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11 Nov 2023
@_discord_314447193039962113:t2bot.io.thunderbold Hmm then the issue might have been a ground loop 19:38:20
@_discord_1127154833019912282:t2bot.iolummsmusik You are right. I learned my lesson from this mistake and gathered some experience with soldering other nice kits like the very easy little Rakit Mixer. Rakit delivered some high quality SAC305 solder with the kit which is a crucial difference to my former solder which did not flow so well. Also I increased the temperature to 350 degrees celsius which also made everything much easier. 22:28:39
@_discord_389139743381782530:t2bot.iopositionhigh#2735 for lead free solder that is common today, i go even higher like 380-390 degree celsius. however you have to be quicker then since flux will evaporate more quickly. 22:31:57
12 Nov 2023
@_discord_314447193039962113:t2bot.io.thunderbold 375 is my standard soldering iron temperature for when I need to solder through-hole 🙂 sometimes I lower it for ICs. But speed is important then, quickly apply the solder and pull the iron back 15:51:52
@_discord_1127154833019912282:t2bot.iolummsmusik Finally I did it! After crying and annoying my wife for hours I found a few mistakes. All things I have done wrong you can find in warning sections of the built instructions 😉. No I am very happy and play my MDT. And it sounds amazing! 18:17:22
Download 5A12B7F8-2940-4BAA-9BB6-5F5BB51964EB.jpg
@_discord_389139743381782530:t2bot.iopositionhigh#2735 Glad to hear that and i wish you much fun! 18:55:30
@_discord_625996495807578112:t2bot.io_314ter joined the room.21:55:04
@_discord_330932608055640068:t2bot.iosynthprof joined the room.23:53:10
15 Nov 2023
@_discord_1162771351430516766:t2bot.iotelemann_ Hello everyone 16:52:11
@_discord_1162771351430516766:t2bot.iotelemann_ set a profile picture.16:52:15
@_discord_1162771351430516766:t2bot.iotelemann_ I'm very interested in building the MicroDexed and I have some questions: First what exactly does it mean that the MicroDexed Touch is "Depreciated"? 16:54:11
@_discord_389139743381782530:t2bot.iopositionhigh#2735 Hi there. It meens you are looking at the outdated version. Where every you read that, there should be a link to the new capacitive version. 16:55:50
@_discord_1162771351430516766:t2bot.iotelemann_ Oh!!! Thank you!!!! 16:56:14
@_discord_389139743381782530:t2bot.iopositionhigh#2735 however depreciated does not mean it is broken, just that there is a newer version 16:56:42
@_discord_389139743381782530:t2bot.iopositionhigh#2735 main change is about the touch-display. 16:56:56
@_discord_1162771351430516766:t2bot.iotelemann_ Excellent! 16:57:11
@_discord_1162771351430516766:t2bot.iotelemann_ That's the one I want the touch display 16:57:28
@_discord_1162771351430516766:t2bot.iotelemann_ Thank you so much! 16:57:35
@_discord_389139743381782530:t2bot.iopositionhigh#2735 both are touch, but the newer one has a more modern touch 16:57:54
@_discord_1162771351430516766:t2bot.iotelemann_ The other question was, where is the parts list? I'm having a hard time finding the parts list 16:58:07
@_discord_389139743381782530:t2bot.iopositionhigh#2735 please take a look at the wiki:
@_discord_1162771351430516766:t2bot.iotelemann_ Thank you very much, I appreciate it. 16:59:52
@_discord_1162771351430516766:t2bot.iotelemann_ Hi I have another question.. I noticed that the new IPS Screen with capacitive touch offers two different versions: https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805739712245.html?spm=a2g0o.cart.0.0.4c6e4ae4FvwMuX&mp=1&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa4itemAdapt 21:53:31
@_discord_389139743381782530:t2bot.iopositionhigh#2735 yes one is without touch and one is :_) 21:54:22
@_discord_1162771351430516766:t2bot.iotelemann_ Which is the correct one to buy, the "Touchless IPS" or the "IPS with touch"? Thank you 21:54:26
@_discord_389139743381782530:t2bot.iopositionhigh#2735 please go with "IPS with Touch" 21:54:30
@_discord_1162771351430516766:t2bot.iotelemann_ Excellent, thank you 21:54:54
@_discord_389139743381782530:t2bot.iopositionhigh#2735 otherwise you will get just the screen 21:54:56
@_discord_1162771351430516766:t2bot.iotelemann_ Got it. Thank you so much 21:56:28

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