
Public Homeserver Listing Coordination

165 Members
Discussion room for various lists of Matrix homeservers available for public registration. https://joinmatrix.org/servers/ https://wiki.asra.gr/en:public_servers66 Servers

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8 Oct 2023
@hygna:projectsegfau.lt@hygna:projectsegfau.lt removed their display name Hygna.04:38:09
@hygna:projectsegfau.lt@hygna:projectsegfau.lt left the room.04:40:18
@rottenwheel:nokyc.im@rottenwheel:nokyc.im removed their profile picture.14:20:56
@rottenwheel:nokyc.im@rottenwheel:nokyc.im removed their display name rottenwheel.14:45:07
@rottenwheel:nokyc.im@rottenwheel:nokyc.im left the room.15:01:39
9 Oct 2023
@lmfaodude123456:tchncs.de@lmfaodude123456:tchncs.de joined the room.21:26:11
11 Oct 2023
@lmfaodude123456:tchncs.de@lmfaodude123456:tchncs.de removed their display name lmfaodude123456.01:27:43
@lmfaodude123456:tchncs.de@lmfaodude123456:tchncs.de left the room.01:27:52
16 Oct 2023
@q:glowers.clubq changed their profile picture.01:47:50
20 Oct 2023
@bbaovanc:envs.net@bbaovanc:envs.net left the room.04:20:33
24 Oct 2023
@jeandmer:deep.fojeandmer DM OPEN joined the room.15:35:13
25 Oct 2023
@q:glowers.clubq changed their profile picture.00:12:42
@q:glowers.clubq changed their profile picture.00:13:17
31 Oct 2023
@jlj:asra.grJ changed their profile picture.21:45:56
2 Nov 2023
@q:glowers.clubqRedacted or Malformed Event03:28:30
12 Nov 2023
@austin:tchncs.deAustin Huang Philantrop 🏳️‍🌈 [mailstation.de]: do you still plan to make your homeserver public? 21:43:47
3 Nov 2023
@q:glowers.clubq changed their profile picture.00:06:27
4 Nov 2023
@feralowl3343:cutefunny.artferalowl3343 joined the room.06:29:49
12 Nov 2023
@philantrop:mailstation.dePhilantrop 🏳️‍🌈
In reply to @austin:tchncs.de
Philantrop 🏳️‍🌈 [mailstation.de]: do you still plan to make your homeserver public?
It was for years and temporarily isn't. So, yes.
@austin:tchncs.deAustin Huang
In reply to @philantrop:mailstation.de
It was for years and temporarily isn't. So, yes.
ah ok
@austin:tchncs.deAustin Huangyeah the situation of matrix homeservers remain not great21:45:57
@philantrop:mailstation.dePhilantrop 🏳️‍🌈Indeed. I've had some rather "unsavoury" users lately and while I got rid of them, I still need to reopen fully.21:47:07
13 Nov 2023
@ck:cutefunny.artCK changed their profile picture.06:02:40
@yellotus:tchncs.de@yellotus:tchncs.de joined the room.08:05:30
@yellotus:tchncs.de@yellotus:tchncs.de left the room.08:07:15
14 Nov 2023
@louipc:matrix.orglouipc.mwhat if you just have extra verification steps03:02:39
@austin:tchncs.deAustin Huangregistration is honestly the least of concern03:02:56
@austin:tchncs.deAustin Huangd a t a b a s e03:03:00
@austin:tchncs.deAustin Huangs t o r a g e03:03:05

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