
🔵[Closed] Gold Room 🔵

15 Members
Best of Global Content: no chat, just post and a brief description of content you thought was excellent. Phoenix Project content creators are encouraged to add their work here, will be updated every two weeks on the website.6 Servers

62 users have interacted with this room.
Page 1
MXIDAvatarDisplay NamePower Level
@blackcatandrabbit:matrix.org@blackcatandrabbit:matrix.orgBlack CatAdmin(100)
@blackcat:kde.org@blackcat:kde.orgBlack CatAdmin(100)
@ixquick:kde.org@ixquick:kde.orgIxquick <KDE>Admin(100)
@palingenesis:kde.org@palingenesis:kde.orgPalingenesis <KDE>Admin(100)
@tpp.admin:ubersm.art@tpp.admin:ubersm.art[Admin Access]Admin(100)
@oriot:nerdsin.space@oriot:nerdsin.spaceoriot 🌠User(0)
@oriot:matrix.org@oriot:matrix.orgoriot 🔱User(0)