

31 Members
poliastro for geocentric applications (commercial satellites, specialized gravitational and atmospheric models, TLEs)4 Servers

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1 May 2022
@wybpip:matrix.org@wybpip:matrix.org left the room.20:51:01
21 May 2022
@y_n:matrix.orgy_n joined the room.20:21:45
9 Jun 2022
@earthshrink:matrix.orgearthshrink joined the room.22:33:46
1 Oct 2022
@vashlaestampida:matrix.org@vashlaestampida:matrix.org joined the room.02:14:05
@vashlaestampida:matrix.org@vashlaestampida:matrix.org left the room.02:15:05
6 Oct 2022
@ljbmyco:matrix.orgLJBMyco joined the room.13:19:13
@ljbmyco:matrix.orgLJBMycoHi, I noticed that in 0.16 Atmospheric perturbations were disabled, are there any plans for this to be reintroduced? 13:56:58
7 Oct 2022
@astrojuanlu:matrix.orgastrojuanlu hi Lawrence Bradley , could you expand a bit more? are you using poliastro.earth.EarthSatellite ? 10:19:49
@ljbmyco:matrix.orgLJBMycoYeah I was hoping to, but I noticed that when I try to set an atmosphere I get a NotImplementedError. Is there any way I can use an atmosphere in the propagator? 11:36:30
In reply to @ljbmyco:matrix.org
Yeah I was hoping to, but I noticed that when I try to set an atmosphere I get a NotImplementedError. Is there any way I can use an atmosphere in the propagator?
You can do that using the underlying poliastro.twobody.Orbit objects, have a look at https://docs.poliastro.space/en/stable/examples/Natural%20and%20artificial%20perturbations.html
@astrojuanlu:matrix.orgastrojuanluthe truth is that `poliastro.earth` is not in very good shape and we are not maintaining it as much as we should . you're the first user who uses it to my knowledge, so we'd love to hear your opinion12:25:48
@ljbmyco:matrix.orgLJBMycoOh that is amazing thank you. What I want to look at is how solar cycle affects deorbit time, with that in mind I was hoping to use the nrlmsise-00 atmosphere model from pyatmos, is that something that is possible with poliastro? 12:38:25
In reply to @ljbmyco:matrix.org
Oh that is amazing thank you. What I want to look at is how solar cycle affects deorbit time, with that in mind I was hoping to use the nrlmsise-00 atmosphere model from pyatmos, is that something that is possible with poliastro?

We have the COESA models and Jacchia77, but nobody has implemented NRLMSISE-00 yet https://github.com/poliastro/poliastro/issues/702

There's a Python library that provides it https://pynrlmsise00.readthedocs.io and also pyatmos, but it would need a bit of work to integrate with poliastro

@ljbmyco:matrix.orgLJBMycoThanks for your help, doesn't seem like it will be too difficult 13:03:48
@ljbmyco:matrix.orgLJBMyco changed their display name from Lawrence Bradley to LJBMyco.13:15:53
@astrojuanlu:matrix.orgastrojuanluKeep us posted! :)14:09:05
18 Feb 2023
@justinestrada:matrix.org@justinestrada:matrix.org joined the room.23:11:29
@justinestrada:matrix.org@justinestrada:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event23:49:51
19 Feb 2023
@astrojuanlu:matrix.orgastrojuanlu banned @justinestrada:matrix.org@justinestrada:matrix.org.08:22:45
2 Mar 2023
@cadair:cadair.com@cadair:cadair.com changed their profile picture.15:39:42
29 Apr 2023
@imlostlmao:matrix.orgimlostlmao joined the room.18:47:40
2 May 2023
@glownigger:matrix.ralnet.org@glownigger:matrix.ralnet.org joined the room.04:29:38
@glownigger:matrix.ralnet.org@glownigger:matrix.ralnet.org left the room.08:38:05
7 May 2023
@astrojuanlu:matrix.orgastrojuanlu changed their profile picture.08:01:19
20 Aug 2023
@fdst_hasan:matrix.orgfdst_hasan joined the room.10:51:35
24 Aug 2023
@childbump:matrix.org@childbump:matrix.org joined the room.21:52:12
@childbump:matrix.org@childbump:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event21:52:13
@childbump:matrix.org@childbump:matrix.org left the room.22:19:33
@astrojuanlu:matrix.orgastrojuanlu banned @childbump:matrix.org@childbump:matrix.org.22:28:18
8 Sep 2023
@cadair:cadair.com@cadair:cadair.com left the room.15:18:23

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