
X3: Terran Conflict

2 Members
X3 Terran Conflict. Part of the space: https://matrix.to/#/#x-universe:matrix.org1 Servers

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9 Sep 2023
In reply to @odanobunaga:matrix.org
Is it an unmodified game?
Is the ship part of a plot?
Does any of your ships or stations contain illegal goods like drugs or software?
Did friendly fire hit it?
No, I am playing vanilla.
No it is not part of a plot.
No none of my ships contain contrabands.
The ship entered the sector in a hostile state. I did not damage it.
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.netI read a thread and it said it can happen if I claimed a ship that attacked a station 11:17:21
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.netI did have 2 of these.11:17:24
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.netI forgot to sell them.11:17:34
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.netPirate ships11:17:37
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.netI sent them to a different sector to sell them.11:17:46
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.netThe military ship only follows me11:17:53
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.netI am in a very intense chase right now.11:18:05
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.netMy fleet is docked in a station and I collected all my satellites.11:18:19
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.netI have not been damaged but I did fire a lot of times to down some missiles that were after me.11:18:43
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.netI sold both those ships.11:23:45
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.netI contacted the hostile ship and did the apology thing.11:23:57
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.netIt is no longer hostile11:24:04
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.netI still have a doubt if it were the satellites causing it.11:24:23
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.netRead the forums a bit later.16:21:55
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.netIt was the claimed ships that caused it.16:22:10
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.net It is a feature in it. 16:22:15
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.netIf a ship damages a station or destroys a civilian ship. It gets marked and a hunter ship goes after it.16:22:47
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.netIssue is, the hunter won't stop the hunt even if the original owner bailed and someone else claimed the ship.16:23:13
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.netThe new owner will be targetted next.16:23:22
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.netThe only solution is selling the ship.16:23:30
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.netIs there like a mod which adds headlights or something17:03:11
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.netIt becomes hard to see the asteroids' outlines at times.17:03:34
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.netEspecially in sectors with no primary light source.17:03:44
@odanobunaga:matrix.orgOda NobunagaI've never encountered such a mod, but it has been years since I have played it.17:32:42
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.netIs X3AP the more latest version or X3TC?19:44:18
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.netWell I guess AP is because it is a DLC.19:44:36
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.netIt seems to be more popular on modding forums.19:44:47
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.netI guess the steam page was enough to point out the diffs.19:52:46
@r.t.redreovic:envs.net@r.t.redreovic:envs.netAP has a bunch more advancements.19:52:54

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