
Public Homeserver Listing Coordination

164 Members
Discussion room for various lists of Matrix homeservers available for public registration. https://joinmatrix.org/servers/ https://wiki.asra.gr/en:public_servers66 Servers

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28 Feb 2024
@farribeiro:matrix.org@farribeiro:matrix.org changed their display name from @farribeiro:matrix.org to Fábio Rodrigues Ribeiro.16:15:35
@farribeiro:matrix.org@farribeiro:matrix.org changed their display name from Fábio Rodrigues Ribeiro to Fabio Rodrigues Ribeiro.16:21:21
@farribeiro:matrix.org@farribeiro:matrix.org changed their display name from Fabio Rodrigues Ribeiro to Fábio Rodrigues Ribeiro.16:23:29
3 Mar 2024
@farribeiro:matrix.org@farribeiro:matrix.org changed their display name from Fábio Rodrigues Ribeiro to @farribeiro:matrix.org.04:26:40
5 Mar 2024
@hjstuk:matrix.orgHjST joined the room.12:08:14
18 Mar 2024
@malu:asra.grmalu joined the room.12:03:01
19 Mar 2024
@rpert:tchncs.de@rpert:tchncs.de left the room.01:04:11
@jboi:jboi.nl-> @jo:jo.wtf changed their display name from Jonathan to -> @jo:jo.wtf.13:06:53
22 Mar 2024
@derbogenschuetze:matrix.im@derbogenschuetze:matrix.im joined the room.20:56:55
@derbogenschuetze:matrix.im@derbogenschuetze:matrix.im left the room.20:59:56
27 Mar 2024
@birdfly:cutefunny.art@birdfly:cutefunny.art joined the room.06:25:20
@birdfly:cutefunny.art@birdfly:cutefunny.art left the room.06:34:54
29 Mar 2024
@weissbier:mtrx.fail@weissbier:mtrx.fail left the room.20:09:32
2 Apr 2024
@test123:imagisphe.re@test123:imagisphe.re joined the room.22:04:24
3 Apr 2024
@test123:imagisphe.re@test123:imagisphe.re 23:29:45
@test123:imagisphe.re@test123:imagisphe.re removed their display name test123.23:32:18
@test123:imagisphe.re@test123:imagisphe.re left the room.23:38:04
14 Apr 2024
@ck:cutefunny.artCK changed their profile picture.14:11:08
24 Apr 2024
@alec:secroot.xyzalec changed their profile picture.22:20:58
25 Apr 2024
@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net removed their profile picture.15:52:41
@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net left the room.16:01:11
27 Apr 2024
@q:glowers.clubq changed their display name from q to queue.00:37:53
@q:glowers.clubq changed their display name from queue to q⠀.01:04:30
3 May 2024
@aktyuio:matrix.org@aktyuio:matrix.org joined the room.11:06:38
@aktyuio:matrix.org@aktyuio:matrix.org joined the room.11:20:14
@aktyuio:matrix.org@aktyuio:matrix.org left the room.11:20:14
27 May 2024
@eg:envs.net@eg:envs.net left the room.21:06:05
28 May 2024
@xt7:matrix.org@xt7:matrix.org joined the room.12:05:47
@xt7:matrix.org@xt7:matrix.org left the room.12:07:57
2 Jun 2024
@haldorsen:matrix.org@haldorsen:matrix.org changed their display name from haldorsen to Arne D.19:52:40

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