

214 Members
SPACE: #system-security:matrix.org14 Servers

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8 Jul 2023
@garblur83:matrix.orggarblur83 joined the room.18:58:29
@garblur83:matrix.orggarblur83 left the room.18:59:08
11 Jul 2023
@borgclown:matrix.orgBorgClown joined the room.05:10:11
@borgclown:matrix.orgBorgClown left the room.05:16:44
12 Jul 2023
@aldowy:matrix.orgAldowy joined the room.17:47:33
13 Jul 2023
@madsen:matrix.orgmadsen joined the room.21:09:50
15 Jul 2023
@avs:matrix.orga v joined the room.16:01:05
16 Jul 2023
@borgclown:matrix.orgBorgClown joined the room.02:50:21
@borgclown:matrix.orgBorgClown left the room.02:51:46
17 Jul 2023
@lapingv755:matrix.orglapingv755 left the room.14:09:42
18 Jul 2023
@kfi:matrix.orgkfi joined the room.12:46:11
@kfi:matrix.orgkfi left the room.12:46:49
19 Jul 2023
@donza:matrix.orgdonza changed their profile picture.07:36:28
23 Jul 2023
@wh1tedr4g0n:matrix.orgwh1tedr4g0n joined the room.07:55:16
24 Jul 2023
@bober182:matrix.orgbober182 joined the room.13:35:44
29 Jul 2023
@ded_bob:matrix.orgded_bob joined the room.16:43:35
@ded_bob:matrix.orgded_bob left the room.16:43:45
1 Aug 2023
@murkglider:matrix.orgmurkglider joined the room.21:16:06
3 Aug 2023
@borgclown:matrix.orgBorgClown joined the room.01:24:00
@borgclown:matrix.orgBorgClown left the room.01:26:26
6 Aug 2023
@madsen:matrix.orgmadsen left the room.20:57:42
13 Aug 2023
@matrixuser8500:matrix.orgmatrixuser8500 joined the room.10:47:43
20 Aug 2023
@sergiomassa:sibnsk.netSergio Massa joined the room.11:04:42
28 Aug 2023
@d33ds:matrix.orgd33ds joined the room.19:18:59
@d33ds:matrix.orgd33ds left the room.19:24:16
31 Aug 2023
@macros:matrix.orgmacros joined the room.08:27:25
2 Sep 2023
@insurgo:matrix.orgInsurgo aka tlaurion (AFK) changed their display name from Insurgo aka tlaurion (UTC-4) to Insurgo aka tlaurion (AFK).16:47:24
3 Sep 2023
@spirit-act:matrix.orgspirit-act joined the room.10:52:11
6 Sep 2023
@patropi:tchncs.dePatropi joined the room.11:21:23
@patropi:tchncs.dePatropi left the room.11:25:16

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