
SchildiChat Web/Desktop

790 Members
Discussion about SchildiChat Web/Desktop | FAQ: https://schildi.chat/desktop/faq/ | Bugs: https://github.com/SchildiChat/schildichat-desktop/issues | Translations: https://translate.schildi.chat/projects/schildichat/237 Servers

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23 Jul 2024
@cadence:cadence.moemario sports mix [she/her]if you want to use a different programming language you should look for a client that's already written in it07:50:07
@omnibutcher777:matrix.orghaunted.efiah okay, just that im running it on a sandy bridge pc.07:50:54
In reply to @omnibutcher777:matrix.org
does spirtcroc have any plans on rewriting it in any other language?

Well it’s a fork from the Element Desktop client with some additional changes

Since the official one is written in React I doubt they will change this

Unless they plan to create a second project and another client written in another language that won’t happen

There are other clients written in other languages though. I think Nheko for example is written in C++ etc.

In reply to @brayd:chat.braydmedia.de

Well it’s a fork from the Element Desktop client with some additional changes

Since the official one is written in React I doubt they will change this

Unless they plan to create a second project and another client written in another language that won’t happen

There are other clients written in other languages though. I think Nheko for example is written in C++ etc.

@cadence:cadence.moemario sports mix [she/her]
In reply to @omnibutcher777:matrix.org
ah okay, just that im running it on a sandy bridge pc.
It's not supposed to be sandy. It's probably supposed to be made of silicon...
In reply to @cadence:cadence.moe
It's not supposed to be sandy. It's probably supposed to be made of silicon...
lol, sand has silicon though !
@cadence:cadence.moemario sports mix [she/her]oh true08:01:22
@cadence:cadence.moemario sports mix [she/her]you should be good then08:01:24
24 Jul 2024
@modbot:spiritcroc.deModerator banned @revenant159:mainframe.line.pmSmither260 (suspicious/unexplained room link on join).05:37:51
@redstone-menace:matrix.orgRedstone changed their display name from redstone-menace to Redstone.10:17:08
@prospero1:matrix.orgprospero1 joined the room.10:23:24
@prospero1:matrix.orgprospero1 left the room.10:24:48
@maslomaslane107:matrix.orgmaslomaslane107 joined the room.17:19:17
@maslomaslane107:matrix.orgmaslomaslane107 left the room.17:21:53
@kaya:catnip.eekaya changed their profile picture.21:51:18
@koka-mate:matrix.gallant.lolTopin⩜mbur 🏴 (er) changed their profile picture.22:18:35
@koka-mate:matrix.gallant.lolTopin⩜mbur 🏴 (er) changed their profile picture.22:23:55
@koka-mate:matrix.gallant.lolTopin⩜mbur 🏴 (er) changed their profile picture.22:24:39
@koka-mate:matrix.gallant.lolTopin⩜mbur 🏴 (er) changed their profile picture.22:31:18
@koka-mate:matrix.gallant.lolTopin⩜mbur 🏴 (er) changed their profile picture.22:33:49
@koka-mate:matrix.gallant.lolTopin⩜mbur 🏴 (er) changed their profile picture.22:36:06
@koka-mate:matrix.gallant.lolTopin⩜mbur 🏴 (er) changed their profile picture.22:37:21
@koka-mate:matrix.gallant.lolTopin⩜mbur 🏴 (er) changed their profile picture.22:37:38
25 Jul 2024
@koka-mate:matrix.gallant.lolTopin⩜mbur 🏴 (er) changed their profile picture.00:09:05
@manito_manopla:matrix.orgmanito manoplaHow can I make a space?16:35:51
@a:the-apothecary.clubLea 🌌🏳️‍⚧️ changed their display name from Argon Faggiance Winter 🌌🏳️‍⚧️ (fag edition) to Lea 🌌🏳️‍⚧️.16:46:51
@a:the-apothecary.clubLea 🌌🏳️‍⚧️ In the sidebar with spaces, there's a + at the very bottom, you do it from there. 16:46:52
@manito_manopla:matrix.orgmanito manoplaOk, thanks for the help18:34:02
26 Jul 2024
@deviduwusus:matrix.orgjshsueudhdh changed their display name from Damiton Henrique to jshsueudhdh.03:13:17
@skivling:mtrx.nzskivling changed their profile picture.11:51:29

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