
Defcon Public

53 Members
An unofficial room for Defcon 28 "attendees" that prefer promoting open source software over closed platforms like Discord.13 Servers

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8 May 2023
@g-tenko-r:matrix.freyachat.eu@g-tenko-r:matrix.freyachat.eu joined the room.23:41:05
9 May 2023
@ralph:fx45.in@ralph:fx45.in joined the room.19:04:28
18 May 2023
@g-tenko-r:matrix.freyachat.eu@g-tenko-r:matrix.freyachat.eu left the room.03:59:12
20 May 2023
@ralph:fx45.in@ralph:fx45.in left the room.22:44:33
26 Jun 2023
@sabasakimiyanaga:matrix.org@sabasakimiyanaga:matrix.org joined the room.08:26:32
@sabasakimiyanaga:matrix.org@sabasakimiyanaga:matrix.org left the room.08:44:17
6 Jul 2023
@politeauthority:squid-ink.uspoliteauthority joined the room.01:36:49
8 Aug 2023
@politeauthority:squid-ink.uspoliteauthority changed their profile picture.17:05:36
11 Aug 2023
@paisac:matrix.orgpaisac joined the room.00:12:02
13 Aug 2023
@paisac:matrix.orgpaisac changed their display name from sac to paisac.22:33:53
2 Oct 2023
@temp4096:matrix.org@temp4096:matrix.org joined the room.09:23:51
3 Oct 2023
@temp4096:matrix.org@temp4096:matrix.org left the room.09:41:45
12 Oct 2023
@carm1lla:matrix.org@carm1lla:matrix.org joined the room.15:30:02
30 Oct 2023
@st.riot:matrix.org@st.riot:matrix.org left the room.11:24:29
6 Nov 2023
@2nami:matrix.org2nami joined the room.02:13:51
27 Nov 2023
@stankylongnuts:matrix.orgstankylongnuts joined the room.00:42:23
@yupyupyupyup:matrix.org@yupyupyupyup:matrix.org left the room.17:27:14
@duviri:matrix.org@duviri:matrix.org joined the room.20:32:56
@duviri:matrix.org@duviri:matrix.org left the room.20:33:26
7 Dec 2023
@politeauthority:squid-ink.uspoliteauthority changed their profile picture.22:28:08
30 Dec 2023
@lrvick:matrix.orgLance R. Vick changed their display name from Lance R. Vick to Lance R. Vick (DECT 5781).13:47:17
1 Jan 2024
@lrvick:matrix.orgLance R. Vick changed their display name from Lance R. Vick (DECT 5781) to Lance R. Vick.19:07:24
18 Jun 2024
@carm1lla:matrix.org@carm1lla:matrix.org left the room.07:29:03
31 Jul 2024
@murph:hope.net@murph:hope.net left the room.01:12:59

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