
Defcon Public

53 Members
An unofficial room for Defcon 28 "attendees" that prefer promoting open source software over closed platforms like Discord.13 Servers

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12 Jun 2022
@toor:matrix.clandestine.network@toor:matrix.clandestine.network changed their display name from KarenTaylorGreene to toor.06:50:09
@toor:matrix.clandestine.network@toor:matrix.clandestine.network changed their display name from toor to t00r.06:52:04
15 Jun 2022
@arcane:hispagatos.orgarcane joined the room.15:05:55
21 Jun 2022
@better_sleeping:converser.eu@better_sleeping:converser.eu joined the room.17:23:18
@better_sleeping:converser.eu@better_sleeping:converser.eu left the room.17:23:34
6 Jul 2022
@toor:matrix.clandestine.network@toor:matrix.clandestine.network left the room.03:38:53
8 Jul 2022
@cyber_phantom:matrix.org@cyber_phantom:matrix.org joined the room.01:02:00
@cyber_phantom:matrix.org@cyber_phantom:matrix.org left the room.01:02:25
9 Jul 2022
@thurman_j:hope.netThurman changed their profile picture.16:34:25
15 Jul 2022
@Landofclouds:matrix.org@Landofclouds:matrix.org left the room.12:28:00
@thurman_j:hope.netThurman changed their profile picture.20:05:25
17 Jul 2022
@bribo:matrix.orgbribo joined the room.01:31:18
22 Jul 2022
@sycophantic:fairydust.spacesycophantic set a profile picture.12:09:38
29 Jul 2022
@thurman_j:hope.netThurman changed their profile picture.21:45:14
11 Aug 2022
@cel:fosdem.orgcel joined the room.08:29:44
@graydrgn:matrix.orgWHO joined the room.16:34:41
@graydrgn:matrix.orgWHO left the room.17:19:36
@cel:fosdem.orgcelHey 👋19:53:50
@cel:fosdem.orgcel Lance R. Vick, will this room be upgraded to be for current DEF CON? 19:54:06
@lrvick:matrix.orgLance R. Vickupdated how20:01:38
@cel:fosdem.orgcelThe topic is for 28, but it's 30 now!20:02:41
@cel:fosdem.orgcel In Element Web: /topic <...> or via the GUI 20:03:31
15 Aug 2022
Download IMG_20220814_174621.jpg
Download IMG_20220814_174502.jpg
In reply to @cel:fosdem.org
The topic is for 28, but it's 30 now!
Chat (unofficial): https://matrix.to/#/!boLnEssHtmSvAevKTi:matrix.org
17 Aug 2022
@cel:fosdem.orgcelRedacted or Malformed Event19:04:33
@murph:hope.net@murph:hope.netcel What is the room name? Sometimes those links can be....fiddly.21:02:00
@cel:fosdem.orgcel murph: It doesn't have a room alias 21:08:14

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