـ ـلافــ ـة

144 Members
مقاطع ومقتطفات الخلافة -مؤسسة الغلام الدولادي 3 Servers

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16 Mar 2024
@abn1234:matrix.org@abn1234:matrix.org changed their display name from الأثــري to ﮼أبــو،وهـيـب،الأثــري ،.19:44:39
25 Mar 2024
@abn1234:matrix.org@abn1234:matrix.org changed their display name from ﮼أبــو،وهـيـب،الأثــري ، to أَبُــو سُفيـان الأنـبـاري.01:00:42
@abn1234:matrix.org@abn1234:matrix.org changed their profile picture.01:00:56
@abn1234:matrix.org@abn1234:matrix.org changed their display name from أَبُــو سُفيـان الأنـبـاري to ‏𝑨𝑩𝑼 𝐒𝐔𝐅𝐘𝐀𝐍.13:38:26
30 Mar 2024
@abn1234:matrix.org@abn1234:matrix.org left the room.13:14:48
1 Apr 2024
@jalal.mohammadi:matrix.orgAbu Muhammad Khorasani changed their display name from Mohammad.khorasani to Abu Muhammad Khorasani.23:33:50
9 May 2024
@abu_hufiza:matrix.orgابو ماريه changed their display name from ابو حذيفة to ابو يوسف المصري.15:10:39
20 May 2024
@abu_hufiza:matrix.orgابو ماريه removed their display name ابو يوسف المصري.21:07:28
@abu_hufiza:matrix.orgابو ماريه set their display name to ابو مريم.21:08:44
28 May 2024
@abu_hufiza:matrix.orgابو ماريه removed their display name ابو مريم.07:58:18
30 May 2024
@tinydancer616:matrix.org@tinydancer616:matrix.org joined the room.00:40:28
@tinydancer616:matrix.org@tinydancer616:matrix.org left the room.00:41:39
31 May 2024
@abu_hufiza:matrix.orgابو ماريه set their display name to ابو ماريه.07:09:14
29 Jun 2024
@riot29:matrix.org@riot29:matrix.org left the room.07:16:35
1 Jul 2024
@7714is4coming:matrix.orgالزرقاوي changed their display name from باقيه بإذن الله تعالى to الزرقاوي.06:55:45
@7714is4coming:matrix.orgالزرقاوي changed their profile picture.06:59:54
21 Jul 2024
@bhry13:matrix.org@bhry13:matrix.org left the room.09:33:13
3 Sep 2024
@7rab:matrix.orgذخيرة changed their display name from ذخيرة 🔪 to ذخيرة.10:35:03

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