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30 May 2020
In reply to Comrade Yutyo
Dude, not the same thing tho.
It is
@telegram_1014020132:t2bot.ioLucas RotPlease stop22:29:01
@telegram_889905339:t2bot.ioTan AkıncıYou can't even use software from the source code due to NixOS' alienated file hierarchy.22:29:13
@telegram_170721898:t2bot.ioMatDifferent ways of packaging stuff 🤷‍♂️ I can't stand you blaming NixOS because you don't want to use it22:29:23
@telegram_889905339:t2bot.ioTan AkıncıIt was even a pain to add theme, because nix folders are read only.22:29:36
@telegram_1014020132:t2bot.ioLucas RotJust stop, your discussion does lead to nowhere22:29:37
@telegram_889905339:t2bot.ioTan Akıncı
In reply to Mat
Different ways of packaging stuff 🤷‍♂️ I can't stand you blaming NixOS because you don't want to use it
I have used it since November.
@telegram_909136296:t2bot.io@telegram_909136296:t2bot.iowhy can't different distros use the same package formats (e.g. deb/rpm)? they use the same kernel so the program should be able to run, why not add support for those formats22:29:49
@telegram_909136296:t2bot.io@telegram_909136296:t2bot.ioI see22:30:15
In reply to chinook
why can't different distros use the same package formats (e.g. deb/rpm)? they use the same kernel so the program should be able to run, why not add support for those formats
Diffferent libs, different packages, different kernel, different...
@telegram_889905339:t2bot.ioTan Akıncı
In reply to chinook
why can't different distros use the same package formats (e.g. deb/rpm)? they use the same kernel so the program should be able to run, why not add support for those formats
NixOS has an approach, which is to have the most alienated distro possible to not let anything to work but Nix package manager.
@telegram_889905339:t2bot.ioTan AkıncıEven basic server management is more strict than Ansible.22:30:54
@telegram_170721898:t2bot.ioMatI like nix and guix because they're independent from the distro22:31:04
In reply to Comrade Yutyo
NixOS has an approach, which is to have the most alienated distro possible to not let anything to work but Nix package manager.
That's the point of it. Would you use pacman on debian?
@telegram_889905339:t2bot.ioTan AkıncıLike, to install something properly, you either edit a long config file called configure.nix or make a nix script which is hard.22:31:38
@telegram_889905339:t2bot.ioTan AkıncıYou literally make software to install software.22:31:46
@telegram_909136296:t2bot.io@telegram_909136296:t2bot.iowas user friendliness a pillar goal of MerOS22:32:12
In reply to chinook
was user friendliness a pillar goal of MerOS
@telegram_1014020132:t2bot.ioLucas Rot
In reply to Mat
That's the point of it. Would you use pacman on debian?
In reply to Mat
then why use Nix
In reply to Lucas Rot
You can use apt on Arch with the proper knowledge and work. That's not what I meant
@telegram_909136296:t2bot.io@telegram_909136296:t2bot.iowhy not Arch for example22:32:58
@telegram_889905339:t2bot.ioTan Akıncı
In reply to Mat
That's the point of it. Would you use pacman on debian?
Its not the same dude. You can use npm and other stuff at those distros.
In reply to chinook
was user friendliness a pillar goal of MerOS
NixOS lacks a proper GUI for packages and options, that's one of its flaws
@telegram_889905339:t2bot.ioTan Akıncı
In reply to chinook
then why use Nix
Because its declarative etc, and the fact you avoid global package problems.
In reply to Comrade Yutyo
Its not the same dude. You can use npm and other stuff at those distros.
Yeah, finding your system in a strange and uncontrolled state. Or you package those stuff for the distro package manager letting it do all the work
@telegram_909136296:t2bot.io@telegram_909136296:t2bot.iowas MerOS originally supposed to be Nix22:34:16
In reply to chinook
was MerOS originally supposed to be Nix
@telegram_170721898:t2bot.ioMat* Yep, a user-friendly NixOS-based distro22:34:31

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