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poliastro for geocentric applications (commercial satellites, specialized gravitational and atmospheric models, TLEs)4 Servers

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8 Jul 2020
@astrojuanlu:matrix.orgastrojuanlu *

I said at the beginning that we would like to represent the area as a polygon. perhaps that's too ambitious and only useful for visualization purposes, and we could focus on:

the most relevant parameters of the coverage problem (i.e., ground-range angle Ξ›, elevation angle Ξ΅, horizon-boresight angle Ξ·hor)

@astrojuanlu:matrix.orgastrojuanluScreenshot_2020-07-08 1906 12318 pdf.png
Download Screenshot_2020-07-08 1906 12318 pdf.png
@astrojuanlu:matrix.orgastrojuanluRedacted or Malformed Event09:51:21

It is important to emphasize the magnitude of the ground range difference. The maximum deviation is20km andthis number can be considered significantly high for many applications, such as navigation mission and GNSS services,where the precision required is on the order of meters. Therefore, the spherical model is not completely wrong but itcannot be used in such accurate applications.


@astrojuanlu:matrix.orgastrojuanluwell, fingers crossed :) https://twitter.com/poliastro_py/status/128080542764777881710:06:55
14 Jul 2020
@astrojuanlu:matrix.orgastrojuanlu just discovered this! https://www.fatiando.org/boule/latest/changes.html#version-0-2-0 meuge do you think this is useful for us? 13:22:23
@astrojuanlu:matrix.orgastrojuanlulooks more lightweight than SHTools13:22:29
@astrojuanlu:matrix.orgastrojuanluRedacted or Malformed Event13:31:14
@astrojuanlu:matrix.orgastrojuanluand also https://www.fatiando.org/harmonica/latest/ 😱13:31:24
@meuge:matrix.orgmeuge Looks good!! But we should take into consideration that the package is in the early stages of design and implementation. That's what makes me doubt a little bit. 14:19:59
@astrojuanlu:matrix.orgastrojuanluyou're right, I'm trying to understand the roadmap with the authors https://twitter.com/poliastro_py/status/128303632511811994914:27:52
@astrojuanlu:matrix.orgastrojuanluthe authors responded - I think we'll have to keep a close eye on them :)15:04:14
21 Jul 2020
@astrojuanlu:matrix.orgastrojuanlu had some time to review the different repeating groundtrack algorithms from the information meuge posted, left a comment https://github.com/poliastro/poliastro/pull/984#issuecomment-661816355 12:09:07
29 Jul 2020
@danlub:matrix.orgdaluar changed their display name from danlub to daluar.18:20:58
30 Jul 2020

Related with issue #497

While having a walk I though about the following: should we implement this under new poliastro.earth sub-package? We might create something like poliastro.earth.plotting in which a simple groundtrack.py module could be placed. This feature might enhance the use of the new module focused on Earth capabilities.

@jorgepiloto:matrix.orgjorgepiloto *

Related with issue #497 about groundtrack plotter

While having a walk I though about the following: should we implement this under new poliastro.earth sub-package? We might create something like poliastro.earth.plotting in which a simple groundtrack.py module could be placed. This feature might enhance the use of the new module focused on Earth capabilities.

@jorgepiloto:matrix.orgjorgepiloto *

Related with issue #497 about groundtrack plotter

While having a walk I though about the following: should we implement this under new poliastro.earth sub-package? We might create something like poliastro.earth.plotting in which a simple groundtrack.py module could be placed. This feature might increase the use of the new module πŸ€”

@astrojuanlu:openastronomy.orgjuanluastro jorgepiloto I totally agree! 17:24:34
@jorgepiloto:matrix.orgjorgepilotoCool! I will add a comment in the issue πŸš€19:57:17
20 Aug 2020
@raahulsingh:matrix.org@raahulsingh:matrix.org changed their profile picture.12:46:46
6 Sep 2020
@rocknpools:matrix.org@rocknpools:matrix.org set a profile picture.11:53:52
7 Sep 2020
@astrojuanlu:matrix.orgastrojuanlu meuge: I think I'll be the first user of the new ground-range functions you implemented! so glad to have them in poliastro already 😍 14:22:10
@meuge:matrix.orgmeugeAmazing! If you any feedback as a user, we would try to implement it πŸ˜ƒ17:19:16
@astrojuanlu:matrix.orgastrojuanluScreenshot_2020-09-07 Double target study - Jupyter Notebook.png
Download Screenshot_2020-09-07 Double target study - Jupyter Notebook.png
@astrojuanlu:matrix.orgastrojuanlu hmm this is returning \Lambda_min and \Lambda_max, but I would have expected (negative, positive) in that case meuge ? 18:00:46
@meuge:matrix.orgmeuge I'll check that out. 18:02:32

just in case, I used these values:

max_and_min_ground_range(480 * u.km, 50 * u.deg, Ξ·_center=0 * u.deg, R=6371.0088 * u.km)
@meuge:matrix.orgmeugeIt's returning \Lambda_max and \Lambda_min. Buy if you prefer, I can change the order or the returning parameters.18:26:57
Download IMG_20200907_152554_748.png
@astrojuanlu:matrix.orgastrojuanluwoops! the order of the parameters in the docstring confused me πŸ˜…18:28:35

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