
Defcon Public

53 Members
An unofficial room for Defcon 28 "attendees" that prefer promoting open source software over closed platforms like Discord.13 Servers

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18 Aug 2022
In reply to @murph:hope.net
cel What is the room name? Sometimes those links can be....fiddly.
Room name "DEFCON 30"; could change that, and/or make new room.
13 Sep 2022
@hutchinson655:matrix.org@hutchinson655:matrix.org joined the room.15:47:55
14 Sep 2022
@bekjut:jorts.xyz@bekjut:jorts.xyz left the room.06:15:01
18 Sep 2022
@hutchinson655:matrix.org@hutchinson655:matrix.orgHello, Are you interested in making $1,500 plus additional $500 for diligence and hardwork in two weeks (legit) by sparing just 15/30 minutes of your time every 48hrs without no start up fee ? If yes get back to me for more details https://t.me/+rRk2pLTli4AzYjk005:13:45
In reply to @hutchinson655:matrix.org
Hello, Are you interested in making $1,500 plus additional $500 for diligence and hardwork in two weeks (legit) by sparing just 15/30 minutes of your time every 48hrs without no start up fee ? If yes get back to me for more details https://t.me/+rRk2pLTli4AzYjk0
Nice scam bro
@cel:fosdem.orgcel Lance R. Vick: ^ 18:11:17
@lrvick:matrix.orgLance R. Vick banned @hutchinson655:matrix.org@hutchinson655:matrix.org.22:50:54
21 Sep 2022
@carm1lla:matrix.org@carm1lla:matrix.org joined the room.09:29:59
@carm1lla:matrix.org@carm1lla:matrix.org joined the room.09:30:15
26 Oct 2022
@Xirzon:matrix.orgXirzon set a profile picture.00:02:33
17 Nov 2022
@arcane:hispagatos.orgarcane changed their profile picture.01:57:36
@graydrgn:matrix.orgWHO joined the room.15:33:55
@graydrgn:matrix.orgWHOHow to sign up for def con password cracking contest ?15:34:19
24 Nov 2022
@danjalchemical:matrix.org@danjalchemical:matrix.org joined the room.12:08:01
@danjalchemical:matrix.org@danjalchemical:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event12:08:09
@danjalchemical:matrix.org@danjalchemical:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event12:08:14
6 Dec 2022
@danjalchemical:matrix.org@danjalchemical:matrix.org joined the room.00:25:00
@danjalchemical:matrix.org@danjalchemical:matrix.org joined the room.00:25:06
@danjalchemical:matrix.org@danjalchemical:matrix.org left the room.00:25:09
14 Dec 2022
In reply to @danjalchemical:matrix.org
so glad to see this place is here
Me 2
@graydrgn:matrix.orgWHOWe’ve got a big DEF CON 31 announcement - the official Call for Contests and Events is OPEN! Now is the time to take the secret ideas you’ve been percolating and share them with us. We’re looking for new ideas and cool twists on more familiar ones. Pitch us something good and we’ll work with you to perfect it and get it on the floor in Las Vegas. The rules and requirements await your examination. Hit us up with any questions at info@defcon.org. We can’t wait to see what you’ve got brewing.20:24:38
5 Jan 2023
@murph:hope.net@murph:hope.net changed their profile picture.14:38:09
20 Feb 2023
@techbiotic:matrix.orgtechbiotic joined the room.09:39:47
24 Feb 2023
@jaimohxo:chamba.cloud@jaimohxo:chamba.cloud joined the room.12:20:52
2 Mar 2023
@jaimohxo:chamba.cloud@jaimohxo:chamba.cloud left the room.16:16:37
17 Mar 2023
@yupyupyupyup:matrix.org@yupyupyupyup:matrix.org joined the room.18:03:32
25 Apr 2023
@jabawack81:matrix.orgjabawack81 joined the room.06:22:38
29 Apr 2023
@imlostlmao:matrix.orgimlostlmao joined the room.16:09:20

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