
Life vs Transhumanism

325 Members
Counterbalancing the Ahrimanic onslaught of Trans-humanism6 Servers

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9 Sep 2023
@_discord_489213565153181706:t2bot.iovalps changed their display name from valps#0 to valps.19:10:20
11 Sep 2023
@_discord_961027196955267145:t2bot.io.cosmic_void. joined the room.03:00:13
12 Sep 2023
@_discord_266594437281349632:t2bot.iobojangxx joined the room.12:19:10
13 Sep 2023
@_discord_795848334245101578:t2bot.iojmichelen changed their display name from JMichelen to jmichelen#0.22:14:46
@_discord_795848334245101578:t2bot.iojmichelen changed their display name from jmichelen#0 to jmichelen.22:14:57
20 Sep 2023
@antaolja:matrix.org@antaolja:matrix.org joined the room.12:34:43
@antaolja:matrix.org@antaolja:matrix.organother dead chat yay14:27:52
@antaolja:matrix.org@antaolja:matrix.orgcan somone tell me how to free my brain from my body14:28:16
@antaolja:matrix.org@antaolja:matrix.orgfree my mind from my brain even14:28:24
@antaolja:matrix.org@antaolja:matrix.orgi dont like this rotting peice of meat im trapped in14:29:16
@antaolja:matrix.org@antaolja:matrix.orgok well im gonna go do drugs to cope i guess15:41:42
@antaolja:matrix.org@antaolja:matrix.org left the room.15:41:56
21 Sep 2023
@_discord_315278258050564103:t2bot.io⛧ ឵឵឵ well 10:12:03
@_discord_315278258050564103:t2bot.io⛧ ឵឵឵ Just be patient, alright 10:12:18
25 Sep 2023
@_discord_570833055313428483:t2bot.ioAether Force#8582 This discord is old. I will eventually revive it, but most of our community is engaging on the telegram channel now. Find the invite link on the Aether Force website homepage. 03:14:24
@_discord_570833055313428483:t2bot.ioAether Force#8582 That's the exact opposite of freeing your mind. 03:14:50
27 Sep 2023
@wsam:matrix.org@wsam:matrix.org changed their display name from Wsam Wsamtop to awesome.14:13:05
@wsam:matrix.org@wsam:matrix.org set a profile picture.14:15:54
29 Sep 2023
@_discord_849048478737760317:t2bot.iodutchymccloud joined the room.02:08:40
@_discord_1100490612043681853:t2bot.iokamari_hikari joined the room.03:47:31
30 Sep 2023
@wsam:matrix.org@wsam:matrix.org changed their display name from awesome to zeko.17:12:38
@wsam:matrix.org@wsam:matrix.org changed their profile picture.17:14:18
2 Oct 2023
@temp4096:matrix.org@temp4096:matrix.org joined the room.12:26:59
3 Oct 2023
@temp4096:matrix.org@temp4096:matrix.org left the room.09:05:53
8 Oct 2023
@dr.deathd-fying:halogen.city@dr.deathd-fying:halogen.city left the room.20:16:01
11 Oct 2023
@_discord_899133975094759474:t2bot.io```|)161741 ¢0¢41|\|3``` changed their display name from cochain4#0 to ```|)161741 ¢0¢41|\|3```.08:21:45
@wsam:matrix.org@wsam:matrix.org changed their profile picture.21:52:33
17 Oct 2023
@_discord_877864947328118854:t2bot.iognothi93#0 changed their display name from Gnothi#1577 to gnothi93#0.04:03:00
20 Oct 2023
@_discord_510155738946207754:t2bot.iocontemporarydetails joined the room.13:56:25
25 Oct 2023
@_discord_399271761822220290:t2bot.ioess.jay joined the room.23:14:18

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