2 Sep 2020 |
| alo01 changed the history visibility to "world_readable" from "shared". | 08:50:51 |
| youngy1997 joined the room. | 08:53:20 |
| isisk joined the room. | 08:53:49 |
| rexvady joined the room. | 08:55:09 |
| 12haytem joined the room. | 08:59:19 |
| @weirdo432:matrix.org joined the room. | 09:02:34 |
| dekillar joined the room. | 09:05:21 |
| @weirdo432:matrix.org left the room. | 09:05:44 |
| scity23 joined the room. | 15:27:18 |
| lightfire19 joined the room. | 17:44:41 |
4 Sep 2020 |
| mfw joined the room. | 08:54:19 |
8 Sep 2020 |
| @rayman02:matrix.org joined the room. | 23:54:40 |
| @rayman02:matrix.org left the room. | 23:57:46 |
10 Sep 2020 |
| The Darwin's Game joined the room. | 04:26:17 |
| The Darwin's Game left the room. | 04:28:48 |
11 Sep 2020 |
| veronica4666 joined the room. | 12:48:17 |
| veronica4666 left the room. | 12:50:30 |
12 Sep 2020 |
| 73hija56 joined the room. | 09:11:38 |
| gh0st joined the room. | 12:13:41 |
| gh0st changed their display name from gh0st to Kasper the doomed ghost. | 18:36:53 |
13 Sep 2020 |
| beeborp joined the room. | 03:56:49 |
| beeborp left the room. | 03:57:01 |
| gh0st changed their display name from Kasper the doomed ghost to gh0st. | 11:55:59 |
19 Sep 2020 |
| 73hija56 changed their display name from niepodejrzanekonto to 73hija56. | 07:16:16 |
| 73hija56 left the room. | 07:22:13 |
27 Sep 2020 |
| jimmyj254 joined the room. | 09:28:29 |
1 Oct 2020 |
| xlabyrinthx joined the room. | 06:11:15 |
| xlabyrinthx left the room. | 06:27:26 |
| xlabyrinthx joined the room. | 08:57:24 |
| Zach Wadsworth ID Z6L joined the room. | 20:30:06 |