

375 Members
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12 Nov 2023
@quitist:matrix.orgWin Good
In reply to @zitronenhai:matrix.giftedmc.com
do some of you guys play training games on lichess?
Me, no. I haven't heard anything about it, so please tell
@zitronenhai:matrix.giftedmc.comzitronenhaiwell it is the best chess website, in the world, simple as that basically07:15:36
@zitronenhai:matrix.giftedmc.comzitronenhaiwhere do you play online?07:16:46
@quitist:matrix.orgWin Good
In reply to @zitronenhai:matrix.giftedmc.com
where do you play online?
I don't play online.
Have jwtc.android.chess app
@quitist:matrix.orgWin Good
In reply to @zitronenhai:matrix.giftedmc.com
well it is the best chess website, in the world, simple as that basically


Is this?

@zitronenhai:matrix.giftedmc.comzitronenhaiyes it is08:04:22
@zitronenhai:matrix.giftedmc.comzitronenhaiyall can challenge me to a game if you like:)08:05:21
13 Nov 2023
@yellotus:tchncs.de@yellotus:tchncs.de joined the room.07:44:44
@yellotus:tchncs.de@yellotus:tchncs.de left the room.07:46:04
20 Nov 2023
@neurob:matrix.orgRobo changed their profile picture.19:01:15
22 Nov 2023
@hugginmunnin:matrix.org@hugginmunnin:matrix.org left the room.15:23:28
23 Nov 2023
@copenhagen_bram:matrix.orgMike was a gift changed their display name from Copenhagen Bram to https://symbology.lhohq.info/.01:01:50
@eagleoptic:matrix.org@eagleoptic:matrix.org joined the room.07:42:21
24 Nov 2023
@eagleoptic:matrix.org@eagleoptic:matrix.org left the room.05:17:08
27 Nov 2023
@revengers-tokyo01:matrix.orgtokyo revengers joined the room.00:02:16
28 Nov 2023
@neurob:matrix.orgRobo changed their profile picture.11:29:15
30 Nov 2023
@ent1ty:matrix.org@ent1ty:matrix.org joined the room.02:15:08
@ent1ty:matrix.org@ent1ty:matrix.org left the room.02:15:59
2 Dec 2023
@outdoorsy:matrix.orgoutdoorsy joined the room.16:27:02
4 Dec 2023
@zitronenhai:matrix.giftedmc.comzitronenhaiwhats up outdoorsy?11:45:36
8 Dec 2023
@copenhagen_bram:matrix.orgMike was a gift changed their display name from https://symbology.lhohq.info/ to .i ma gleua li xo.21:48:09
@copenhagen_bram:matrix.orgMike was a gift changed their display name from .i ma gleua li xo to .i ma gleua.22:10:45
9 Dec 2023
@soggyrice:matrix.orgSoggs joined the room.17:29:17
@soggyrice:matrix.orgSoggs set a profile picture.18:51:19
@zitronenhai:matrix.giftedmc.comzitronenhaiHello soggs19:22:59
@zitronenhai:matrix.giftedmc.comzitronenhaihow are you19:23:08
@soggyrice:matrix.orgSoggsI'm great! I just now blundered my queen to a pawn 🥹19:51:53

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