

524 Members
Centrists are arguably one of the most persecuted classes in history. Unlike minorities, nobody has ever received a job or scholarship solely because they're a centrist. In fact, there has never even been the opportunity for a centrist to self-identify as such on any sort of job application, college application, or standardized test form. Furthermore, whereas minorities are widely considered to embody coolness and attractiveness by virtue of their race, centrists have been historically stereotyped as smug a Space : #Centrism-gang:matrix.org3 Servers

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27 Dec 2023
@_discord_833044560878764104:t2bot.iojebralter You’re all sad pathetic autistic morons 17:34:46
@_discord_707536778248192021:t2bot.iofailedclown https://fxtwitter.com/Dexerto/status/1740130686277718087 23:40:43
@_discord_707536778248192021:t2bot.iofailedclown Jebralter yet to discover people have a social life 23:40:59
28 Dec 2023
@_discord_833044560878764104:t2bot.iojebralter You just can’t turn the autism off can you 00:43:41
@_discord_707536778248192021:t2bot.iofailedclown God doesnt give a cure for His curses sadly 02:22:00
@_discord_213776887296557058:t2bot.ioThe charming fella in question: failed clown donated 1$ 06:16:20
Download togif.gif
@_discord_533015155748110340:t2bot.ioMan, NormalIMG_20231227_005014_005.jpg
Download IMG_20231227_005014_005.jpg
@_discord_447859094339190795:t2bot.iohelp i lost my light apologies for not checking Centrist Gang more regularly, will work on it champ! 10:49:10
@_discord_833044560878764104:t2bot.iojebralter https://tenor.com/view/lets-go-champ-the-champishere-champ-gif-13636238 18:52:28
Download aMuQXf6AFem1IzajnYou1PXyGCtrMyXBYkIp14kZyP9_4m9izG-TbW9kiT3wiH6LwY4kq2d38k-bmAs800-nd-v1.jpg
@_discord_707536778248192021:t2bot.iofailedclown Idk they seem kinda happy together 22:14:36
@_discord_707536778248192021:t2bot.iofailedclown Not to mention i Dont see a lot of pictures of you with any girl 22:15:01
29 Dec 2023
@_discord_907029837410107452:t2bot.iocunnyking changed their display name from Whoretilla to cunnyking.00:09:04
@_discord_533015155748110340:t2bot.ioMan, Normal20231229_001905.png
Download 20231229_001905.png
Download 0F5D9441-7AD4-44AC-9318-808D37EE4371.jpg
@_discord_833044560878764104:t2bot.iojebralter Exposed 19:08:32
@_discord_533015155748110340:t2bot.ioMan, NormalTurbs.png
Download Turbs.png
@_discord_447859094339190795:t2bot.iohelp i lost my light i see you haven't changed your genocidal ways! 19:52:12
@_discord_533015155748110340:t2bot.ioMan, Normal https://tenor.com/view/jack-dean-tolerance-gif-10380835 19:54:36
@_discord_833044560878764104:t2bot.iojebralter This Is some really insightful information I’m glad you have shared it. 👍🏼 19:56:40
@_discord_707536778248192021:t2bot.iofailedclown Cat owners watching their "pet" drag their sixth rotting mouse carcas of the week into their apartment 20:30:09
@_discord_707536778248192021:t2bot.iofailedclown Honestly we should just declare cats open game 20:30:24
30 Dec 2023
@_discord_533015155748110340:t2bot.ioMan, Normal What's the most pathetic crime 18:37:14
@_discord_533015155748110340:t2bot.ioMan, Normal I'm leaning towards graffiti 18:37:21
@_discord_447859094339190795:t2bot.iohelp i lost my light i'd say smashing windows or other dumb vandalism is probably worse than graffiti 19:21:21
@_discord_447859094339190795:t2bot.iohelp i lost my light at least the graffiti doesn't usually destroy or really damage something 19:21:38
@_discord_447859094339190795:t2bot.iohelp i lost my light like breaking the glass at a bus stop is worse than spray painting cocks all over it 19:22:28
@_discord_707536778248192021:t2bot.iofailedclown Tossing firework at animals 21:30:31
@_discord_447859094339190795:t2bot.iohelp i lost my light any animal abuse tbh 22:33:02

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