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31 Dec 2019
@boris:sibnsk.netboris joined the room.01:47:54
5 Jan 2020
@niels:chat.datenburg.orgniels joined the room.16:25:11
6 Jan 2020
@sven:tchncs.desven joined the room.23:10:04
7 Jan 2020
@mateo:matrix.ordoevangelistarum.commateo joined the room.21:44:11
16 Jan 2020
@_slack_openlmis_B7JF9KDNK:matrix.orgtwitter @OpenLMIS: The DIAL Open Source Center has just opened their next round of Catalytic Grant funding- take a look and see how they may be able to support your open source software project! Proposals due Feb 23 #opensource #grants #globalgoods https://t.co/FeVAv9t4Qa 08:45:58
18 Jan 2020
@hanna:hackerspaces.behanna joined the room.23:49:27
24 Jan 2020
@_slack_openlmis_UC731KVBQ:matrix.orgRebecca Alban Thank you to Sierra for creating this awesome new OpenLMIS demo video in French! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qJeHHtqAUE 13:51:09
@ada:matrix.allmende.ioada joined the room.23:10:59
27 Jan 2020
@_slack_openlmis_UELGAHV6J:matrix.orgbtaliesin joined the room.10:22:45
29 Jan 2020
@_slack_openlmis_UBB6KN8JJ:matrix.orgWes @room Apologies for the delay starting the sprint showcase, I'm waiting for the Zoom account to become available 14:02:17
@_slack_openlmis_U195RKK4G:matrix.orgsbrudzinski No problem 14:04:31
@_slack_openlmis_UBB6KN8JJ:matrix.orgWes We're in! 14:06:11
In reply to@_slack_openlmis_UC731KVBQ:matrix.org
Thank you to Sierra for creating this awesome new OpenLMIS demo video in French! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qJeHHtqAUE
Hi Sierra. Will you please tell Olivier and I where we can find the source file for this and our other French videos? It would be great to be able to save them locally for offline-viewing.
@_slack_openlmis_UH7SCFL6A:matrix.orgSierraRedacted or Malformed Event18:37:00
@_slack_openlmis_UH7SCFL6A:matrix.orgSierraRedacted or Malformed Event18:37:51
In reply to@_slack_openlmis_UH7SCFL6A:matrix.org
Sent the one from above + another one I found on the Dropbox - Wes, Rebecca Alban are these stored offline together somewhere that I'm not seeing?
@_slack_openlmis_UC731KVBQ:matrix.orgRebecca Alban
In reply to@_slack_openlmis_UH7SCFL6A:matrix.org
Sent the one from above + another one I found on the Dropbox - Wes, Rebecca Alban are these stored offline together somewhere that I'm not seeing?
No I had only put it on dropbox and on YouTube
In reply to@_slack_openlmis_UC731KVBQ:matrix.org
No I had only put it on dropbox and on YouTube
Rebecca Alban sorry I don't think I was very clear there -- is there somewhere the other/older French videos are stored for someone to save onto their computer? I didn't see one folder in DB where they all live, but might have missed it.
30 Jan 2020
In reply to@_slack_openlmis_UH7SCFL6A:matrix.org
Rebecca Alban sorry I don't think I was very clear there -- is there somewhere the other/older French videos are stored for someone to save onto their computer? I didn't see one folder in DB where they all live, but might have missed it.
Sierra Sorry, I do not know if those older videos are stored anywhere. If not, I can download them from YouTube if someone can let me know which videos they want
@_slack_openlmis_UC731KVBQ:matrix.orgRebecca Alban
In reply to@_slack_openlmis_UBB6KN8JJ:matrix.org
Sierra Sorry, I do not know if those older videos are stored anywhere. If not, I can download them from YouTube if someone can let me know which videos they want
Sierra ah now i understand, sorry! The only place I know of to look is this folder on dropbox and there are some older videos in there but i dont see the french ones...https://www.dropbox.com/sh/fzahdye75b5djmy/AADkG0rmXjSOOtkuVMW5M2WNa?dl=0
2 Feb 2020
@fedor:ru-matrix.orgfedor joined the room.14:28:56
3 Feb 2020
@_slack_openlmis_U195RKK4G:matrix.orgsbrudzinski joshzamor Any plans to revive the technical committee meetings? I can take care of it, if you are busy 09:01:26
In reply to@_slack_openlmis_U195RKK4G:matrix.org
joshzamor Any plans to revive the technical committee meetings? I can take care of it, if you are busy
Thanks for the reminder sbrudzinski, I’ll put a calendar invite out today.
In reply to@_slack_openlmis_U03QATSPZ:matrix.org
Thanks for the reminder sbrudzinski, I’ll put a calendar invite out today.
4 Feb 2020
@_slack_openlmis_U03QATSPZ:matrix.orgjoshzamor I’ve sent an invite for the Technical Committee call this Wednesday. Also I’d like to start that with this discussion (please vote in the poll!) https://forum.openlmis.org/t/technical-committee-meetings-in-2020/5431 03:45:18
@_slack_openlmis_UBB6KN8JJ:matrix.orgWes @room We have the Implementer Product Committee call coming up shortly and I just wanted to check if there was anything that I should add to the agenda 07:10:27
In reply to@_slack_openlmis_UBB6KN8JJ:matrix.org
@room We have the Implementer Product Committee call coming up shortly and I just wanted to check if there was anything that I should add to the agenda
The current agenda is kind of sparse: https://openlmis.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/OP/pages/676266014/Implementers+-+February+4+2020
@_slack_openlmis_UC731KVBQ:matrix.orgRebecca Alban hmm would it be possible to talk about some of the upgrade activities that are happening (in TZ and Moz)? I know vaguely that things are in the work but might be good for an update 07:23:42
In reply to@_slack_openlmis_UC731KVBQ:matrix.org
hmm would it be possible to talk about some of the upgrade activities that are happening (in TZ and Moz)? I know vaguely that things are in the work but might be good for an update
Great idea! I'll add it to the agenda
5 Feb 2020
@_slack_openlmis_U1GKV2T18:matrix.orgkpalkowska Wes After a quick check, I see that we don't have French translations for the system notifications. In case of changing the date format along with the selected language, as far as I know, it isn't possible. If you want to change the date format you have to set the proper pattern in the .env file. 07:47:51

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