

524 Members
Centrists are arguably one of the most persecuted classes in history. Unlike minorities, nobody has ever received a job or scholarship solely because they're a centrist. In fact, there has never even been the opportunity for a centrist to self-identify as such on any sort of job application, college application, or standardized test form. Furthermore, whereas minorities are widely considered to embody coolness and attractiveness by virtue of their race, centrists have been historically stereotyped as smug a Space : #Centrism-gang:matrix.org3 Servers

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3 Feb 2024
@wilsonch85:matrix.org@wilsonch85:matrix.org left the room.13:43:31
4 Feb 2024
@dark-lrd:matrix.orgdark-lrd joined the room.10:41:36
5 Feb 2024
@kinilar:matrix.org@kinilar:matrix.org joined the room.20:44:20
@kinilar:matrix.org@kinilar:matrix.org left the room.20:44:49
6 Feb 2024
@jojo404:matrix.org@jojo404:matrix.org joined the room.19:20:17
@jojo404:matrix.org@jojo404:matrix.org left the room.19:25:09
7 Feb 2024
@lubitel_1234:matrix.org@lubitel_1234:matrix.org joined the room.11:04:58
@lubitel_1234:matrix.org@lubitel_1234:matrix.org left the room.11:05:58
10 Feb 2024
@navumbo15:matrix.org@navumbo15:matrix.org joined the room.16:21:29
@hgffttyyggfr:matrix.org@hgffttyyggfr:matrix.org joined the room.20:14:40
@hgffttyyggfr:matrix.org@hgffttyyggfr:matrix.org left the room.21:20:31
20 Feb 2024
@cryingyngisbest:matrix.org@cryingyngisbest:matrix.org joined the room.11:36:30
@cryingyngisbest:matrix.org@cryingyngisbest:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event11:38:22
23 Feb 2024
@elemelem12345:matrix.org@elemelem12345:matrix.org joined the room.11:44:18
@elemelem12345:matrix.org@elemelem12345:matrix.org left the room.11:58:47
24 Feb 2024
@unemployed_professor:matrix.orgunemployed_professor joined the room.20:39:02
@unemployed_professor:matrix.orgunemployed_professorI help students with their assignments at 12$ a page and 90$ a week to do everything for your classes (3 classes) Email: excelassignmentprofessionals@gmail.com Discord https://discord.gg/Rx7qzeSb Whatsapp: https://wa.me/message/FDGQO4WOEY5NO120:59:25
@ali09212915572:matrix.orgAli Shakeri joined the room.21:27:58
@unemployed_professor:matrix.orgunemployed_professor* I help students with all types assignments at 12$ a page and 40$ per a week of online class work (discussions, assignments, quizzes, exams). Discounts available if you have more than two classes Email: excelassignmentprofessionals@gmail.com Discord https://discord.com/invite/CEc2Ar4c Whatsapp: https://wa.link/twrr9h21:39:22
25 Feb 2024
@clarkson:plan9.rocks@clarkson:plan9.rocksIs it against the rules ? ^10:50:17
@clarkson:plan9.rocks@clarkson:plan9.rocks unemployed_professor say something to know ur not a bot 10:50:40
Download fa697548-7cb5-4175-b931-5723fa31bfc9.png
@clarkson:plan9.rocks@clarkson:plan9.rocks banned @cryingyngisbest:matrix.org@cryingyngisbest:matrix.org (pedophile).10:52:18
@clarkson:plan9.rocks@clarkson:plan9.rocks Solve this captcha unemployed_professor you have 30 min 10:52:20
@clarkson:plan9.rocks@clarkson:plan9.rocks banned @matthew_shearer65:matrix.org@matthew_shearer65:matrix.org (advertising bot).10:52:47
@unemployed_professor:matrix.orgunemployed_professorI'm not a bot11:36:38
In reply to @unemployed_professor:matrix.org
I'm not a bot
Solve the captcha then
@clarkson:plan9.rocks@clarkson:plan9.rocksGood lad18:54:37
@clarkson:plan9.rocks@clarkson:plan9.rocksSo anyways the channel is dead18:54:46

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