
Public Homeserver Listing Coordination

165 Members
Discussion room for various lists of Matrix homeservers available for public registration. https://joinmatrix.org/servers/ https://wiki.asra.gr/en:public_servers66 Servers

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27 Nov 2023
@teutat3s:pub.solarteutat3s * Austin Huang: We have migrated our homeserver to a new server and our ISP changed to Hetzner. Should I make a PR for this change or do you make such changes? 09:23:10
@maranda:aria-net.orgMaranda Austin Huang direct statistical insight no, even so if that's the case I presume they still onboard on matrix.org 09:31:23
@maranda:aria-net.orgMarandaI mean joinmatrix.org is still quite cornered and hard to find, so that's still what happens.09:32:28
@maranda:aria-net.orgMaranda(aka they still mostly go directly from either Element Web or Mobile and there's no reference in there that I recall of)09:46:20
@austin:tchncs.deAustin Huang
In reply to @teutat3s:pub.solar
Austin Huang: We have migrated our homeserver to a new server and our ISP changed to Hetzner. Should I make a PR for this change or do you make such changes?
i do so manually since i no longer publish the whole data on git. anyways it's done
@teutat3s:pub.solarteutat3sAwesome, thanks!16:38:49
@austin:tchncs.deAustin Huang
In reply to @maranda:aria-net.org
Austin Huang direct statistical insight no, even so if that's the case I presume they still onboard on matrix.org
people on fedi seem to have asked about alternative homeservers (for which they did get their answer but they also seem to think mozilla.org is independent), but then it's fedi so it's already a biased example
@austin:tchncs.deAustin Huangi'm more asking is there anything that drove them specifically into matrix16:39:23
@maranda:aria-net.orgMarandaI'm not sure, I guess it's possible that some talking about Matrix took place on Mastodon Uno (an Italian Instance), and/or also Le Alternative (another community not fediverse related) but otherwise I have no insight whatsoever.16:45:00
@austin:tchncs.deAustin Huangah ok16:45:17
1 Dec 2023
@mechya:cadence.moeMegan left the room.21:32:27
3 Dec 2023
@ck:cutefunny.artCK changed their profile picture.23:58:28
4 Dec 2023
@cultparty:matrix.orgAndor joined the room.13:06:00
8 Dec 2023
@cultparty:matrix.orgAndor changed their profile picture.06:58:19
@cultparty:matrix.orgAndor changed their profile picture.07:23:05
@privetbro:lovesa.ltprivetbro joined the room.22:02:06
@privetbro:lovesa.ltprivetbro left the room.22:08:41
9 Dec 2023
@thelastguest:matrix.orgthelastguest left the room.22:25:43
24 Dec 2023
@maxy:matrix.orgmaxy left the room.16:57:19
28 Dec 2023
@ck:cutefunny.artCK changed their profile picture.18:27:45
31 Dec 2023
@q:glowers.clubq changed their profile picture.03:45:20
10 Jan 2024
@warkan:lolisho.chatwarkan left the room.01:50:59
11 Jan 2024
@weissbier:mtrx.failweissbier set a profile picture.22:40:19
12 Jan 2024
@weissbier:mtrx.failweissbier changed their profile picture.01:20:17
3 Feb 2024
@creme:envs.net~creme changed their profile picture.09:24:50
5 Feb 2024
@alec:secroot.xyzalec joined the room.00:05:29
7 Feb 2024
@creme:envs.net~creme changed their profile picture.19:43:28
14 Feb 2024
@alec:secroot.xyzalechttps://music.secroot.xyz/best Nice worldide radio12:54:41
16 Feb 2024
@lutoma:ohai.islutoma changed their profile picture.00:22:47
21 Feb 2024
@ck:cutefunny.artCK changed their profile picture.02:18:26

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