
Apothecary Community

592 Members
Welcome alchemists! Read the code of conduct at https://the-apothecary.club/coc/ The Apothecary is a welcoming left-leaning community, a minority friendly space, a place of self-expression. The community is heavily moderated for the safety and comfort of our members, if that’s not something you’re comfortable with, this isn’t the space for you. Be respectful of others, even those you don’t understand.131 Servers

1249 users have interacted with this room.
Page 2
MXIDAvatarDisplay NamePower Level
@0xmrtt:envs.net@0xmrtt:envs.net0xMRTT [envs.net]User(0)
@thrinath.krishanmoorthy:matrix.org@thrinath.krishanmoorthy:matrix.org3 Moorthy (‪thri‬)User(0)
@strobilus:envs.net@strobilus:envs.net@strobilus:envs.net / xs@im.apinc.orgUser(0)
@twistedakai:matrix.org@twistedakai:matrix.orgAkai (she/her)User(0)
@n0where:matrix.org@n0where:matrix.orgAlexa (They/It/She)User(0)
@alicia:rory.gay@alicia:rory.gayAlicia [it/she]User(0)