
Defcon Public

53 Members
An unofficial room for Defcon 28 "attendees" that prefer promoting open source software over closed platforms like Discord.13 Servers

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20 Jul 2021
@j3s:cyberia.clubj3s changed their profile picture.17:52:03
23 Jul 2021
@kir0ul:matrix.orgkir0ul left the room.22:14:21
26 Jul 2021
@arm:privacytools.ioarm joined the room.13:40:25
@arm:privacytools.ioarm👋 during safe mode planning there was some indication matrix better aligned than discord but no time to implement. Is there something for 29 or is this it?13:43:09
@lrvick:matrix.orgLance R. VickDiscord was decided as the defacto for this year too23:07:25
@lrvick:matrix.orgLance R. Vickand if you don't accept the discord terms of service you can't really participate in defcon this year23:07:43
@lrvick:matrix.orgLance R. Vickso sitting this one out23:07:47
@michael:productionservers.netK0HAXYeah, I'll be here but I don't want to support DEFCON deciding to use discord when a better (in my opinion) free alternative exists (matrix)23:28:43
@arm:privacytools.ioarmSlowdown mode seemed helpful, which matrix doesn't have. I could see having a couple of thousand new accounts and posts flood the network over a weekend being a bit of an issue for federated servers23:59:54
27 Jul 2021
@arm:privacytools.ioarmIf this is where its at I'll hang here too and try to keep the shitposting to a manageable level 00:01:11
28 Jul 2021
@arm:privacytools.ioarmGeneral question to all Any, in your own opinions, must see talks or communities this year?06:04:08
@arm:privacytools.ioarmI spent an in ordinate about of time in car hacking village (rooms) last year06:05:00
@theone42:matrix.orgtheone42I am always a fan of the car hacking village, but plan to spend some time in the rf village this year. Have not spent a whole lot of time looking at the talk list... Most of which can be seen on YouTube later anyway!11:49:10
@arm:privacytools.ioarmIs RF virtual? 11:57:45
@arm:privacytools.ioarmSometimes I like to play them in the background in real time so can chat about at the same time11:59:20
@theone42:matrix.orgtheone42 Not sure, they have done virtual CTFs before with rf which is pretty cool. "RF Hackers Sanctuary | @wctf" https://rfhackers.com/rfctf this was done last at Grimcon not sure if they are doing it for DEFCON. 12:08:03
2 Aug 2021
@gtc1977:matrix.orggtc1977 joined the room.12:32:03
4 Aug 2021
@supply_man:matrix.orgsupply_man joined the room.21:55:40
6 Aug 2021
@arm:privacytools.ioarm https://hackaday.com/2021/08/05/hands-on-def-con-29-badge-embraces-the-new-normal/
Badge looks awesome, by default can be used to (un)mute mic and change volume
@arm:privacytools.ioarm YouTube playlist is up
@arm:privacytools.ioarmYew hows everyone's defcon going? Got Human Plus yet?15:37:45
@lrvick:matrix.orgLance R. VickThe badge literally exists to augment a proprietary centralized privacy averse service... To encourage people to use said service.20:30:31
@lrvick:matrix.orgLance R. VickThat is pretty gross.20:30:43
@lrvick:matrix.orgLance R. VickIf you don't accept the terms of service of Discord, your badge is a brick?20:31:24
@mc_crash:riotdaddy.polytarian.comMC_CrashI mean the official defcon chat is on discord so defcon isn't privacy conscious20:31:39
@lrvick:matrix.orgLance R. VickThey used to be. I don't know what the fuck happened but technologists across the industry look to defcon for a sign of what is considered to be acceptable in terms of privacy and security. 20:32:52
@lrvick:matrix.orgLance R. VickAnd now this is a free pass for every conference to require Facebook or Google logins or whatever surveillance capitalism company they prefer.20:33:36
@lrvick:matrix.orgLance R. VickBecause if hackers can't even do better, then they will simply assume they can't either.20:34:16
@michael:productionservers.netK0HAXIt's not that hackers can't, it's that they wont do better.22:01:31
@arm:privacytools.ioarmHuman plus isn't required to access most of discord22:42:35

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