
Defcon Public

54 Members
An unofficial room for Defcon 28 "attendees" that prefer promoting open source software over closed platforms like Discord.13 Servers

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8 Aug 2020
In reply to @starless:cyberia.club
I'm about to go get a stack of Comcast Sucks stickers from my friend. Anyone want some?
Yes plz ^_^
@timmillwood:matrix.millwoodonline.co.uk@timmillwood:matrix.millwoodonline.co.uk left the room.18:40:12
@the_gibson:hackers.townthe_gibson {UTC - 4}
In reply to @logomancer:hackers.town
Eh, Spectrum isn't much better. I was hoping they'd be less of a ripoff than Comcast, but it's $80/month for 200 meg down and their salescreatures call me once every few weeks wanting to upsell
They don't cap bandwidth, and keep me @4ooMB for @90
@logomancer:hackers.townLogomancer [UTC-4]I'll have to see if I can get that upgrade, then.19:25:11
@logomancer:hackers.townLogomancer [UTC-4]400 Mb for $90 isn't too bad19:25:27
@the_gibson:hackers.townthe_gibson {UTC - 4}They are the best option where I am... AIAB, but this is the best I've got.19:25:48
@lrvick:matrix.orgLance R. VickAny favorite talks so far?19:46:52
@elixx:hope.net👾the war stories voice chat was interesting and fun19:50:47
@elixx:hope.net👾i've seen some other things but mostly been jumping here and there on the twitch streams19:51:31
@elixx:hope.net👾kind of overload, i plan to just go back and digest a lot of the prerecorded talks after the fact19:52:09
@killab33z:hispagatos.orgkillab33z joined the room.20:20:16
@starless:cyberia.clubstarlessOK. Addressing sticker envelopes now-- PM me your mailing address (US only?) and I'll send some stickers your way. here's a picture of one in the field: https://i.imgur.com/DZtazcc.jpg20:31:29
@the_gibson:hackers.townthe_gibson {UTC - 4}
In reply to @starless:cyberia.club
OK. Addressing sticker envelopes now-- PM me your mailing address (US only?) and I'll send some stickers your way. here's a picture of one in the field:

That is large and meant to be seen. 😈
@starless:cyberia.clubstarlessWhy print stickers and not use them? 22:51:07
@bekjut:jorts.xyz@bekjut:jorts.xyz joined the room.23:33:45
9 Aug 2020
@murph:hackers.townmurph joined the room.01:41:10
@sycophantic:fairydust.spacesycophantic joined the room.13:30:16
@paul_joat:matrix.orgPaul JoatApparently comcast sucks so badly you need to keep extra distance from their installers. 18:28:16
@paul_joat:matrix.orgPaul JoatComcast.jpeg
Download Comcast.jpeg
@airgoa:matrix.orgairgoa set a profile picture.19:49:16
@sibach:matrix.orgsibach joined the room.19:52:47
@c0debabe:hackers.townc0debabeI tried to leave the Discord server for DefCon but it didn't let me? 🤔22:57:05
10 Aug 2020
@the_gibson:hackers.townthe_gibson {UTC - 4}DefCon was not my highpoint of the year. I think it is best in person.02:02:00
@elixx:hope.net👾I think i'm making an archive of the discord channels03:37:24
@elixx:hope.net👾I'll make a torrent or something if it works03:37:33
@elixx:hope.net👾discord is pretty trash tbqh03:37:44
@logomancer:hackers.townLogomancer [UTC-4]yeah03:37:57

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